Iljina G. The Community of the Yugoslav peoples: a Reality or a Phantom?
The content of the terms «community», «unity», «interaction» of Slavic peoples to still inspires the researchers whatever the epoque and the sphere of knowledge – language, literature, culture, political and social history it is concerned. The current vagueness, uncertainty of these terms and concepts leads to a multiplicity of interpretations, depending on the political and cultural approaches. Only regarding them as historical categories will fill them with specific values and their transformation over the time as well as the functioning of the whole complex of symptoms of peoples community and their cultures or some of its components, to determine which of them belong to the past, which become the dominant value, and which turn to meaningless stereotypes.
Key words
Yugoslav peoples, community, unity, kinship of languages, origin, historical fate
Smirnov A. Significance of A.V. Kolʼtsovʼs Romantic Poetry for Russian Literature
The article under consideration deals with the problem of connection with the Russian Romantic Poetry of the XIX century. The analysis of the system of tradition reveals specific features in forms of the Russian Romantic Poetry of the XIX century.
Key words
Koltzof, the Russian Romantic Poetry, tradition of the Lyric
Mikhailova M.V. A.N. Potresov – the Critic
Presented review of the life and work of A.N. Potresov known political figure, publicist, literary critic, member of the The Russian Social-Democratic Party, the ideologist of «menshevism».
Key words
Potresov, Plekhanov, N.F. Annensky, P.B. Struve, V.I. Lenin, the journal «Zarja», newspapers «Iskra», «Nachalo», «Kourjer», «Nevsky golos», «Otkliki sovremennosti», the journal «Nasha zarja», bi-weekly «Delo», russian marxists, social-democrats, the bolsheviks and the mensheviks, the First Russian Revolution, «liquidatorstvo», «Union of Russia’s revival», russian revolutions in 1917, the emigration, «Dni» (A. Kerensky), «Biblioteka democraticheskogo socialisma», the journal «Zapiski social-demokrata»
Domogatskaya S. Nikolay Nikolajevich Ge. Person and Painter (1831–1894).
The article is devoted to the personal and creative life of N.N. Ge, to the perception of his work by Russian painters, and to its place in the history of Russian art. Religious ideals of Ge are revealed, as well as their connection with the ideas of Leo Tolstoy.
Key words
Ge, I. Repin, M. Vrubel, A. Benois, P.M. Tretyakov, L. Tolstoy, N.P. Ulyanov, the academic system, Bryullov’s school, illusionistic painting of Delaroche, Russian and European realistic paintings of the XIX century, the «dark» and «light» painting, Christianity, religious ideals, tolstovstvo
Fundamental Research
Vsevolodova M.V. The Specificity of Quantitative Category in Slavic Languages: Numerals, Quantitatives, Countable and Paradigmatic Changes in the Russian numerals (functional-communicative grammar)
The article discusses specific for slavic languages morpho-syntactic category, formed by the combination of the numeral with nouns and characterizing the quantity or size the object. The numeral itself is regarded in connection with this category. The material is analysed both diachronically (the history of the Slavic languages) and synchronycally (the Slavic languages themselves), and the material of some other linguistic types.
Key words
functional-semantic field, quantitativness, numeral, quantitativ, morphosyntax, the category of number of nouns, dual (dualis) and its legacy in the Slavic languages
Materials. Communications
Communications and Materials
Smirnov A. Analysis of A.S. Pushkinʼs Poems, in the Aspect of the History of the Text
The problem of motion of Pushkin’s poetic thoughts on the example of the surviving drafts of his lyrical works is discussed in this article.
Key words
the lyrics, the style of Pushkin, text history, draft copies
Kedrova G.E. The Internet Olympiad on Philology for All – a New and Unique Experience of the Philological Faculty of Lomovosov Moscow State University in the School Olympiad Movement
The author introduces the experience of the Faculty of Philology in the remote online Internet Olympiad for Byzantine, Modern Greek and Slavic Studies.
Key words
Philological Faculty, remote Internet Olympiad
From the History of Language
Karavaeva P. Some Peculiarities of Grammar Forms in XVI Texts
The article describes the nature of the evolution of the grammatical norm of the Eastern variant of Church Slavonic language in the use of past tenses and the dual number. The research is based on the material of Church Slavonic manuscripts, that were created in the North of Russia. The overall purpose of the research is to describe the functioning of past tenses of verbs and the dual number at the end of fifteenth century and in the sixteenth century.
