Zlochevskaya A.V. And again about the mystery of the Сhernyshevsky’s image in Nabokov’s «The Gift»
The article deals with the Nabokov’s interpretation of Chernyshevsky’s image (and the phenomenon such a personality) in the novel «Dar» («The Gift»). The original genre of it is compared with the Nabokov’s autobiographic novels «Drugije berega» («Other Shores»), «Priglashenije na kazn» («Invitation to a Beheading»), Turgenev’s «Otsty i deti» («Fathers and Sons»). The author analyses the system of the motives and images in the novel «Dar», its stylistic singularities, the problem of the correlation of the historical truth and artistic truth, of interaction of aesthetics and ideology.
Key words
Nabokov, Chernyshevsky, Turgenev, Pisarev, historical figures, play-actor, game, biography, sonnet, pamphlet, allusions, creation of life, metaphysical, ethical, factual
Kedrova G.E., Anisimov N.V. MRI in linguistics and its applications: interdisciplinary approach
The paper follows main directions of modern interdisciplinary re¬search in linguistic studies realized with the capabilities of MR equipment (MRI). It presents most important achievements of such research for Humanities in general, with the special focus on its linguistic applications. The main areas of MRI employment in linguistic research and in applied research under investigation are: research in speech perception; research in speech production; research for applied linguistics – primarily for educational applications (language learning and language teaching); research for computer-based speech processing engineering applications (speech synthesis and speech recognition); research for needs of health-impaired therapy and rehabilitation; research for various areas in social sciences (demography, anthropology, etc.).
Key words
Linguistics, Phonetics, Applied linguistics, Health-impaired therapy and rehabilitation, MRI, fMRI
Sorokina V. Kurban Said’s novel «Ali and Nino» in the context of war prose of the first wave of Russian emigration
This article deals with the interconnections of the first wave russian emigré war literature with the novel «Ali and Nino» (1937) by Kurban Said. The reason of such the analyses lies not only in the common emigré destiny of M. Ageev, N. Breshkovsky, A. Tolstoy, B. Zajtzev, P. Krasnov, M. Osorgin, M. Aldanov and Kurban Said, but also in the typological community of their works. Published by the russian emigré in Europe in german language the novel on the Azerbaijan society was created in terms of the classical tradition and unites many genre forms of the russian prose – love, adventure, philosophical, psychological and educational novel.
Key words
M. Ageev, N. Breshkovsky, A. Tolstoy, B. Zajtzev, P. Krasnov, M. Osor-gin, M. Aldanov, Kurban Said, genre forms, tradition, war prose, the first wave russian emigration
Mojsova-Chepishevska V. On the cultural memory (through a simple and strict Macedonian song) [За културната меморија (преку простата и строга македонска песна)]
The short phrase simple and compact Macedonian poetry taken from Blaze Koneski’s renowned poem Vezilka has become a ‘symbol’ in itself of contemporary Macedonian poetry and Macedonian culture as a whole. The first part alludes to the simplicity of poetic expression (according to Juri Lothman, a consequence of acquired complexity, not because it is preceded by it, but rather because it occurs in its fon). The second part of the phrase suggests the poet’s rational control and self-awareness in the creative process. Both options – the simple (basic) and the celestial (heavenly / compact) seen as two extremes / oppositions intertwine and create the characteristic, unique Macedonian poetry. This text will attempt to answer the following questions: Should we not recognize in the simple and compact Macedonian poem, as well as in the Portuguese fado, the avant-garde poetry of point zero which shapes the world and culture with the faith in the real world – in the original?
Key words
simple and compact Macedonian poetry, original, cultural memory
Palij O. The interpretation of urban space in the Czech postmodern prose [Інтерпретація міського простору у чеській постмодерністській прозі]
Variants of interpretation of the urban space in the Czech postmodern prose are studied in the article. On the example of novels of J. Topol, J. Kratochvil, M. Ajvaz, M. Urban etc., main characteristics of the urban chronotop in compositions are examined as well as it is distinguished in its typical features: negative coloration, labyrinth character, changeability, ambivalence, mythological poetics. In the conclusion the syncretic adaptation of different chronotop models in the postmodern novel re regarded.
