Ganina Natalija., Mokretsova I. ‘Bardewickscher Codex’: discovery and exploration
Im Jahre 2014 wurde von uns eine einzigartige mittelalterliche niederdeutsche Handschrift wiederaufgefunden und identifiziert, nämlich der Bardewiksche Codex (Jurjewetz, GBU «Museen der Stadt Jurjewetz», olim Lübeck, Stadtarchiv, Hs. 734). Der im ausgehenden 13. Jahrhundert im Auftrag des Albrechts von Bardewik ausgefertigte Codex enthält eine systematisierte Fassung des lübischen Stadtrechts, die für den offiziellen Gebrauch in der Stadtverwaltung diente und deswegen besonders schön ausgestattet wurde. Der Fund ist auch dadurch wichtig, dass er bisher ungelöste Fragen nach den Überlieferungszusammenhängen der Handschrift und nach dem Charakter der Verzierung in neuem Licht erforschen lässt. In der vorliegenden Publikation wird die Identifizierung begründet und es wird eine neue Beschreibung des materiellen Befunds der Handschrift geboten. Weiterhin werden der historische Kontext des Entstehens des Codex, die Schreibsprache, der Inhalt und die künsterlische Ausstattung in Grundzügen erörtert. Ein Fundbericht in deutscher Sprache und weitere Publikationen der Forschungsergebnisse sind geplant.
Key words
medieval German manuscripts, Bardewikscher Codex, Germany, Lübeck law
Belyaev D. Parallel Phrases as a Means of Cohesion in the Texts of the Genre Büttenrede
The article deals with syntactical parallel structures as a structural and syntactic device in texts of Büttenrede. The author examines the relationship of parallelism and lexical and syntactic repetitions as the basic structural features of parallel structures and analyses the functions that perform in texts of Büttenrede.
Key words
poetic language, genre Büttenrede, syntactic repeat, cohesion, syntactic parallelism, speech genres, lexical and syntactic repetitions
Panina E.I. The Importance of study the Means of Verbal Action in the Process of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
The article refers to the need of including in the course of Russian as a foreign language at an advanced stage the material associated with the study of the means of verbal action. An attempt is made to analyze some of the existing descriptions classifying the formation of different means of verbal action. This covers not only theoretical research, but also practical manuals for foreign students to study the verbal prefixes. The great diversity and the heterogeneity of the phenomenon is noted. Attention is drawn to the difficulties encountered by foreign students while working on these verbs.
Key words
Russian as a foreign language, classification, means of verbal action, verbal prefixes
Loyevskaya M. Kentauros, Kitovras, Polkan: Literary and Culturological Parallels
In the the report the interrelation of ancient mythology and Byzantine literature (the collection ʻFiziologʼ, Apocrypha) is revealed; the author noted a significant influence of the Byzantine literature on the formation of Ancient Russian literature and culture (image Polkan)
Key words
kentauros, Kitovras, Polkan, ancient mythology, Byzantine literature, Ancient Russian literature, Russian folk poetry
Ђапа-Иветић В. Biography of Bogdan Terzich
Terzich B.B. Nouns Ending on Suffix ʻ-тельʼ as Motivational Stems in Russian and Serbo-Croatian
The subject of this article are the nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in Russian and Serbo-Croatian, motivated by nouns with agentive suffix ʻ-тельʼ. Analysis of second formations from the stems on suffix ʻ-тельʼ is made on the material of explanatory, bilingual, word-building and reverse dictionaries of Russian and Serbo-Croatian. In the comparative analysis structural similarities and differences between Russian and Serbo-Croatian forms with motivational stem on suffix ʻ-тельʼ are revealed.
Key words
Russian, Serbo-Croatian, comparative analysis, the suffix ʻ-тельʼ, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs
Communications and Materials
Dobrovolskaya V. Modification of the Lessons of RCTs in Distance Learning
Transfer to a massive distance learning Russian as a foreign language requires certain modification both the course materials and process of learning. It is necessary to develop the special methodical commentary to the distance course to compensate the absence of the teacher who can not exercise the guiding function in the learning process, and instead of it to shape the learning process as a dialog of students with the material under condition of his assimilation control.
