ISSN 2309-9917 DOI 10.24249/2309-9917
Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal
Project of Philological faculty
of Lomonosov MSU
Moscow, Russia
For authors
Released issues
Бајић Љиљана Д.
Топос станице и утопија будућности у ʻЗаточникуʼ Бранка Ћопића
Белокапић-Шкунца Вера
Russian Philology at the faculty of philology of University of Belgrade
Поповић Тања
Europeism and antiquity in the narrative of Gogol «Starosvetsky pomeshchiki»
Конференциja о савременоj компаратистици
Abramova Svetlana V.
The Anthropomorphic Image of the Sun in Poetry
Abramova Marina A.
From the History of Catalan Literature Russian Translations
Adelgeim Irina J.
“Infinitely fragile, short-lived, vulnerable…”: Motives of Frailty of the World and Human Resistance to it in Olga Tokarczuk’s Prose
Adžiovski Vangel
Bibliography of Academic Doctor Milan Ǵurčinov
Afanasjeva Nina D.
Conference Become a Tradition
Afinogenova Olga
Way of the Word. Essays on Literary and Philological Dynasty
Agapova Natalya
Theatre of Moving Pictures in Films by Peter Greenawayʼs Prosperoʼs Books and Derek Jarman, The Tempest
Ageeva Valeria E.
Monograph by Friedrich Schlegel “On the Language and Wisdom of Indians” and Its Influence on Linguistic Research in the 19
Akbaba Tulay
Russian Language and Literature in Turkey
Akhapkina Yana E.
The Hyphenation of Attributive Nouns: When the Spelling Rule is Powerless
Aksenova Darya A.
The Lowworld in the Lyrics of O.E. Mandelstam: Comments on the Topiс
Aksenova Maria
“Curve of Excitability” of the Protagonist in Fedor Dostoevskyʼs Novel “Poor People”
Alekseeva Alina A.
Features in Usage of Verbs and Adjectives as Elements of Latin Medical Terminology (in Celsus’ “De medicina”)
Alekseeva Angelina M.
The Novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” as a Costume Code of Its Time: How to Render Features of Victorian Dress into Russian
Almoussa Yara
Problem-thematic “Crossroads” of the Novel “Perfume” by P. Süskind and Polish Prose of the 20
century (J. Andrzejewski, W. Gombrowicz)
Alpatov Sergey V.
Adynaton: Borders of the Term in the Theory of Literature and Folkloristics
In Search for Three Righteous Judges: Krylovʼs “Mail of the Spirits” and Folklore
Problems of Polish-Russian Literary Relations in Series “Biblioteka przekładow rosyjskich XVII–XVIII wieku z literatury staropolskiej”
Problems of Presentation of Folklore Materials on the Internet
Digital Portrait of the Last Pechora Scribe
The Destiny of the Chivalric Novel about Caesar Otto in Russia [Review on: Małek E. Old Russian Translation of “The Story about Caesar Ottone” and its later adaptations (study and edition). Warsaw. BEL Studio. 2021. 825 p.]
Ideas and Approaches of N.I. Tolstoy in the Context of Modern Studies of Folk Bible
Alypova Svetlana A.
Peculiarities of Children’s Spanish-Russian Bilingualism
Alyunina Yulia M.
“The Deaf Interpreter”: Game Scenario For Consecutive Interpretation Training
Amelicheva Varvara M.
Contribution to Morphological, Syntactic and Semantic Studies in Russian / Eds.: Vladimir Belyakov and Christine Bracquenier. Tulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2017. 246 p.
Ananieva Natalia
The Department of Slavik Philology: 2003–2013
Elena Zakharovna Tsybenko is an Advocate for Students
Anastasjeva Irina
Modernism in Latin American Literature
Unknown Evreinov
La bête Traquée
The cornered
Readings of Russian novels in the context of intercultural exchange
New Comments on Realism – Non-Realism in Alexander Pushkin’s Evgenij Onegin
International Conference on Russian Studies at the University of Barcelona
Andoskina Valeriia A.
“It is not green, more likely matte”: The Definition “matte” in Chekhov’s and His Contemporaries’ Prose and Drama
Andreeva Iana Ye.
The Feminine Space in the Novel “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” by Guzel Yakhina and its Translation into the Chinese Language
Anisimov Nikolay V.
MRI in linguistics and its applications: interdisciplinary approach
Antanasievich Irina
Serbian Stories of Russian Artists
Antonov Alexander Yu.
The Poetics of V.V. Kapnist’s Odes on the Death of G.R. Derzhavin
Antonovski Ivan
Awarding of the Ratsin Honorary Prize for 2021 to Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University A.G. Sheshken
The International Poetic and Cultural Manifestation “Ante Popovski – Ante’s quill” – a traditional event that is yet to become a synonym for the true values of the Macedonian literary reality
The Key Book about Blazhe Koneski and his Opus as a Will – New Capital Work in the Contemporary Macedonian Philology
Macedonian Literary Reality after the Postmodernism (The Reality as a Future Challenge of the Literary History)
Apalkova Elizaveta S.
Reception of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Traditions in Stories of A. Chayanov and A. Pogorelsky
Aparina Svetlana A.
Indefinite Pronouns with the Particle ‘si’ in Bulgarian and Their English Parallels
Arkhipov Sergey V.
On the Paleographic Transcription of ʻVoyage of Fernão de Magalhãesʼ of F. de Oliveira (1555)
Loan Words in Works Written by F. de Oliveira and Its Distribution on Semantic Fields
Arutunova Inessa Yu.
Interrelation of Etymology and Semantics in Old English Lexis of Authority
Aseeva Svetlana A.
