Pautkin A.A. Literary topography of Moscow enveloped in flames of The War of 1812
The author analyzes a number of works of fiction, which show Moscow in the fires of 1812. The routes of the literary characters moving on the occupied and burned Moscow are marked, discrepancies are revealed between the literary and the historic topography of Moscow enveloped in flames of the fire.
Key words
The War of 1812, literary chart of the Moscow in fire in The War 1812, M.N. Zagoskin, «Roslavlev, ili Russkije v 1812 gody», Antonij Pogorelʼskij, «Dvojnik, ili Moi Vechera v Malorossii», «Izidor i Anyuta», G.P. Danilevskij, «Sozhzhennaja Moskva», Bulat Okudzhava, «Svidanie s Bonapartom», Stendhal, manuscript of «Slovo o Polku Igoreve», «Vojna i Mir», «Byloe i Dumy», S.T. Alekseev, «Slovo»
Georgieva Dimova M. Еx-centric hi-stories
This text is an attempt to interpret the novel «Alexander and Death» (Aleksandar i smrtta) by Macedonian author Slobodan Mickovik through the prism of postmodern historical novel (historiographic metafiction). The novel creates an apocryphal history about the ancient conqueror Alexander the Great, fictionally and revisionistic filling the gaps, i. e. «dark areas» within the official historiography. The interpretative framework, mainly, is based on the theoretical conceptions of this genre. The aim of the identification of the model of ex-centric (hi)story in Mickovik’s novel is to confirm the metahistorical implications of the literature/novel regarding history: the way of constructing the versions of history with revisionistic presage. In this case, ex-centric hi-story refers to the revision of historical record, in the sense of its re-interpretation through demystifying or debunking the orthodox version of past.
Key words
historiographic metafiction, metahistory, ex-centrism
Umnyagin. V. The theme of inter-ethnic relations in the memories of Solovetsky prisoners
There is no mention of ethnic conflicts in the memoirs of the Solovetsky prisoners. The theme of international relations has little significance to the former prisoners. Memoir writers underscore their willingness to judge a person by his inner qualities, which testifies to the culture of communication which allowed representatives of different ethno-confessional groups live in peaceful co-existence in the extremely difficult conditions of prison life.
Key words
Solovki, the Solovki camp, memoirs, interethnic relations.
Ganina Natalija. Prayer to Our Lady from Halberstadt
The article discusses the Low German Prayer to Our Lady from Halberstadt (Scientific Library of Lomonosov Moscow State University, «Collection of the documents of Gustav Schmidt», f. 4, invent. 1, № 44, fols 8rv), carried out a detailed analysis of the language and style of the monument, proposed the systematization the epithets of Virgin in accordance with Latin prototypes and determined the pragmatics of the written fixation of this medieval monument.
Key words
Scientific Library of Lomonosov Moscow State University, «Collection of the documents of Gustav Schmidt», Halberstadt, Prayer to Our Lady, language and style
Tresorukova I. Phraseology of Modern Greek: classification, methods of teaching of Russian-speaking students (Level B2): discussing the problem
The problem of teaching of phraseologisms is the most important on the level B2 because the systematic approach for teaching this part of linguistics in Greece is absent. The article deals with the history of the question of classification phraseological units in the different periods of studying phraseology, is offered the classification based on the contemporary theories of Russian scientists in the sphere of phraseology and translation the termins for classification phraseological units of Greek language, is proposed the practical method studying them and teaching Russian students (European level of knowledge of the language B2).
Key words
phraseology, phraseological unit, methods of teaching, idioms, stable phrases, grammatical phraseologisms, speech formulas, Greek language, Greek phraseology
Germ M. Theatrum mortis humanae tripartitum (1682) de Johann Weichard Valvasor: un livre d'emblèmes?
Due to its structure and layout that combine traditional elements of baroque emblems Theatrum mortis humanae tripartitum by Johann Weichard Valvasor (1682) is often described as an emblem book. However, an iconographic analysis reveals that the images and the text in Theatrum do not form an emblem unit, and consequently the classification is misleading. Valvasor’s work can nevertheless be related to the books of emblems, because the author of the engravings used many motifs from the most popular emblem books in an ingenious way: he integrated them in the decorative borders where among the variety of miniature plants and animals many emblematic images can be recognized.
Key words
J. W. Valvasor,Theatrum mortis humanae tripartitum, A. Trost, baroque emblematics, animal symbolism
Violette C. Hunting (hunting) museums: museography in European hunting museums (an anthropologic approach)
It is difficult to classify hunting museums. Most of them are located in Europe –mainly in central Europe– and were created by hunters for hunters. They contain miscellaneous collections that often consist in weapons, trophies, accessories and artworks. They carry a local or a national line and in that way they reveal societies’ attitudes toward their environment and they witness hunting history in each country.
In order to reach a larger audience, hunting museums are now adapting themselves and participating in the population’s conception of hunting, hunters and nature. Conversely, they build these representations. These conceptions are in constant evolution and many hunting museums are therefore reorganizing. Changes include new museographical tools and considering hunting as an “intangible heritage”.