Key words
distance learning, forming of the training contingent, specific of methodical commentary, modification of the tasks in distance learning, calculation the time factor, unit of distance learning
Magliy A.D. Non-historical novel of the XXI century
The article deals with the phenomenon of non-historical method (antihistorical method) which has emerged in the literature at the beginning of the XXI century. The possibility of replenishment of literary thesaurus by new term ‘non-historical novel’ which modern authors define the genre of their texts is questioned.The main characteristics of non-historical (anti-historical) prose which distinguishes it from historical fiction,from such things as historical fiction, historical fantasy, new historicism and historicism in general are identified in the analysis.
Special author’s position and particular conception of time, as well as the scale of universalismare the main distinctive features of non-historical prose.
In summary, the conclusions about the place of this trend in modern prose and modern literary processas a wholeare drawn in the article.
Key words
non-historical novel, historical fiction, historical time, history of salvation, the timelessness, eternity, genre, a novel about the artist,a novel of creative self-consciousness
Kurilov V.V. Literary Terminology Studies
The necessity and topicality of the elaboration of such metaliterary discipline as literary terminology studies and the state of native literary criticismʼs terminology are considered and proved in this publication. Consequently the attempt of the classification of literary terminology on the grounds of accuracy / relative accuracy, kind / genre is made. Some scientists lay special emphasis on terms and notions which reflect the vision of the literature, its characteristics and connections with other studies.
Key words
literary studies, literary terms and notions, terminology studies, humane studies
Chernets L.V. On Typological Study of Literary Characters
The author differentiates between the closely connected conceptions of typical character (image) as a result of artistic perfection and the type of character as a result of classification. The article emphasizes the role of nomination of the type of character, its evolution in the literary process. The examples are given from the Russian literature of XIX century.
Key words
artistic image, artistic perfection, character, type of character, its evolution, classification and nomination of types of character, Russian literature and critic of XIX century
Teperik T.F. Poetics of Nonverbal Behavior as a Matter of Philological Research (on the material of ancient authors)
The article deals with the theoretical aspect of the question of how the non-verbal behaviour is represented depending on the genre and offers a precise analysis of the artistic devices used for the description of gestures in poems by Homer and Virgil. Exemplified by the most frequent, described with the help of traditional epic forms gesture with the meaning of ‘to take somebody by the hand’ the conclusion is made that although the description is stereotyped and the metric position is fixed, the gesture has various functions. Apart from the ritually-etiquette semantics this gesture may possess psychological semantics which is more evidently presented in the poem by Virgil, who, in several ways, relies on Homer’s poetics.
Key words
gesture, epos, character, genre, antiquity, behaviour, semantics
Abramova S.V. The Anthropomorphic Image of the Sun in Poetry
A metaphor is a way to cognize the world. From the earliest times the sun is considered to be the source of life and the god, thus it was anthropomorphized with the special kind of metaphors. The article deals with poetical metaphors where sun is imagined as a living being. Physiological aspect of anthropomorphous metaphoric model is evaluated as the most often aspect used in the poetry where the sun is mainly represented with the imageries of human face, blood, dream, arms, inclined head etc. It is studied that the most often natural phenomena described with poetical metaphors are sunshines and sunrises.
Key words
anthropomorphous metaphor, metaphoric model, extended metaphor, imagery, sun,poetic context
Arkhipov S.V. On the Paleographic Transcription of ʻVoyage of Fernão de Magalhãesʼ of F. de Oliveira (1555)
The article deals with the problem of palaeographical transcription of the Portuguese-language work of F. de Oliveira Voyage of Fernão de Magalhães (1555). The author researches the biographical data of F. de Oliveira and characterizes his text, and the most attention is devoted to the principles of comparative analysis of the palaeographical transcriptions of this text.
Key words
paleographical transcription, History of the Portuguese, F. Magalhães, F. de Oliveira
Boykova S. Studies on Russian-French bilingualism on the material of the body of childrenʼs speech
The speech of bilingual children possesses several differences from the speech of monolingual children. The co-existence of two language systems generates many non-standard expressions. Some features of bilingual discourse are peculiar to all bilinguals, other depend on pair of speaker’s languages. The research of Russian-French bilingualism is interesting as linguistic phenomenon. Such research is necessary for further development in linguistics and pedagogics practical methods. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the features of Russian-French children bilingual speech and to analyze the transformations in Russian and French, which are the result of interference between two languages. The paper proposes an approach to the bilingual children speech behavior research. The paper gives an example of analysis of the bilingual child speech language competence consider to different parameters.