M.V. Nesterov’s Illustration of LN. Tolstoy’s Novel “Anna Karenina”: Intermedial and Philosophical-Anthropological Aspects
The Creative Dialog of Ivan Turgenev and Leo Tolstoy: Self-titled Lyrical Miniatures “The Dream”
Ashrapov P. Bahodurjon
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of the Suffix -oн/on in the Tajik Literary Language Referring to the XVIII-the – the and XX-th Centuries
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Coordinative Compound Adverbs in the Tajik Literary Language Appertaining to 18
Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Preposition “az = from” in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 18th Century (on the example of the historical production referred to as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi)
Morphological Peculiarities and the Level of the Preposition “bo = with” Usage in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 18th Century (on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi)
Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Comparative Degree of Adjective in the Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 12
Word-Building Potential and Morphological Peculiarities of the Suffix -ča in Modern Tajik Literary Language
Selected Bibliography of the Works of N.I. Ghiyasov
Ashrapov Bahodurjon P.
Comparative Analysis of Lexico-Functional Peculiarities of Conjunctions Connecting Words and Phrases in English and Tajik (on the example of “Reminiscences” by S. Aini)
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities of Adverbs of Manner in Tajik and English (on the example of “Reminiscences” by S. Aini)
Ashrapov Bahodurjon P.
Morphological and Semantical Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Suffix -гоҳ/goh in “Tarjumai Ta᾿rikhi Yamini” by Jurfodiqoni
Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Composite Adverbs in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 18th Century (on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi)
Comparative analysis of morphological peculiarities and level of usage of superlative degree of adjective in the Tajik literary language referring to 18
and 20
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of the Nominal Suffix -zor in the Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 18
and 20
Comparative Analysis of Word-Building Potential of Tajik Adverbial Prefixes
bar-, dar-
and Their English Equivalents
Comparative Analysis of Word-Building Potential of English Adverbial Suffix
and Its Tajik Equivalents
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities and word-building potentiality of the Prefix ham- in Tajik Literary Language Referring to 18
and 20
Ashrapova Mutabar A.
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities of Adverbs of Manner in Tajik and English (on the example of “Reminiscences” by S. Aini)
Askarova Altynay Sh.
The Main Tendencies of Kazakhstan Literature in Russian in the Post-Soviet Period
Atanasova Desislava-Devora
New uses of reflexive verbs in modern Bulgarian literary language – Trend or Non-Standard
Avagyan Asmik A.
The Relevance of Diachronic Approach to Grammaticalization Research
Averkina Svetlana N.
Reopening the Slavonic World...
Avramenko Albert
I. From P. Chaadaev into the Silver Age (A. Blok and P. Chaadaev)
II. Georgi Ivanov: «dialogue» with the Blok
Ayrapetyan Lilia S.
Violation of the Linear Flow of Time in the Carlos Fuentesʼ Novel The Death of Artemio Cruz
Azarov Yuri
The death of a philologist
Konstantin Fedin’s Epistolary Heritage
Oleg Mikhailov’s Emigration Dialogues
Azimova Matluba N.
Comparative Analysis of Concerned with Equivalence and non-Equivalence of Phraseological Units
Babanov Andrey V.
20th Slavonic Reading of the Memory of Professor P.A. Dmitriev and Professor G.I. Safronov (International Scientific Conference)
Babenkova Marina S.
The Common and Diverse in the Comments of Users of Internet Portals about Violation of Language Norms
Babicheva Maya
Vital Pictures of the Motherland History
Bazanov P.N. «Petropol Tacitus» in Exile. The Life and Work of the Russian Historian Nikolay Ulyanov. St.-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2018. 511 p.
The Great Book about the Great War: Daniil Granin “My Lieutenant” – Laureate of the National Literary Award (Big Book)
“Twice Crowned” (Leonid Yuzefovich – Laureate of the Big Book)
The Female Face of the Big Book (Women – Winners of the National Literary Prize BB)
War in the Works of the National Literary Award “Big Book”: Historical Facts and Fiction
A Wise Preceptor and a Great Scientist. Vladimir Veniaminovich Agenosov. Teacher. Scientist. Human / Comp.: G.A. Bordyugov, I. Li. Moscow. Probel-2000 Publ. 2024. 300 p.; ill.
Badanina Irina V.
International Scientific Conference “Russian-Slavic Dialogue: Language, Literature, Culture”
Baglikova Ksenia
Second School of Scientific and Practical Serbian Studies
Bakanova Anna V.
Catalan Language in Andorra: Dialectal Features and Sociolinguistic Situation
Bakhmatov Daniil
A Semantic Fieldsʼ Approach to the Study of Collocations
Balashova Alexandra
«Pavlushkiny silʼja» and «nogti za pazukhoj»: eschatological predictions and ideas about the afterlife (by the materials of arkhangelsk dialects)
Myth about G.K. Zhukov as St. George Pobedonosets in the Great Patriotic War
Balditsyn Pavel V.
Sherwood Anderson’s “Death in the Woods” (1926): Personal Experience in the Making of Myth
Stylistic Innovations in Jean Toomer’s Short Stories
Balikova Maria S.
“The Community of Faithand Suffering…”: The Principles of Heroes Selection in Literary Criticism and Prose of Early Merezhkovsky
Banovich-Markovska Angelina
Cultural Memory as Memory Manipulation: Between Past Experiences and Present Values
Barancheeva Ekaterina V.
