Starikova N.N. Under the Sign of the Avant-garde: Constructivist Experiments of Srecko Kosovel
The article deals with the one aspect of creativity of the outstanding poet of the Slovenian avant-garde of the 1920s. Srecko Kosovel. His constructivist experiments with the word are examined in the the national historical-cultural and literary context. It means the author was not only familiar with the theory and practice of European and Russian Constructivism, but also successfully applied these artistic principles in its poetic texts.
Key words
Slovenian literature, interwar period, the literary avant-garde, expressionism, constructivism
Бајић Љ.Д.Д. Топос станице и утопија будућности у ʻЗаточникуʼ Бранка Ћопића
У раду се анализира топос станице у приповеци ʻЗаточникʼ, која се налази у другом делу збирке Бранка Ћопића ʻБашта сљезове бојеʼ. Испитују се његова својства и функција у структури приповетке, као и веза са мотивима пута и раскршћа (ʻПобуњени машиновођаʼ, ʻИлија на раскршћуʼ). Запажа се идеолошка конотација и трансформација овог топоса, која је праћена трансформацијом на стилском плану, односно, меланхолично обојеним и сатирички интонираним приповедањем о нереализованој утопији будућности.
Key words
ʻЗаточникʼ, топос, станица, утопија, будућност, меланхолија, сатира
Frolova M.V. Womenʼs Prose in Indonesia: the end of XX – beginning of XXI
The article offers a round-up survey on the main names and selected works in Indonesia since 1998, with focusing on gender themes in cinema and literature. ʻThe Generation of Womenʼ sastra wangi turns its attention to the gender subjects, raises up the previously tabooed themes. The most famous female writer in Indonesia is Ayu Utami, the author of 11 novels, each with a touch of gender issues, which goes to its utmost in the trilogy ʻLonely Parasiteʼ (2003–2013). The first novel ʻSamanʼ (1998) exploded the book market and was the first to be labelledsastra wangi, or ʻfragrant literatureʼ due to its gender issues as they never represented before so openly.
Pressing social issues interlock with private ones in Suryakusuma’s articles edited as ʻJulia’s Jihadʼ (2013); in the films of Nia Dinata (ʻLoveto Shareʼ, 2006; ʻThe Chants of Lotusʼ, 2008), in the film and the collection of short stories of the same title ʻThey say, I’m a Monkey!ʼ (2001) by Djenar Maesa Ayu. Gender aspect is traced through novel ʻOde for Leopold von Zacher-Masochʼ (2002) by Dinar Rahayu, ʻSupernovaʼ novel series (2000–2016) by Dewi Lestari, ʻGirl with a Clove Cigaretteʼ (2012) by Ratih Kumala.
Popularity of women’s writing comes into the spotlight of contemporary Indonesian literary process, turning its mainstream to face the gender themes.
Key words
Indonesian writers, postmodernism, women’s writing, gender studies, Feminism, Ayu Utami, Julia Suryakusuma, Dewi Lestari, Dinar Rahayu, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Ratih Kumala, sastra wangi
Rozinskaya O. On Boris Savinkov – a Man, a Writer, a Terrorist (according to the memoirs of contemporaries)
In the article Boris Savinkov is presented not only as the head of the fighting squad of Socialist-Revolutionary Party, an ardent opponent of the Soviets, but as a writer, a poet, who published his works under the pseudonym of Ropshin. The complex personality of Savinkov disclosed in the memories of his contemporaries with whom he communicated in the emigration: D. Filosofov, D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, M. Voloshin, A. Amfiteatrov, K. Vendzyagolsky. Based on these materials, the author builds his concept of Ropshin-Savinkov, in whose fate, as in the fate of the characters of his works the history of Russia was reflected.
Key words
Savinkov-Ropshin, the fighting squad of Socialist-Revolutionary Party, emigration, memories, D. Filosofov, D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, M. Voloshin, A. Amfiteatrov, K. Vendzyagolsky
Krasovec D. La basilique San Pietro di Castello, antichambre de la Biennale de Venise
This essay on the 56th Venice Biennale examines the problem of technical know-how and the creation of artists. These problems are not new. Therefore, in the church San Pietro di Castello, we find some answers to these questions. We also discover beautiful works, including a painting by Francesco Solimena, or intriguing frescoes, those of Girolamo Pellegrini. All the artists, antique or contemporary, are questioning the theme of death, recurring motif in the Biennale.
Key words
Venice, 56th Venice Biennale, contemporary art, San Pietro di Castello, Girolamo Pellegrini, Francesco Solimena
Communications and Materials
Kormilov S.I.I. Sinology with the Administrative Resource (From the Theoristʼs Point of View)
Theory of literature in Russia almost completely ignores the ancient and rich literature of the East. Though it differs from the western, but still develops according to the general laws and world literature. Russian orientalists often do not understand even in the basic concepts of the theory of their subject. A typical sample of such situation is a collection of the works of Ilya Smirnov, who is a translator and popularizer of Chinese literature. This work could not be published without the using of the administrative resources.
