Usikova R. The comparison of the literary South Slavic Balkan languages – Bulgarian and Macedonian
The study begins with a comparison of the phonetic features of contemporary literary Bulgarian and Macedonian languages and their history; besides the general characteristic of the lexical structure of modern literary languages is presented. In more details are compared shaping of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, and the system of verb forms and categories. A list of prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections is adduced; The authorʼs attention concentrates on the grammatical function of prepositions in both languages. Also the basic information about the sentence syntax is given.
Key words
Macedonian, Bulgarian, Balkan Slavic languages, the comparison, comparison, phonetic features, shaping, category of definiteness, verbal categories, evidentiality
Riđanin R.R.M. Kočić and the First World War (with reference to his political work and views)
As the editor and publisher of the magazines Razvitak (Development) and Otadžbina (Fatherland), as well as author of short stories, of the play The Badger before the Court, of poems and essayistic-critical supplements, Petar Kočić was directly engaged in the raising of the morale of the Serbian people concerning its preparations for the fight and liberation. His complete political and cultural engagement was a form of an open fight against the Austrian occupying authorities, as well as against the individuals in the service of the occupier.
Kočić’s works evoked the authorities’ suspicion and that was why he was arrested. Kočić’s entire activity and rebellion was in accordance with the Young Bosnia movement. The speeches of Petar Kočić in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina were extremely critically severe regarding the unprincipled and authoritarian attitude of Vienna toward the Serbian people, as well as regarding the Serbian layer that was subservient to the occupying authorities. Kočić founded his political beliefs upon the democratic principles that resulted from the chain of historical events, especially in regard to the influence of the French Revolution on the subsequent historical events. The relevance of these beliefs keeps increasing today considering the neocolonialist policy of the USA and London in the world and the slavery of the millions of workers on our Planet.
Key words
Petar Kočić, First World War, the political and literary works
Pautkin A.A. Ancient Russian bookishness: historical-literary alternatives
The author analyzes the monuments of ancient Russian bookishness that do not meet the general trends in the development of narrative forms of that epoch and treats them as illustrations of unrealized potential – manifestations of the literary trends that were not implemented due to a number of objective and subjective reasons.
Key words
Ancient Russian bookishness, «Pouchenie» Vladimira Monomakha, «Slovo o polku Igoreve», «Molenie Daniila Zatochnika», «Slovo o pogibeli Russkoj zemli», «Povestʼ o Petre i Fevronii», narrative, historical, hagiographic literature, secular biography, author and text, elements of autobiography
Поповић T. Europeism and antiquity in the narrative of Gogol «Starosvetsky pomeshchiki»
The study primarily focuses on «Starosvetsky pomeshchiki» and discusses the problem of European ideology and antique tradition of Russian prose on XIXth century.
Key words
N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, ancient heritage, european idea
Kholikov A.A. Significant absence in the D.S. Merezhkovskyʼs «Autobiographical Notes»: the experience of a real comment to the «Complete Works» (1914)
The article deals with reconstructs of the events and persons of empirical reality refracted in the works that made up the second «Complete Works» (1914) published during the life of D.S. Merezhkovsky, which were not included in the «Autobiographical Notes» (1913), placed in last volume of this edition. Meanwhile, according to the concept of the researcher, the given data may be regarded as the source and context of the entire collected works.
Key words
Russian literature, D.S. Merezhkovsky, autobiography, real commentary
Klimova K.A. What does ΔΡIΜΙΕΣ stand for?
In the traditional culture of Greece the word Δρίμιες usually meant the first three, six, or twelve days of August, March, or (very rarely) September. The time of δρίμιες is mainly characterized as dangerous and the contacts with water are strictly regulated as considered to be harmful. The article represents common versions of the origin of the term, a comparison with similar concepts in other Balkan cultures, as well as mythological parallels, which show the connection of this term with female mythological characters (nereids, anemikes etc.)