To the 100
Anniversary of the Doctor of Philology Professor R.R. Kuznetsova
Baranow Andrzej
About Mrs. Elena with Gratitude
Barkhudarova Elena
The Anniversary of Distinguished Professor Lomonosov Moscow State University Maja Vladimirovna Vsevolodova in the Philological Faculty
The program of an academic discipline «Actual problems of studying Russian as a foreign language»
Linguo-culturological Aspects of Oral Studies for Foreigners
Information about the Scientific and Methodological Seminar “Linguodidactic Description of the Russian Language in the ‘mirror’ of Foreign Language Systems”
Anniversary Seminar “The Creative Heritage of M.V. Lomonosov in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Work Program of the Discipline (Module) “Specialty ‘Russian as a Foreign Language’ at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (linguistic aspect)”
Barsukova Vera O.
“Trial by Fire”: Alchemical Discourse in “Motley Tales” by V.F. Odoevsky and “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” by N.V. Gogol
Bash Ludmila
School of a Young Philologist as a Territory of Love to the Philological Science
Baydalova Ekaterina V.
The image of T.G. Shevchenko in the space of modern Ukrainian culture
Scientific Conference “The Fortunes of Ukranian and Belarussian Lands in the View of Intellectual Elite in the 17–20th centuries: National-Cultural Projects and the Models of the State System
Baynova Olga A.
Functions of Quotations in a German Literary Text
Department of German Linguistics in 2014–2018ies
Folk Omens about the Weather: Specificity of Form and Syntactic-stylistic Peculiarities
Bayramkulova Leyla
Theatricality and carnivalization of cinema-reality in the film by Jean-Daniel Verega Battle for ʻErnaniʼ
Bazilevski Andrei B.
Serbian and Russian Children’s Poetry Today: Growing up and down
Belaya Elena I.
Imperative in the System of Categories of the Artistic Conception of the Person in “Borderline Epoch”
A character’s Profession in the Belarusian Prose of the First Third of the 20th century: Social and Aesthetic Philosophical Value
Belkind Alexandra
Kulagina P.K. Communicative Strategies in German Privat Correspondence of the 14–15th centuries. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2015. 108 p.
Belousova Evgeniya А.
Autobiography vs History: “Dialectics of Life” by S.M. Shakhray
Belova Tatiana N.
The Main Trends of Modern English-American Studies (2004–2011) of Russian Literature (XIX–XX centuries)
Annotated bibliography of works of modern english critics (2004-2011) on Russian literature (textbooks, monographs, collections of articles)
V.V. Nabokov – the Researcher of Russian Literature (peculiarities of critical approach)
Space and Time in the Novels of V. Nabokovʼs Art as a Multi-level Perspective
Chronotops Specific Fraturesin Nabokov’s Novels
Literature of Russian Emigration: Summing up
On Valuable Contribution of Russian Emigrè to the Reception, Evaluation and Study of Russian Literature in the Great Britain and the USA (1910–1960)
On Valuable Contribution of V. Nabokov to the Rise of Russian Literature Study, It’s Reception and Evaluation in the USA as a Translator, Commentator, Academic Researcher and University Lector
On Dominant and Determinant Factors within the Rise of Russian Literature Study in the USA during the 1960–1970s.
Barnes J. The Only Story. M.: Inostranka, Azbuka-Atticus, 2018. 320 p.
American Retrospection in V. Nabokov’s Creative Work: Artistic Traditions of E.A. Poe
On Intertextual Interpretation of Leitmotivs and Images of Lewis Carroll’s Fairy Tales “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass” in Nabokov’s Novels
Stylistics of Sasha Sokolov’s Novels “School for Fools” and “Palisandria” (“Astrophobia”): Is It a Tribute Paid to Vladimir Nabokov’s Tradition or Typological Convergence?
Biographical Component as a Principle Genre Frame of Nabokov’s Novels on Russian Émigré
In Blessed Memory of Elena Zakharovna Tsybenko
The Latest Modern Trends of Russian Literature Study in the Anglophone Countries of the West (2000–2020’s)
Belyaev Denis
Parallel Phrases as a Means of Cohesion in the Texts of the Genre Büttenrede
Belyaeva Irina A.
Russian Classic Novel as “the contemplation of the universe”: the Origins of the Not-Novel Genre
Turgenev and Karamzin
Scientific Conference on the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ivan Turgenev: “Late Turgenev: Texts, Events, Assessments, Problems of Heritage”
Belyakov Michael V.
Conference Become a Tradition
Belyakova Elena V.
Commandment of John Chrysostom on Church Law (to the problem of the spread of canon law texts )
Monastic Libraries and Ways of Spreading the Hesychast Tradition in the Middle of the 14th – 15th Centuries from Paroria to Belozerye: Current State of Study of the Problem
The Commandment of John Chrysostom on Church Law in East Slavic Tradition (on the issue of new texts in the monastic libraries)
Berbić Kolar Emina
Dialect Materials from Slavonia
Berezhnov Denis A.
Poetics of Presence in V. Ropshin’s Long-short Story “Kon’ Bled”
Berikashvili Kristina. K.
The “Plot of Seduction” in Mikhail Lermontovʼs Long Story “Princess Mary” (the peculiarity of the Pechorin’s intrigue: a game or a vision)
Berseneva Natalia
Word Formation Patterns of Academic Discourse in the Literary Genre of Science Fiction
Bershadskaya Marianna L.
Russia of the First World War in Diaries and Memoirs by Slovenian Prisoners
Bezyaeva Maria G.
The Word ʻpravdaʼ as a Unit of Communicative Level of Russian Language
Repetitions of Words in Russian as a Communicative Means (Materials for the Communicative Means Dictionary)
Bibikov Mikhail V.