Key words
Czech novel, topos of the city, urban chronotop, postmodernism
Orlova T. Mikhail Bakunin in artistic interpretation Aldanov and R. Gul’
The article is devoted to the interpretation of such a contradictory historical figure as Bakunin in Aldanov’s novel («The Sources») and Gul’s novel («Skiff: (Bakunin and Nicholas I)»). The general and differences in their conceptions are defined, and first of all similarity in the creation of Bakunin’s character: this personality is viewed in the context of moral principles and ideology. The parallels uncovered by both authors during the comparison of history and modernity are recognized.
Key words
Aldanov, Gul’, Bakunin, Nicolas I, biography, revolution, anarchism, historical portrets, Russia and Europe, history and modernity
Rozinskaya O. Literary criticism in emigre Warsaw. Russian-Polish literary connections in the 1920–1930
This article is devoted to description of Russian-Polish literary connections in 1920–1930, determined the place of the Russian diaspora in cultural life of Warsaw in this period, its role in the propaganda of Russian literature. There is a review of Russian and Polish authors’ publications in the periodical press, discussed the activity of literary associations.
Key words
Kulakovsky, Fisher, Bokhan, Veber-Khiryakova, Bem, Z. Gippius, Merezhkovsky, Filosofov, Savinkov, Artsybashev, the first wave of emigration, Polish-Russian cultural connections, Polish periodical press
From the scientific heritage of A.P. Avramenko
This section contains two articles referred to A.P. Avramenko shortly before his death, the editorial board of the journal «Stephanos». He was the first who supported our initiative. Most of the materials was given to us at the request of the author posted in the online encyclopedia «Stefanos» ( – open scientific and educational project of the Philological Faculty, the initiator and leader of which was AP Avramenko.
Avramenko A. I. From P. Chaadaev into the Silver Age (A. Blok and P. Chaadaev)
In the article the connection of Chaadaev ideas and Block conception of Russian world are regarded. The author shows in what context the Russian intellectuals of the second part XIX – beginning XX Chaadaev’s «historiographical maxims» and his thoughts about religious content of cultury were perceived, and also the aspects of the conflict of Westerners and Slavophiles in the new historical conditions – in relation to the symbolist aesthetics.
Key words
Chaadaev, Blok, Vl. Soloviev, Gertsen, Pecherin, dekabrists, Slavophiles and Westerners, western civilization, Moscow – the Third Rome, ecumenism, Christianity, Catholicism, emigration, Silver Age, symbolists
Avramenko A. II. Georgi Ivanov: «dialogue» with the Blok
The article deals with the interaction of poetic systems of Blok and G. Ivanov. Ivanovʼs poetry of 1910, emigrant period considered in the light of constant throughout his life dialogue with the Blok.
Key words
George Ivanov, Blok, Yuri Annenkov, Silver Age, emigration, Blokʼs word-images, citationality, dialogic poetry, points of the contacts of Ivanov with Blokʼs poetry
Communications and Materials
Inter-faculty courses of Philological Faculty (Spring semester 2012/2013)
Spring semester was marked by a new for the Moscow University phenomenon – inter-faculty courses. The grid schedules of all departments allocates only two pairs when the students do not listen to their teachers and specialists from other departments. Faculty of Philology offered several courses. We begin the publication of materials in which the speakers (E.N. Kovtun, M.M. Golubkov, O.V. Dedova, V.V. Smolenenkova) talk about their experience.
Key words
cross-cultural codes, science fiction, fantasy, realism, modernism, postmodernism, modern Russian literature, hypertext communication, linguistic signs
Kovtun E. Inter-faculty course «Cross-cultural codes fiction»
Golubkov M/ From the experience of reading the IFC «The modern Russian literature and classics of the twentieth century: realism, modernism, postmodernism»
Dedova O. Inter-faculty course «Theory and practice of hypertext communication»
Smolenenkova V. Inter-faculty course «Language as cultural memory: the history of linguistic signs»
Moiseeva V.G. Summer School for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature: comments, feedback, impressions
The article talked about the Summer School for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State Lomonosov (2013).
Key words
summer school for teachers, schooling, Russian language and literature at school
Events. Names. Destiny
Savelieva O. On the conference «Classical Philology in the Context of World Culture»
The author tells about the annual International Conference «Clas¬sical Philology in the Context of World Culture» organized by the De¬part¬ment of Classical Philology at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State Uni¬versity.
Key words
department of classical philology, outstanding scholar at Moscow University
Savelieva O. Clara Petrovna Polonskaya and Student Scientific Society
The author reveals her memories of the work in the scientific student society of the department of classical philology at Moscow University.