Key words
grammatical norm, Lives of Greek Saints, Epistle, Church Slavonic language, past tense of verb, dual number
Remneva M. Variations in Usage of Tense-Forms and Duals in XVI–XVII Texts
The article presents an analysis of three stories about the Azov («fabulous», «historic» and «poetic») in relation to their normal grammatical book-slavic language.
Key words
tales of Azov, book-slavic grammatical rule, a system of past times, business and consumer writing, live speech, simplification of the grammatical rules
Materials of Sokolovʼs Scientific Readings
Anastasjeva I. Modernism in Latin American Literature
The author considers the novels of F. Andahazi «Conquistador» and «City of Heretics» in relation to the concept of Russian modernism and in relation to the European cultural tradition.
Key words
Andahazi, Leopoldo Zea, Fry Bernardino de Sahagun, VI. Soloviev, Brusov, Rozanov, Minsky, European civilization, the Old World and the New World, Mexican myths, Christianity, Latin American Renaissance, modernism, the Silver Age
Loyevskaya M. Church and Modernism
In the article is discussed a program of renovation of the Russian Orthodox Church beginning of the XX century, prepared the ground for the post-revolutionary split.
Key words
Church and modernism, «Group 32 priests», Union zealots church renewal, «Living Church», «Union Church revival», «Union communities of old apostolic church», «Peopleʼs Church», obnovlenchestvo, split
Events. Names. Destiny
Barkhudarova E., Pankov F. The Anniversary of Distinguished Professor Lomonosov Moscow State University Maja Vladimirovna Vsevolodova in the Philological Faculty
This article contains information about the anniversary of M.V. Vsevolodova which was celebrated at the Philological Faculty, about the Collection of scientific articles and Scientific readings, organized at the Department of Linguistics and Theory of didactic russian teaching as a foreign language.
Key words
functional-communicative description russian language, linguistics and didactics, methods of teaching Russian and other languages as mother tongues and foreign, sounding speech and writing
Muranskaya N. The Life and Work of Professor Andrey Červeňák
The article is devoted to the life and work of the slovak specialist in russian philology professor A. Červeňák, presented his research interests, his understanding of the historical and literary process, his aesthetic and anthropological concept of literature and art.
Key words
literary studies, comparative studies, russian studies, slovak literature, slovak-russian literary relations, slavic romanticism, russian modernism
Bash L. School of a Young Philologist as a Territory of Love to the Philological Science
The article illuminates the creation of the School of a young philologist at the Philological Faculty of the Moscow State University and its work day by day.
Key words
Philological Faculty, the School of a young philologist, additional education, electives
Academic Life
Sineva O. International Scientific Conference «Baltic Languages and Literatures in History and in Modern World»
Scientific Conference «Slavic Languages and Literatures in Synchronic and Diachronic»
Scientific Conference «Polyphony of a Big City – 4: Textual Polyphony»
Scientific Conference «The Tale of Bygone Years: Poetics and the History of the Text»
Notes. Impressions
Gusev Yu. Poetry Here and Now
The author believes that Russian poetry, which is currently not in the foreground, is not really dying, and goes to the «sand» of the Internet. On the material of site authors shows, how the state and the existing of poetry in the modern world: it develops spontaneously, freely, without control, but not overwhelming editorial and editorial dictate. It produces new mechanisms of self-purification, screening, self-organization of the poetic power, the author is convinced that gradually leads to a new upsurge. It is important that the decisive role it plays – and, apparently, it will still be playing – Pushkin and Blok, Akhmatova’s a tradition that basically does not accept vers libre. High quality the better part of this poetry author shows on the material of the two collections «stihirskih» authors.
Key words
Internet, modern russian poetry, russian classical tradition, vers libre, lyric poetry, tragedy
Critique. Bibliography
Krasovec D. Scientific Poetry in European Journals Modernity (1900–1940) / Ed. under the direction of T. Collani et N. Cuny. Paris, 2013. 461 p. (Classiques Garnier, Love collection n° 54).
Russian Drama and Literary Process: the 75th anniversary of A.I. Zhuravleva. Moscow: Sovpadenije, 2013. 440 p.
Kosarik М.А. Description of the Language System in the Early Portuguese Language. Т. I: Phonetics. Morphemics. Morphology of the Nominal Parts of Speech: Monograph. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013. 228 p. Kosarik М.А. Sociolinguistic Problematics in the Early Writings of the Portuguese Language: Monograph. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013. 208 p.
Modern Methods of Comparative Historical Studies: Materials of the VIII International Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics: Moscow, Philological Faculty, Lomovosov Moscow State University, 25–27 september 2013 / Ed. V.А. Kochergina. Мoscow: MAKS Press, 2013. 340 p.