Byzantine Congress in Belgrade
Bibikova Alexandra M.
Bisson Bruno Joseph R.
The Term “state” and Its Use in Russian, French and Other Romance Languages”
Bjelčevič Aleksander
The Slovenian Systems of Versification
Blinov Alexander V.
The programme of the course “Philological Problems of Axiology”
Featuring Semantics of Modality in Gothic
Program of the Course “Deutsch für den Beruf”: German Language in the Field of Professional Communication (in German)
Boboeva Zaynura H.
Comparative Analysis of Monosubjective Coordinative Compound Sentences in Tajik and English
Bobrova Olga B.
The MAN-OBJECT metaphor in “Ταξιδεύοντας. Ρουσία” by Nikos Kazantzakis
Bobrova Alina V.
A History of -инг (-ing) Suffixation in Russian
Bodrova Anna G.
On Reception of Alma Karlin’s Work in Slovenia
Bogatyrev Arseniy V.
The Book Theme in Anglo-American Detectives and Fantastic Fiction of the 19
Bogdanova Olga A.
On the Origin of a Literary Concept “Polyphony”
Bogdanova Yana A.
Parody and Meta-Theatre: Interpretation of the Characters of Silvio Pellico’s Drama “Francesca da Rimini” in the 19
century Neapolitan Theater
Bogoroditskaya Victoria A.
Mukhortov D.S. Idioms Time! A Handbook of English Idioms. Moscow. LENAND Publ. 2018. 200 p.
Boldina Elizaveta E.
Features of the Interpretation of the Original Futuristic Concept by Velimir Khlebnikov in the Article “Our Foundation”
Boldyreva Anna N.
International Philological Research Conference SPbSU
Bolshakova Elena V.
The Canonization of Nicholas II in 1981 and 2000: The History and Problems of Acceptance
Bolycheva Ekaterina M.
Rules of Hyphenation in Russian: Diachrony and Synchron
Borisova Tatiana
International Research Conference “Russian Literature and Its Relationship with Other National Literature in Europe” in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Borisyonok Elena Yu.
Taras Shevchenko in the Soviet national policy
Boronnikova Nataliya
““What’s Closer to the Heart?”, or On Anthropocentrism in the Macedonian Deixis
Botnarenko Natalia M.
Humaneiness is the Measure of All Things
Boykova Stella
Studies on Russian-French bilingualism on the material of the body of childrenʼs speech
Brasas Anna
The First Seminar in Literary Translation for Young Russian-Speaking People, Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Braxatoris Martin
The National Philosophy of Ľudovít Štúr on the Axis of the West – Slovakia – East
The Philosophical Principles of the P.Y. Šafárik’s Outlook on the Slavs History
The Image of Hussites as Predecessors of Slovak Evangelicals in Works of Slovak Writers
Activity of Samuel Ferjenčík (1793–1855) in the Cultural-historic Context
Braxatorisová Anita
Activity of Samuel Ferjenčík (1793–1855) in the Cultural-historic Context
Budagova Lyudmila
Raisa Romanovna Kuznetsova at the University and in Ordinary Life
Budkov Dmitry V.
Taras Shevchenko as a symbol of the soviet patriotism during the Great Patriotic War
Bugorskaya Valeria V.
The Presentation of Works of M.Yu. Lermontov in Textbooks and Manuals of Literature in 1840–1850: Some Aspects
Some Aspects of Presenting Lermontov’s Works in Textbooks and Manuals on the Russian Literature (1860–1900)
M. Lermontov’s Work in the Textbooks of 1900–1917
Bukatchuk Christina Vladimirovna
Emotionally-semantic dominant «demonic mother» in the «Drowned Woman» of Taras Shevchenko: psycholinguistic aspect
Bunjak Petar
A Few More Words on Poetics and Semantics of the Title of Bolesław Prus’s Novel “The Doll”
Burmistova Svetlana V.
Functions of the Apostolic Text in Nikolay Gogolʼs “Selected Places from Correspondence with Friends”
Bystrova Tatiana A.
Mental Trauma in Contemporary Italian Literature
Cabal-Guarro Miquel
How to Translate Platonov without Seeming to be the Dullest Translator in the Word
Chaplygina Tatiana E.
Anniversary Seminar “The Creative Heritage of M.V. Lomonosov in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Work Program of the Discipline (Module) “Specialty ‘Russian as a Foreign Language’ at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (linguistic aspect)”
Chavchanidze Julietta L.
A Fragment of the Picture of German Literature
Chekalina Elena M.
Expressing an Unspecified Agent in Swedish and Russian: A Comparative Analysis and Translation Practice
Assimilation of Latin Plural Noun Forms in Modern Swedish
Chekova Alena N.
Topical Events in Newspaper and Online: Philological Analysis
Cherepanov Daniil D.
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Deutsche romantische Prosa”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Bible and Culture”
Cherepanova Svetlana
“An Enigmatic Nature” «“in Dostoevsky’s Manner”: A Parody in A.P. Chekhov Works
Chernets Liliya V.
On Typological Study of Literary Characters
P.A. Nikolaev – President of MAPRYAL
Criteria for and Forms of Assessing Talent: From the History of Literary Criticism
Оn the Denouements and the Last Cue of A.N. Ostrovsky’s Plays
Chernousova, Anastasiya S.
On the Linguistic Consciousness of Chinese Men: Sociolinguistic Research
Chiang Chieh-han
Body as Testimony in L. Andreev’s “Red Laughter”
Chirikov Mikhail A.
Steamboats in Eugene Chirikov᾿s Life and Work
Chivarzina Alexandra I.