Key words
Greece, popular culture, folklore, Balkans, mythology, Nereids, drimies, Modern Greek etymology
Communications and Materials
Kataev V.B. Moscow University and Lermontov
Published the text of a paper read by the author at the International Scientific Conference «200th anniversary of the birth M.U. Lermontov» (Petersburg, October 2014). The author analyses two aspects of the theme «Moscow University and Lermontov»: Lermontov – a student at Moscow University, the study works of Lermontov at the Moscow University. were named those researchers of works of the poet (from S.P. Shevyrev to A.I. Zhuravleva), which made a significant contribution to these investigations. The author remembers a seminar of V.N. Turbin and its participants, who continued the tradition of studying Lermontov at Moscow University.
Key words
Moscow University and Lermontov, S.P. Shevyrev, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzen, V.O. Klyuchevsky Vl.S. Soloviev, B.M. Eichenbaum, N.L. Brodsky, A.N. Sokolov, A.I. Zhuravleva, I.I. Vinogradov, Nick. Burlyaev
Mashkova A. Proceedings of of the Seminar-debate at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. «Taras Shevchenko and Slavic cultures. To the 200th anniversary of birth»
Panslavic idea and T. Shevchenko
The author analyzes the literary works and socio-political views of T. Shevchenko in the context of the formation unifying idea in the Slavic world and draws attention to the existence of another trend – the formation of national identity and national literatures.
Key words
Slavic consciousness, Slavic idea, the cultures of the Slavic peoples, «Brotherhood of St. Cyril and Methodius»
Martyshin D. The experience of Christian ethics and social thought in Taras Shevchenko’s legacy
Предложенная статья является попыткой исследования социально-философской проблематики в творческом наследии Т.Г. Шевченко. Проанализированы вопросы социальной этики, разрешения проблем социальной справедливости и поиска Правды Божией в жизни социума, роль нравственного совершенства личности в процессе духовного бытия общества.
Key words
social ethics, the Righteousness of God, social justice, moral perfection, social thought, social development
Rudʼakov P.N. Literary creativity Shevchenko in Slavic reception and interpretation
The article provides an overview of the reception of literary creativity Shevchenko in the Slavic countries and the Slavic peoples, starting with the earliest steps in 1840–1860-ies and ending year of the 200th anniversary of the poet. Proposed a list of the main interpretations of this work and personality Bard, prevailing in Ukraine and in the Slavic world.
Key words
Shevchenko, creativity, the Slavic world, reception, interpretation
Baydalova E.V. The image of T.G. Shevchenko in the space of modern Ukrainian culture
The author examines the attempts to destroy the canonical image of Shevchenko in the Ukrainian culture, to connect it to the processes that occur in Ukrainian society today. And makes the conclusion that the Shevchenkoʼs creativity is still had the sacred meaning, and his biography, as before, is mythologized.
Key words
Ukrainian futurists, recital of «100 Years of Ukrainian Futurism. Repair Shevchenko», novel of V.K. Vinnichenko «I want to!», N. Khvylovy, N. Kulish, Ukrainian postmodernists, a literary group «Bu-Ba-Bu», creative interpretation of Shevchenko in the music and the visual arts of modern Ukraine, Ukrainian rock, Ukrainian graffiti
Kukushkina O.V., Varlamov A.A., Surovtseva E.V., Pyryatynskya E. Ideas AA Polikarpov on system devices of vocabulary of language and person and researching the results of testing of vocabulary
The article presents some of the intermediate results of the work on a three-year project «Analysis of the theoretical bases and operations for the active dictionary of the Russian language selection». The core of the research was based on the ideas of Anatoly Polikarpov on defining and analyzing systemic relations between individual dictionaries. Here the most relevant results of the analysis of the test data of the language knowledge of 70 probationers will be described.
Key words
active Russian vocabulary, Dictionary active, passive vocabulary, personal dictionary, individual stock Russian vocabulary, testing language skills, testing of individual knowledge Russian language, the ratio of active and passive idioleksikonov between themselves and with the lexical system, boundaries of the active nucleus Russian vocabulary, ranking the boundaries of the active Russian language
Panina J.A., Nikolaeva O.N. Fonoteka of Arkhangelsk dialects: the restoration and decoding
Balashova A. «Pavlushkiny silʼja» and «nogti za pazukhoj»: eschatological predictions and ideas about the afterlife (by the materials of arkhangelsk dialects)
The analysis of the folk texts from the Arkhangelsk village concerning the afterlife were reflected.
Key words
eschatological legends, apocalypse, war