In this study, the author intends to draw a link between museographical and anthropological realities based on the analysis of three hunting museums in Europe: the musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature) in Paris, France; the Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum (German Hunting and Fishing Museum) in Munich, Germany; and the Suomen Metsästysmuseo (the Hunting Museum of Finland) in Riihimäki (Finlande).
Key words
museology, museum, anthropology, hunting, museum of hunting, art of hunting, exposition, collections of hunting museum
Communications and Materials
Melnyk J.G. Linguo-cultural constants in the poetic heritage of Taras Shevchenko
The article deals with the poetic space of T. Shevchenko in the context of a modern linguoconceptology. In the result of investigation the central (nuclear) and peripheral elements of this space, typological peculiarities of his poetic heritage were identified.
Key words
concept, cultural constants, poetics, picture of the world
Vozniak S. Nodes of antinomies in the structure of Shevchenkoʼs poetic texts
Аn attempt is realized in the article to prove the knowledge about such philosophical categories as antinomy and opposition and to apply for the information about the law of organization of the poetical text. The authors extend the experience of the synergetics interpretation of the text structure’s mechanism and they prove the actuality and the effect of the synergetics laws on the actual material.
Key words
antinomy, opposition, synergetics, text
Dobrovolskaya V. Communicative orientation of teaching in the modern courses RCT
The article analyzes the content of the term «communicative orientation of teaching» and showns gradual unfolding of it in the educational process, starting from the first period and ending with the final stage of training trials. The dynamics of the concept of «communicative orientation of teaching» is considered in comparison with the characteristics of the initial and advanced stages of training with regard to the principles of minimizing and systematic organization of the materials of course RCT.
Key words
communicative orientation of teaching, the principle of systemness, communicative competence of students
Perkhin V.V. S.S. Prokofievʼs sixteen letters about the ballet «Zolushka» (1940–1946): To the history of the creation
The author publishes and analyzes the S. Prokofievʼs correspondence with the heads of the S.M. Kirov Academic Leningrad Theater of Opera and Ballet during the work on the ballet «Zolushka», which enlightens the history of the creation of the ballet.
Key words
Sergei Prokofiev, S.M. Kirov Academic Leningrad Theater of Opera and Ballet, the ballet «Zolushka», E.M. Radin, Galina Ulanova, Y.A. Zawadsky, N.D. Volkov, V.M. Chabukiani, N.S. Troubetzkoy, L.M. Lavrovsky, O.V. Lepeshinskaya, Eurasianism, N.S. Troubetzkoy, P.P. Suvchinsky, D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
Voloshina O.A. The program of an academic discipline «The history of the comparative-historical Indo-European linguistics»
«History of the historical and comparative Indo-European linguistics» – the course of the optional part of the masterʼs program «Comparative-historical Indo-European linguistics», developed at the Department of General and comparative linguistics of the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. This course is intended for the 1st year undergraduates in the first semester.
«History of the historical and comparative Indo-European linguistics» – is an important component of the program of theoretical training masters to direction of comparative and historical linguistics. The course provides students an opportunity to acquaint with the main trends of development of the linguistic research of XIX and XX centuries – comparativist, with the basic methods of comparative-historical linguistics.
Key words
comparative-historical Indo-European linguistics, master program, comparative
Barkhudarova E., Dementieva O.Y., Ershova L.V., Krasnykh V., Pankov F. The program of an academic discipline «Actual problems of studying Russian as a foreign language»
In the publication is presented the curriculum of compulsory course of the variable part MP «Russian as a foreign language: Linguo didactics and cultural linguistics bases of teaching» (the direction of preparation – 032700.68 «Philology»). Designed in 2010, this course was first read in the 2011/2012 academic year at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Course on «Actual problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language» is addressed to undergraduates of the first year learning,and gives students, firstly, the knowledge necessary for future professional activity, and secondly, forms skills in teaching to foreigners to use Russian language on practice. This course covers the basic aspects of teaching Russian as a foreign language: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, cultural linguistics.
Key words
Russian as a foreign language, curriculum, consciously practical method, functional-communicative grammar, linguistics, methodology, cultural linguistics
Critique. Bibliography
Kšicová D. From the history of Ukrainian culture. Art – Theatre – Music. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 281 p., ill.
Zlochevskaya A.V. Eliash M. and call. Russian literature XVIII–XXI centuries / Ans. ed. M. Kontrishova. Bratislava: Veda, 2013. 240 p.
Solntseva N/ V.A. Drozdkov. Dum Spiro Spero: About Vadim Shershenevich, and not just about him. Articles. Researches. Publication. M.: Vodoley, 2014. 800 p.
В.А. Воропаев. Однажды Гоголь... :Рассказы из жизни писателя.М.: Издательство Московской ПатриархииРусской Православной Церкви, 2014. 112 с.: ил.