Motley ‘šaren’ in the Macedonian Language
Chivarzina Alexandra I.
Comparative Constructions “orange as”, “pink as”, “purple as” (on the material of the Balkan Slavic languages)
Chizhova Larisa A.
The Program of Discipline “The Theory of Comparative-Historical Linguistics”
The Program of Discipline “The Theory of Comparative-Historical Linguistics”
Christova Daskalova Bonka
Linguistic pragmatics in the sphere of the methodological innovations
Chun Jiin
Thing in the Phenomenological Reception of V.V. Mayakovsky (“Flute of the Spine”)
Churilova Julia E.
The Concept ‘Fear’ in Terms of the Migration Crisis in Germany in 2015–2016
Crvenkovska Emilia
О современном учебнике старославянского языка
90th Jubilee of Professor Dr. Radmila Ugrinova-Skalovska
Rina Pavlovna Usikova – Teacher and Friend
My Memories of Rina Pavlovna Usikova
Dapcheva Yovka
Reflection of the value system of the Bulgarians in some semantic-grammatical groups of phraseologisms
Davlatzoda Rukhsora
Morphological Peculiarities and Word-Building Potential of the Suffix -
in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 12
Davydov Tychon G.
Ode to Stalin by Jan Křesadlo: Peculiarities and Development Trends of “Modern Ancient Greek Literature”
Dedova Olga V.
Inter-faculty course «Theory and practice of hypertext communication»
Degterev Nikolay A.
A Teacher-Student Dispute in the Context of Religious Axiology in the Mid-19th century Russian Literature
Dementieva Olga Yurievna
Lydia Vladislavovna Ershova (1955–2016)
Round Table “Masters Students 2024: Step into the Profession”: The Tradition Continues
Anniversary Seminar “The Creative Heritage of M.V. Lomonosov in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Dementieva Olga Yurievna
About clothes and jewelry in Russian and Chinese
M.V. Vsevolodova, O.V. Kukushkina, A.A. Polikarpov. Russian prepositions and prepositional type funds. Materials for the functional-grammatical description of real use. Proc. 1: Introduction into the objective grammar and lexicography of prepositional units of Russian language. Moscow: Knizhnyj dom «LIBROKOM», 2014. 304 p.
The program of an academic discipline «Actual problems of studying Russian as a foreign language»
The Program is an Academic Discipline "The Syntax of the Russian Language as a Foreign Language"
Information about the Scientific and Methodological Seminar “Linguodidactic Description of the Russian Language in the ‘mirror’ of Foreign Language Systems”
Dergacheva Irina Yu.
“Non-existence is Conventionalism” (Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev in Italy)
About the “Letter to the Editorial Board”
Autobiographical Novel of the 20
century (based on Margarita Sabashnikova᾿s “Die Grtine Schlange. Lebenserinnerungen”, Anastasia Tsvetaeva᾿s “Memories” and Gala Dalí᾿s “A History, Invented by Herself”
Desyatova Maria Yu.
Virtual Life of Minority Balkan-Romance Languages
Characteristic Features of Galileo’s Scientific Style in His Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Lorraine
Dimitrova Margarita
Grammatical rules in Bulgarian literary language – compliance and violations (based on the material of the mass media)
Dmitrenko Anastasia V.
Semantics of the Color Red in B.M. Kustodiev`s Painting of the First Quarter of the 20th century and in the Poems of the New-peasant Poets (The collection “Red Chime”, 1918)
Dobrovolskaya Valeria
On the Work of Retraining Programs «Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language»
Characteristics of a lesson by its place in the educational process
Communicative orientation of teaching in the modern courses RCT
Modification of the Lessons of RCTs in Distance Learning
Educational Materials of Distant Courses for Training Teachers of Russian as Foreign Language
Course Description Russian as a Foreign Language and its Reflection in the Program “Theory and Methods of Training Russian as a Foreign Language”
The Types of Diplomas-papers within the Framework of Additional Education in the Specialty “Russian as a Foreign Language”
The Making of the Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language
The Textbooks on RCTs
Written Discourse as Part of the Curriculum in Russian as a Foreign Language
Word Formation in the System of Russian as a Foreign Language
Dohnal Josef
The Plot of Leonid Andreevʼs “The Abyss” as a Bifurcation in a Literary Work?
Dokukina Böbel Augusta
A Letter to the Editorial Board
Dolotin Konstantin
Discourse experimental researches: nformation characterictics and psycholinguistic mapping. Part 1
Discourse experimental researches: nformation characterictics and psycholinguistic mapping. Part 2
Dolzhenko Tatiana
«Euphoriya» I. Vyrypaevʼs as the experience of the tragedyʼs space in the context of Cinema
Dolzhenkova Viktoriya V.
On using of the opportunities Wiki-sites in the classroom during the studying Spanish as a foreign language
On the Features of Modern Distance Education
On the National-Cultural Component in the Phonetic System of the Spanish Spelling
Domogatskaya Svetlana
The undissolvness of the spiritual atmosphere. On the work of V.V. Domogatsky – graphic artist
Nikolay Nikolajevich Ge. Person and Painter (1831–1894).
To the question of the emergence of the Moscow school of sculpture in the late XIX – early XX century
Domogatskaya Ekaterina
Petrovskaya N.I. The Broken Mirror: Prose. Memoirs. Critique
Art of Fashion vs Fashionable Art
Gogol in Memoirs, Diaries and Letters of His Contemporaries. Complete Systematic Corpus of The Documents: Scientific Critical Edition: In 3 vol. / Ed. by I. A. Vinogradov. M.: IWL RAS, 2011–2013. V. 1. 904 p.; V. 2. 1032 p.; V. 3. 1168 p.