Key words
bilingualism, interlanguage interference, language competence, children speech
Shuang W. Forward and reverse subject to an agreement with ʻэто’
Using the specific material, the author of the paper clarifies the syntactic coordination of the nominal part of a predicate with a copula and a subject, reveals the relationship between the copula form, number of the subject, part-of-speech characteristics of the nominal part and variability of the nominative and ablative cases of a nominal.
Key words
nominative and ablative predicative, form of the copula ʻto be’, syntactic relations between a subject and predicate
Morozova T.N. System of fishing and sea-hunting prohibitions and injunctions of the Pomors of the Winter Coast of the White Sea
Fishing and sea-hunting were traditionally the main occupations of the Pomors of the Winter Coast of the White Sea. The article describes the system of fishing and sea-hunting prohibitions and injunctions. Unlike the other genres of fishing and sea-hunting folklore, the prohibitions and injunctions are widely spread nowadays because fishing and sea-hunting are of high-risk and dangerous kinds of work. These prescriptions trace their roots back to perception the sea as a threatening element, ʻalienʼ space. Their main role is to protect person from the ʻalienʼ space’s bad influence and to ensure the great success of his activity.
Key words
prohibitions, injunctions, fishing, sea-hunting, Winter Coast
Ponamareva N.V. Communicative-pragmatic Potential of the Constructions for inputting the Characterʼs Communications in German Novels XV–XVI centuries
The article studies communicative pragmatic potential of inquit formulas in the German prose novel of the 15–16 centuries. The nuclear of inquit formulas is formed by verbs of seven pragma-semantic classes. Along with verbs other elements of inquit formulas are analyzed. They specify different aspects of speech act: addressee, quantity, locution, illocutionary force, perlocutionary effect, aspect of phase, emotional-evaluative capacity, modality, and kinesics.
Key words
character communication, inquit formula, the German prose novel of the 15–16 centuries
Solomatina M.G. Names of the Virgin in the Arkhangelsk Dialects
The article deals with the meanings of the lexeme БОГОРОДИЦА in the dialects of Archangelsk region. In the dialects this lexeme is polysemantic. As the direct sense of the lexeme the different names of Virgin Mary are considered. The article also offers a list of figurative senses of the lexeme. By way of the illustrations not only usage of the lexeme БОГОРОДИЦА, but the usage of its derivatives are given. This article can be useful in studying the phenomenon of russian folk religion.
Key words
russian dialectology, dialects of Archangelsk region, russian folk religion, lexeme БОГОРОДИЦА
Kharitonova A.V. Death vs Resurrectionю The Canvas of H. Holbein in the Art World of the Novel F.M. Dostoevskyʼs ʻThe Idiotʼ and the Theme of Death in the Novel V.P. Sventsitsky ʻAntikhristʼ
The article reviews the parallels of F.M. Dostoevskiy’s works and artistic heritage of the writer, theologian, publicist V.P. Sventsitskiy (1881–1931). The basis of Dostoevskiy’s poetry consists in the method called by the author ʻeminently realismʼ. Sventsitskiy borrows the main concepts of this method and reveals them in his own way in the novel ʻThe Antichristʼ. The most important for both writers subject of death and connected with it faith in resurrection of Jesus Christ and immortality of the man was taken as the object of researching and comparing. The symbol of the subject is the painting of Hans Holbein ʻThe Body of the Dead Christ in the Tombʼ. This painting in the imaginative world of the novel ʻThe Idiotʼ becomes the sense center of the novel, the point of connecting the following lines: life and death, resurrection and perishing. The strange man is the main character of Sventsitskiy’s work. This character faces Holbein’s painting symbolically too. He is finding dying, rotting man’s body everywhere. The inability to have faith in resurrection of Jesus Christ creates the theory of Antichrist and causes infernal miseries and doubling consciousness. The painting is not only an item of watching, it is a mirror reflecting the events of the inner world of the man who is watching. Holbein’s painting makes the questions of human being actual for the characters of the novel and compels them to search the answers for these vexing questions as What will be with the soul when the body is exterminated? (Ippolit), What is the moment separating being from unbeing? (knyazh Myshkin), What is the faith in God? (Rogozhin), How to understand the real life and actual death through proving the resurrection of Jesus Christ (the strange man).
Key words
F.M. Dostoevsky, V.P. Sventsitsky, G. Golbeyn, continuity, ʻeminently realismʼ, imagery, painting in the literature, the theme of death, immortality human, being