Gjorgjieva-Dimova M. Романескниот хроматизам во историјата
Поаѓајќи од премисите за актуелноста на интердискурзивните релации меѓу книжевноста и историјата во современиот македонски роман, целта на овој текст е да ја елаборира и да ја потврди таа појдовна теза преку толкување на романот Бруно и боите од македонската авторка Калина Малеска. Теориските рамки на истражувањето се поврзани со концепциите за постмодернистичкиот историски роман на Елизабет Веселинг и на Брајан Мекхејл коишто ќе бидат интерпретативно применети врз романот на Малеска. Толкувачкиот фокус е поставен врз две рамништа: 1. Врз жанровските варијации на постмодернистичкиот историски роман, отелотворени во моделот „правење историја“. 2. Врз епистемолошките и врз онтолошките теми во романот на Малеска, вклучително и метафикциските постапки преку коишто тие теми се артикулирани во романот.
Key words
постмодернистички историски роман, односот книжевност-историја; македонски роман; Калина Малеска
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-7-17
Galperina I.G., Gorshkova N.V. On the 120th Anniversary of Daniil Kharms’s Birth (review of memoir sources)
The article provides an overview of memoir literature about Daniil Kharms (1905–1942). The subject of this study is memoir sources containing biographical information about the writer, which were uncovered by the authors in the process of working on the volume “Literary Life of the USSR” of the retrospective annotated bibliographic index “Soviet Society in Memories and Diaries” and the index “History of Russia and the USSR in Memories and Diaries”, the part of a series of indexes on native memoirs created by employees of the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library and the State Historical Public Library.
The review uses not a biographical, but a chronological approach to the study and presentation of the material, based on the time of publication of the sources to analyze the dynamics of the appearance of memoir publications and their dependence on the events of political and cultural life, from the first rare mentions of Kharms in the memoirs of the early 1960s.
Key words
Daniil Kharms, OBERIU, avant-garde, memoirs, diaries
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-18-27
Ashrapov B.P. Comparative Analysis of Lexico-Functional Peculiarities of Conjunctions Connecting Words and Phrases in English and Tajik (on the example of “Reminiscences” by S. Aini)
The given article dwells on the comparative analysis of the lexico-functional peculiarities of conjunctions connecting words and phrases in English and Tajik, exemplified by Sadriddin Aini’s “Reminiscences”. The study demonstrates how conjunctions operate at various levels: connecting clauses, phrases, and words, as well as contributing to overall textual coherence. The use of relevant examples from the text under study allows for a better and more comprehensive understanding of the diverse communicative contexts in which these words operate. Furthermore, conjunctions emerge as more than mere grammatical devices; they are crucial in shaping meaning and enabling nuanced discourse.
Key words
lexico-functional peculiarities, comparative analysis, English and Tajik conjunctions, connecting clauses, phrases and words, “Reminiscences” by Sadriddin Aini
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-28-35
Gulidova E.N. Peculiarities of Teaching Word-derivation and Morphology of Contemporary Russian Language at the Philological Faculty in Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
The article deals with the peculiarities of teaching word-derivation and morphology of contemporary Russian language in the 3rd academic year at the Philological faculty in Shenzhen MSU-BIT university. The article contains brief description of this course and its position in the system of philological subjects, characterizes peculiar features of organizing seminars and effective teaching techniques, specifies different forms of students’ knowledge assessment and defines difficulties that students experience while studying the course.
Key words
methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, philological subjects, word-derivation, morphology, forms of knowledge assessment
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-36-43
Fundamental Research
Musatova T.L. Venice. Finality of the Journey of Emperor Nicholas I to Italy (1845)
The article deals with the protocol and artistic program of Nicholas I in Venice, the last stop on his tour of Italy in 1845. There Nickolas I managed to resolve the problem of the marriage of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, his daughter. As a statesman, he deeply felt Venice, be informed in the history of Venetian statehood, and the common cultural code that united Russia and the former Republic of St. Mark. He knew well and highly appreciated the sights of Venice, traced the history of Russian-Italian relations from Peter I’s trip to Europe, and therefore the loss of independence by the Venetian Republic at the end of the 18th century upset him. However, he considered the fact that Venice played a unique role in the history of Italian art, and he managed to acquire and order some things on the shores of the Lagoon, he received a lot of experience in working with marble, etc. At the same time, Nicholas I, like Goethe, was uncomfortable in Venice, where “dolce far niente” reigned, there were no carriages and no solid ground. The article uses unknown archival documents from the repositories of Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Vatican, as well as rare foreign and Russian publications, although there were still few Russian memoirs and recollections of Venice in 1845.