In Memoriam of Nikita Alekseevich Struve (16.02.1931–07.05.2016)
Oktyabrskaya O.S. Formation and Development of the Genre System in the Russian Children’s Prose of 1920–50-ies: Monograph. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2016. 248 p.
Dorzhieva Dolgorma. Ts.
The Specificity and Perspectives of Development of Functional Stylistics in Domestic and Foreign Linguistics
Dovgy Olga L.
Up to the Unremembered Anniversary: Four Texts on Antioch Cantemir
Conference “Bestiary of Hate (RES et VERBA-9)”
On an Experiment of the Online Teaching Period
“Dangerous” Cantemir
Talk on Alexander Makhov’s Multitude Universes
Lion’s Evening at the “Centaur”: Presentation of New Products of the Humanitarian Club “Intrada”
Pushkin Reads Count Khvostov – Count Khvostov Reads Pushkin
Unknown Makhov: Presentation of the 1st volume of “Selected Works” (“On Russian Literature”)
Presentation of the New Book by A.(E.) Makhov “Emblematics: microcosm”
Dragićević Rajna
Problems in Selection of Entries in the Serbian-Russian Dictionary
Drovaleva Natalia
International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Dynamics of a Literary-artistic Process”
To the Problem of a Portrait in Bryusov’s Short Stories
Drozdova Polina B.
On Some Stylistic Peculiarities in Medieval Mystic of Italian Female Writers
Drynkina Ekaterina V.
The Crimean Text and the National Image of the World in I.S. Shmelev’s Story “The Sun of the Dead”
Dubravka Oraić Tolić
Matoševa ideja nacije u doba globalizacije
Dulina Anna V.
Cultural Memory and the Need for Verity: All-Russian Scientific Conference of the Department of History of Foreign Literature on the 80
Anniversary of G.K. Kosikov
Dvoynishnikova Maria P.
Analysis of Poetic Texts in Teaching Polish as a Slavic Language
Egorova Yulia V.
About Change the Names of Dishes: from E. Molokhovets to «Healthy Food»
Dash vs. Colon – Sensibility vs. Sense?
Elenskaya Ekaterina S.
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Portuguese (main foreign) Language”
Elfimova Mariia G.
Rhythmic Organization of N. Gogol’s “Taras Bulba”
Eliáš Anton
Antithesis in the Poetic World of the Leading Representatives of Russian, Slovak and Czech Poetry of the Romantic Period
Elistratov Vladimir S.
Russian Cultural Memory: Work Program of the Discipline
Eremchenko Aleksandra V.
Towards the Problem of Personal-Numerical Preferences of the Verbs of “Behaviour” (on the material of the Bulgarian language)
Eremeeva Daria A.
Derivatives from the Abbreviations in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Ershova Lidia V.
The program of an academic discipline «Actual problems of studying Russian as a foreign language»
Essalnek Asiya Ya.
Theory of Dialogue in Context of Contemporary Communicative Investigations
Evfimiy (Moiseev)
Faithfulness to the Calling.
To the 70th Anniversary of Vladimir Voropaev
Faldina Maria V.
Adverbial intensifiers in tutorials of Russian as a foreign language: the necessity of a multiaspect dictionary of intensity units
Fedko Maria V.
Proceedings of the center of Slavic and Germanic research «Imenoslov. The history of language. History of Culture». Ed. F.B. Uspensky (executive editor). Moscow: University of Dmitry Pozharsky, 2012
Fedotov Oleg I.
Whether the Theory of Literature is Dry or How to Make it Entertaining
Fedotov Andrei
III International Conference of Young Researchers «Textology and literary-historical process» (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 13–14 March 2014)
Fedotova Polina A.
Landscape: Painting and Literature
Ferro Maria Chiara
Un lexicon slavo ecclesiastico-russo-italiano dei termini religiosi e filosofico-teologici. Presentazione del progetto e primi risultati, con commento degli attributi del diavolo
La biblioteca di Eufrosina di Polotsk. Conferme dalle fonti iconografiche
Fiannacca Сaterina Maria
A Letter to the Editorial Board
Fidanovski Kristijan
Bibliography of Academic Doctor Milan Ǵurčinov
Filatov Anton V.
N. Gumilev’s Works in the Aspect of Mythopoetics: Investigation Tendencies and Prospects
The Content of the Concept “Adamism” and Texts of N. Gumilev Containing the Adamic Myth
Filatova Ganna A.
The Means of Transferring the Evaluative Meanings for Expressing the Attitude to Actions (in Terms of the Novel by R. Zelazny «A Night in the Lonesome October» and Its Russian Translations)
Filippov Evgenii N.
Tsar Hunger in Wonderland: A Satirical Depiction of the Curt in L. Carrollʼs Fairy Tale “Alice in Wonderland” and L. Andreevʼs Drama “Tsar Hunger”
Fomicheva Alexandra A.
Non-chivalrous in Chivalrous: The Lexical-thematic Group “Weapons” in German Courteous Literature in the High Middle Ages
Frolov Maxim A.
Literature, Journalism and Politics in the Russian Press of the Turn of the 19th–20th cs.: Materials for the Annotated List of Pre-revolutionary Daily Newspapers
Frolova Marina Vladimirovna
Womenʼs Prose in Indonesia: the end of XX – beginning of XXI
“A Woman-Monkey” and “the Golden Durian”: the Artistic Universe of the Short-Stories by the Indonesian Female Writer Djenar Maesa Ayu (2000s)
Gafarova Umeda A.