Key words
literary theory, I.S. Smirnov, Chinese literature, a monograph, translation, introduction, verse, rhythmic prose, the author and the publisher, the administrative resource
Mikhailova M.V. Nina Petrovskaya: Historia morbi
The XII Pospelovs Readings. Materials of the Conference
Romanova G.I. The concept of «minuvschee» in the Story I.A. Bunin «Mowers»
The article describes the specificity of the term «concept» as used in studies of artistic speech and other aspects of the literary work. The analysis of the artistic (metaphorical) concept of «minuvschee» in the context of space and temporal organization in Bunin’s autobiographical story was done. The article deals with lexical, grammatical expressing aspect of the concept, its plastic image, the connection with the concepts of beauty, happiness, underlined peripheral meanings, literary and folklore reminiscences. It is revealed that the basic meaning of the concept of the past (part of the concept «time»), its historical and geographical sense, designation of historical events that changed the space-time coordinates, remained at the periphery. The author updated the metaphorical field of the concept «minuvschee».
Key words
concept, time, space, literary and folklore reminiscences
Zakharov K.M. Tо the Poetics of Russian Realistic Comedy
The article examines the motives of the game as a means for determining a kind of aesthetics of Russian Comedy. The number of Game motives is inversely proportional to the emotional sharpness dramatic actions of the Russian comedies.
Key words
play, comedy, motive, play, Suhovo-Kobylin
Solovyova E.Y. ʻMusical Ekphrasisʼ and ʻMusical Codeʼ
The article concerns with two notions connected with music in fiction. It is a system of signs, for example, musical titles, images, notions. Some scholars interpret it as a system of acoustic signs in literary texts, for example, natural sounds, harmony of nature and so on. The notion of ʻmusical ekphrasisʼ is now forming in Russian literary criticism. It derives from definition of rhetoric device and means of verbal description of music, including performance of musical compositions. The article presents different interpretations of the notion by contemporary scholars and analyses some problems of definition. There are compared ʻmusical ekphrasisʼ and ʻverbal musicʼ.
Key words
intermedial poetics, semiotics, musical code, musical ekphrasis, verbal music
Surovtseva E.V. Modifications of the Epistolary Genre: on the Material of the «Letters to a Ruler»
In the article an attempt is made to systematize the information we have on the special epistolary genre (genre of «letter to a ruler») is available. «Letter to a ruler» is a letter of the Russian intelligentsia to power (we limited ourselves by the study of the writersʼ letters). «Letter to a ruler» is represented by two invariants – «letter to the tsar» (the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century) and «letter to the leader» (the 20th century). Analyzed letters can be viewed in the context of writer’s biography, in context of Russian history and as special epistolary genre with its own distinctive characteristics and modifications. Listing specific evidence, we excrete in the «letter to ruler» several varieties of the genre (letter-invective, letter-declaration, letter-pamphlet, letter-complaint / request / justification letter-praises / gratitude / creative report), trace qualitative and quantitative dynamics of development of each species, as well as provide a brief summary of my observations over the addressee of letters.
Key words
epistolary literature, letter to ruler, literature and censorship, literature and power
XXII International Student, Postgraduate and Young Scientist Conference «Lomonosov». Philology
Berseneva N. Word Formation Patterns of Academic Discourse in the Literary Genre of Science Fiction
The article deals with the problem of dynamic word-formation in academic and literary discourse, in particular, unique neologisms and occasionalisms that were intentionally created by science fiction authors to resemble scientific and technical terms. Lexemes and word-combinations from the works of P.K. Dick and A. Huxley were analysed, as well as their communicative function and their connection with scientific disciplines and the relationship between dynamic word-formation and academic discourse.
Key words
academic English, word-formation, science fiction, compound nouns, suffixation, occasionalisms, word-formation patterns, pseudo-terms
Kozhina S.A. The Controversy with the Canon of Socialist Realism in the Early Prose by B. Hrabal and J. Škvorecký
The article examines some fundamental changes wich can befound in the poetics of works of the 60s in comparison with the works of the previous period of Socialist Realism. The material of this article is based on a story by B. Hrabal (collection «Pearls of the Deep», 1963) and the novel by J. Škvorecký («The Cowards», 1958). The fact that these texts were written in the late 40ʼs and early 50ʼs, helps us to trace what kind of process began immediately after 1948, but didn’t get a consistent maturity in the texts of 50‘ because of culture politicization. The analysis was carried on a number of criteria in which, in our opinion, more obviously the controversy with the canon of socialist realism was shown. They are modality of narration (poetics and composition), the image of the hero and language.
Key words
History of foreign literature, Czech literature, XX century, socialist realism, 60´s, B. Hrabal, J. Škvorecký
Lukina A.V. The Sea Toponymy in Olonkho
The article contains the analysis ofnames of the seas in olonkho P.A. Oyunsky’s ʻNurgun Bootur Swiftʼ. We identified the origins of names, its place and role in the text. The article leads to the conclusion that the names of the seas are originated in psychological transference by the people from their perception to the subject, marine names are part of the tirade ʻDescription of the Seaʼ, which is element of the different typical places and it performs various functions.
Key words
olonkho, toponymy, place names, pelagonimy, epic
Rogovneva Y.V. Elements of the Informative Register in a Reproductive Text-description
The article is devoted to the analysis and classification of informative inclusions in reproductive-descriptive texts created by the speaker in direct observation of reality: a description of the person and the place.
Key words
reproductive register, informative register, description, observation