Key words
department of classical philology, scientific student society, Polonskaya, Gasparov, Averincev, Shichalin, Tsymbursky
Azarov Y. The death of a philologist
This issue deals with life and work of O. Mikhailov, the graduate of the philological faculty of Lomonosov Moscow Unuversity, tragically died in May 2013. Talented prose writer, specialist in literary critisism, he headed for many years the sector of Russian emigre literature in Gorky Institute of World Literature.
Key words
Moscow State University, Institute of World Literature, N.K. Gudzy, P. Palievsky, V. Lakshin, V. Chalmaev, Bunin, Shmeljov, B. Zaytsev, First Wave Russian Emigre Literature
Domogatsky V.V. «Nither a crossroads nor a stone was there...». The last years’ verses
Domogatskaya S. The undissolvness of the spiritual atmosphere. On the work of V.V. Domogatsky – graphic artist
The article is devoted to the work of the graphic artist V.V. Domogatsky (1909–1986), which is considered in the context of the history of russian art of the book in general, and in particular the book illustration.
Key words
V.V. Domogatsky, book illustration, end engraving, art books in the XIX cen¬tury, «World of Art», A.N. Benois, V.A. Favorsky
Academic Life
IV International Symposium «Late Antiquity – Tradition and Innovation»
Round Table «The Dynasty of Romanov and the Russian Literature»
International Conference «Classical Philology in the Context of World Culture – V». In memory of Professor A.F. Losev
Sokolovʼs scientific reading – III «The Fate of Russian Modernism in the XX century». In memory of Professor A.G. Sokolov
International Conference «Baltic Languages and Literature in History and in the Modern World»
Conference «Language and Culture»
International Scientific Conference «The History of Literature in the Modern Humanities»
Notes. Impressions
Kravchenko T. Subjective Notes Editor. Features of the «male» and «female» modern prose, released by the publishing house «Eksmo» in 2012–2013
The article gives an overview of a specific topic of books, published by «Eksmo» in 2012–2013. The features of the «female» and «male» prose, the general tendencies of modern domestic fiction (genre specificity, choice of hero, plot moves, the tone of the narrative).
Key words
Elena Kolyadina, Eugene Vodolazkin, Ada Samarka, Maria Abbasova, Gregory Ryazhsky, Anna Matveeva, Vyacheslav Kuritsyn, Boris Kuzmin, contemporary prose, «female» and «male» prose, literary series, literary prizes, genre, plot, literary hero
Krasovets A. Impressions of a Translator. Goran Vojnovichʼs novel «Chefury out!» or Slovenian variations on the theme of «coming in large numbers»
In the article the translator regards the language of Goran Vojnovich’s novel «Chefury out!» and writes about what the perception of the publication of the novel in Slovenia. According to the author, the problem of «coming in large numbers», which puts the Slovenian writer in the world today is extremely relevant. This is due to the interest shown by readers of different countries, and Russia won’t be an exclusion.
Key words
Goran Voinovich, Bosnia, Slovenia, the former Yugoslavia, minorities, the problem of identity, youth subculture, urban subculture, multicultural linguistic heritage, obscene vocabulary, neologisms, vulgarism
Critique. Bibliography
Pilgrimages to the Holy Land XII–XX centures. Myth and Reality in Russia and Czech Pilgrimages / Danushe Kshisova. Brno: Masaryk University, 2013
Slověne. International Journal of Slavic Studies. Moscow: Institute of Slavic Studies
Lexicon South Slavic Literatures. Moscow: Indrik, 2012
Ganina Natalija. Nenarokova M.R. Carolingian eclogue: Theory and History of the Genre. Moscow: Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS, 2012
Ganina Natalija. Simone Mengis. Writing women around 1500. Scriptorium and library of the Dominican convent St. Catherine St. Gallen. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2012. (Scrinium Friburgense. Veröffentilchungen of medieval studies institute the University of Freiburg, Switzerland, ed. by Michele Bacci inter alia)
Savelieva O. Muses by the Mirror. The Antique Reflections in Russian Literature. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013
Fedko M.V. Proceedings of the center of Slavic and Germanic research «Imenoslov. The history of language. History of Culture». Ed. F.B. Uspensky (executive editor). Moscow: University of Dmitry Pozharsky, 2012
Zhuraleva A. Some of My Past and Thoughts: About Russian Literature of the XIX century. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013
Literature and War: Twentieth century: Collection of Articles on the 90th Anniversary of L.G. Andreeva / Ed. O. Panova, V. Tolmachev. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013