Khoji Nasiruddin Tusi’s Ethical and Socio-Political Views
Gaforova Zamira A.
Persian Translations of “Voqeot-i Boburi”
The Theme of Family and Marriage and Womanʼs Image in “Panchakyana”
Galperina Inna G.
On the 120th Anniversary of Daniil Kharms’s Birth (review of memoir sources)
Galtsova Elena D.
Institutionalization of the “Decadence” of France in 1885–1886: About the Formation of the Literary Process Terminology at the Turn of the 20
Ganina Natalija
Nenarokova M.R. Carolingian eclogue: Theory and History of the Genre. Moscow: Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS, 2012
Simone Mengis. Writing women around 1500. Scriptorium and library of the Dominican convent St. Catherine St. Gallen. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2012. (Scrinium Friburgense. Veröffentilchungen of medieval studies institute the University of Freiburg, Switzerland, ed. by Michele Bacci inter alia)
Halberstadt Marienklage Ms. from the collection of the Science Library of Lomonosov Moscow State University: new aspects of research. Philological interpretation
German manuscript from the 15th century in Russian collections (Moscow, Russian State Library, F. 68, №446): research problems and perspectives
Bondarko N.A. German spiritual prose XIII–XV centuries: language, tradition, text. St. Petersburg: «Nauka», 2014
Prayer to Our Lady from Halberstadt
Catalogue of medieval West-European illuminated manuscripts in Moscow collections. Mocow, 2010
‘Bardewickscher Codex’: discovery and exploration
The Erfurt Popular Bible: Edition and Studies by Rudolf Bentzinger
The Prayer Book of Ursula Begerin: Facsimile Edition by Jeffrey F. Hamburger and Nigel F. Palmer
Georgieva Dimova Mrija
The Narrative Memory as the Place of the Collective Memory
Еx-centric hi-stories
Citation Мystifications
A Palimpsestic Transversal: Textual Transcendences in the Poetry Cycle “King Marko” by Blazhe Koneski
The Comparativistics Paradigm of Blaže Koneski
Kočo Racin’s ποιέω
Gerchikova Irina A.
Raisa Romanovna Kuznetsova
Germ Martin
Theatrum mortis humanae tripartitum (1682) de Johann Weichard Valvasor: un livre d'emblèmes?
Giyasov Nurullo Ismatovich
Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Composite Adverbs in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 18th Century (on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi)
Gjorgjieva-Dimova Marija
Prolegomena for Contemporary Macedonian Poetry
The Intertextual Memory of the Lyric
Романескниот хроматизам во историјата
Gjurčinova Anastasija
Bibliography of Academic Doctor Milan Ǵurčinov
Gladoshchuk Anastasia V.
The Sun and the Moon: Octavio Paz and Rubino Tamayo
Gnevsheva Irina M.
The Features of Translation Maximus the Greek: The Colloquies in Matthewʼs Gospel
Gogol Igor E.
Intonation of Tag Questions in L2 English Speech by Native Speakers of Chinese
Golovina Ekaterina I.
“The Opposing Shore” or Difficulties of Translation: Parallel Program of the 7th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
Shards of Memory. “Industrial Zone”: Exhibition of Pavel Otdelnov
Golubitskaya Nika
The Corporal Metaphors in Tristan Tzara’s Poem Approximate Man
Golubkov Michael
From the experience of reading the IFC «The modern Russian literature and classics of the twentieth century: realism, modernism, postmodernism»
Golubovich Anna
Bibliography prof. Dr. Miodrag Sibinović
Gordienko Elena
Look into a Camera: Is this an Alienation / Presence Effect of?
Gorina Maria
Ľ. Štúr – public figure and codifier of the Slovak literary language
Gorina Olga G.
Towards Corpus – Informed Computing of Key Words
Gorshkova Natalia V.
On the 120th Anniversary of Daniil Kharms’s Birth (review of memoir sources)
Goutkina Esfir I.
The Problem of the Lyrical Modality in the Light of Mikhail Bachtin’s Axiological Aesthetics
Grekhova Elizaveta Eduardovna
Optionality of Question Mark in Online Communications
Grekova Olga K.
Department of Russian Language for Foreign Students at the beginning of the 21st century (Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Greshilova Anna V.
The Cultural Paradigm of Myth in Prose of T.N. Tolstaya
Gribkova Daria D.
Kitovras in Russian Art: A Comparative Analysis of Artistic Works in the Context of Literary Sources
Grigoreva Olga I.
On the Question of the Existence of the Lusocreole Languages in Africa and Asia
Grinina Elena A.
Galicia: Finisterre or the Crossroads?
Italy and Provence: Cultural Connections in the Middle Ages
Gromov Alexey V.
Linguistic Means for Creating Images in the Cyberpunk Novel by S. Lukyanenko “The Labyrinth of Reflections”
Gromova Maria M.