Key words
Venice, Laguna, Titian, Nerli, Assunta, San Marco, Piazzetta, gondola, king, Frari
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-45-69
Communications and Materials
Pankov F., Barkhudarova E., Chaplygina T.E. Work Program of the Discipline (Module) “Specialty ‘Russian as a Foreign Language’ at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (linguistic aspect)”
The paper deals with the analysis of discipline curriculum “ ‘Russian as a Foreign Language’ at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Linguistic Aspect)”, which was developed by teachers of the Department of Didactic Linguistics and Theory of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language for the 270th jubilee of Lomonosov Moscow State University and includes three main linguistic parts: phonetic, lexicological and grammatical. Тhe course is designed to introduce students to the history of the development of the specialty “Russian as a Foreign Language” and give them an idea of the linguistic foundations of teaching the Russian language in a foreign language audience. The history and methodology of studying Russian as a foreign language are presented in the course in inextricable unity, which is extremely important for the training of specialists in this field – linguists and methodologists.
Key words
Russian as a foreign language, phonetics, lexicology, grammar, functional and communicative linguodidactic model of language
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-71-78
Ashrapov B.P., Ashrapova M.A. Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities of Adverbs of Manner in Tajik and English (on the example of “Reminiscences” by S. Aini)
The given article dwells on the comparative analysis of morphological peculiarities of adverbs of manner in Tajik and English on the example of “Reminiscences” by S. Aini. While considering the formation and structure of adverbs of manner in the compared languages, the authors of the article attempt to identify similarities and differences in their morphological patterns. The findings reveal distinct strategies for adverb formation in Tajik and English, highlighting the role of derivation and compounding in Tajik, while English relies more heavily on suffixation and lexicalization. This comparative study contributes to a deeper understanding of adverbial morphology in typologically diverse languages and provides insights into the linguistic nuances of Aini’s literary style.
Key words
adverbs of manner, Tajik and English languages, morphology, comparative analysis, “Reminiscences” by S. Aini
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-79-86
Eremeeva D.A. Derivatives from the Abbreviations in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
The article considers derivatives from the abbreviations as lexemes that are widely used and that didn’t appear easy in a foreign audience.
Key words
derivatives from the abbreviations, derivatology, word-formation nest, word-formation model, isosemy
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-87-91
Orlova E.A. Theatrical Musical on Screen: The Structure and Characters of “West Side Story”
The vocal and dance numbers performed by the characters of musical are its important components. They characterize the characters of the narrative and emphasize its semantic dominance. The process of transferring a theatrical musical to the screen, the conventions of different media conflict with each other, which leads to transformations of the character and related musical numbers. One of the distinguished examples that allows us to trace this process is “West Side Story”, a musical staged on Broadway in 1957, and then filmed twice (in 1961 and 2021). In this article, the transformations of the characters of the three versions of “West Side Story” are shown through the analysis of the musical structure of the texts. Screen adaptations vary the set and sequence of musical numbers, change their internal structure and interface with dramatic dialogues. All this leads to displacements within the character system: the viewer’s focus shifts from the ensemble of heroes to individual figures moving from the periphery of the narrative to its center.
Key words
adaptation, character, musical structure, musical, “West Side Story”
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-92-99
Smirnova A.D. On Translation of Artificial Intelligence Terms: A Study of the Manual “Make Your Own Neural Network” by T. Rashid
The article is devoted to the issue of translation of artificial intelligence terms. The manual “Make Your Own Neural Network” by T. Rashid, which describes in detail the process of creating a neural network, its design and functioning, was chosen as the material for analysis due to the accessibility of the information for a non-specialist in this field.
Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing field, and therefore the terminological field of this science is also expanding and diversifying. One of the distinctive features of artificial intelligence as a scientific field is its cross-disciplinary nature as it deals with mathematics, physics, robotics as well as biology and medicine. The terms were divided into two major groups: terms directly related to the field of artificial intelligence and terms borrowed from adjacent fields. The terms were then categorized according to whether they had one, two or more equivalents or no equivalents in order to identify the pattern of equivalence in the target language and the difficulties encountered when the required variant was not available. Often, due to the novelty of AI terms, the translator does not find an equivalent in the target language and therefore resorts to calque, transliteration, transcription or their hybrid. In this article, the author suggests the variants of translation of the terms that have caused the greatest difficulty in translation, which, in our opinion, will better meet the requirements of the term as a lexical unit.
Key words
artificial intelligence, neural network, translation, term, terminological system, equivalent
DOI: 10.24249/2309-9917-2025-69-1-100-106