Russian Translations of the Dodie Smith’s Novel “The Hundred and One Dalmatians”
Transformation of the Image of Japan in Murzilka Magazine in the 20th century
Bibliography of Macedonian Children’s Literature and Folk Tales in Russian
International Round Table “Actual Problems of Macedonian and Slovenian Studies”
Desanka Maksimović. Bibliography of Russian-language Publications for Children and Youth
Angel Karaliichev. Bibliography of Russian-language Publications for Children and Youth. On the 120th Anniversary of His Birth
Bibliography of Russian Literature Studies in Bulgaria (2000–2021)
Bibliography of Russian Literature Studies in Slovenia (1990–2021). Part 1
Bibliography of Russian Literature Studies in Slovenia (1990–2021). Part 2
Bibliography of Russian Literature Studies in Slovenia (1990–2021). Part 3
Radule Stijenski (1901–1966). Bibliography of Russian-language Publications. Part 1
Radule Stijenski (1901–1966). Bibliography of Russian-language Publications. Part 2
Miyazawa Kenji. Bibliography of Publications in Russian. Part 1
Miyazawa Kenji. Bibliography of publications in Russian. Part 2
Miyazawa Kenji. Bibliography of Publications in Russian. Part 3
About Lydia Charskaya. Bibliography (on the 150th anniversary of her birth). Part 1
Guchkova Dana
Post-ideological return to ideology in the Slovak literature after 1989
Gulidova Ekaterina N.
About the content of the concept of «adverbial expressions» (on the material of the French language)
Peculiarities of Teaching Word-derivation and Morphology of Contemporary Russian Language at the Philological Faculty in Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
Ǵurčinov Milan
From Milan Ǵurčinov’s Memoirs “Comprehension of Reality”: The Firstl Time in Moscow
Gurevich Tatyana A.
On “Multicolored” Books (review of a series of books “In Memory of the Lion-Fox Bestiaries”)
Gurevich Dmitry L.
Pronominal and Substantive Features of «a gente» and «o pessoal» in Brazilian Portuguese
The Spanish que and its functions
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Portuguese (main foreign) Language”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Linguistic and Regional Studies - History, Geography, Culture of Portugal”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “History of the Portuguese Language” (for bachelor’s degree)”
Guruleva Eugenia
Russian Literary Critics of the 20th Century: Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary. Vol. I
Gusev Yuri
Poetry Here and Now
Guseva Alla H.
On the Concept of the Author’s Media Text Translation in the Era of Digitalization and Commercialization of Art
Guseva Anastasia V.
Female Images in “Moskovsky Merkuriy” by P.I. Makarov
Guseva Olga V.
The Andreev Readings Conference in the Saint-Petersburg State University
Konwencja i kreacja w języku i literaturze czeskiej. Redakcja naukowa prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Balowski.
A Positivist Model of the Historical Novel for Youth in Polish Literature
Guskova Irina B.
“Sin” of the Theatrical Functionary
Hajiyev Kamran Aliverdi oglu
On Overcoming Distinctions during the Artistic Text Translation
Hasanova Mashhurakhon Inomovna
Pedagogical Activity of the Famous Scholar and Orientalist Nurullokhon Ismatovich Ghiyasov
Heydarova Marzia Ramiz gizi
Cultural Connotive Vocabulary in Descriptions of Azerbaijan at the Beginnings of the 19th century
Huber Damjan
Slovenian Seminar of Language, Literature and Culture and the International Scientific Symposium “OBDOBIA” in terms of Participation of Russian Researchers
Iaroshenko Polina V.
Translation of the Synaesthetic Metaphor in Baudelaire’s Poetry
Ibragimova Karina R.
The Image of a Poet in “Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy”
The Tragic in the “Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer
Iljina Galina
The Community of the Yugoslav peoples: a Reality or a Phantom?
The works of scientists of the Faculty of Philology which are published abroad. Sheshken Ala G. Formation and development of the Macedonian literature
Forms of Historical Prose in Contemporary Croatian Literature
Iordani Natalia P.
The Features of Unstressed Vocalism after the Unpalatalized Consonants in the Bryansk Dialect of Early 17th century
Isaev Sergey Georgievich
Thesaurus on the Borders of Literature (M.L. Gasparovʼs «Records and Excerpts»)
Ishutin Yury Yu.
Evolution of the Death Motif in Lermontov’s Lyrics
Ivanova Alena T.
Personal Names of Yakuts and Their Surnames
Ivanova Elena V.
“If ever should I die in broadest daylight, I would die for being happy to be alive…”: The Poetics of Evgenij Evtushenko’s Style
Ivanova Angelina N.
The language doctrine in the works of Alfonso X the Wise (1252–1284)
Ivinsky Dmitij
Round Table «The Dynasty of Romanov and the Russian Literature»
The 250th Anniversary of N.M. Karamzin
“The Satirical Herald” and “Poor Liza”: About the Sale of the First Part of the Almanac “Aglaya” by N.M. Karamzin
Count Pyotr Vyazemsky’s Marginalia on “The Letters of the Russian Traveller” by N.M. Karamzin
Scientific Conference on the 225
Anniversary of the Birth of Prince P.A. Vyazemsky (1792–1878)
Ivinsky Alexander D.
M.N. Muraviev’s Comedy “Vyigrannaia tiazhba” [“The Case been Won”] (by the materials of the The State Historical Museum’s Written Sources Department)
Izotov Andrey I.
Supine Remnants in Modern Czech Written Discourse: Corpus-based Study
Jajatskov Pol
Jakimovska-Toshik Maja
Alla Sheshken’s Scientific Contribution at the Conferences on the International Seminar of Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture
Jakop Tjaša
Selection of Borrowed Words in Slovenian Dialects
Jovićević Stevan D.
The Novelistic Potential of Dositej Obradović’s Autobiography
Kachinskaya Irina B.
Updating the Dialectal Texts Corpus within the Russian National Corpus
On Oksana Getsova. Instead of Obituary
Kadić Slobodan
The World War II in the Political Discourse of the Modern Croatia
Kadioglu Esra
‘Letter’ and ‘Flower’ as Symbols of Memory in N.A. Nekrasov and A.A. Akhamatov’s Poetry
Kalinina Angelika G.
Reopening the Slavonic World...
Kalinina Ekaterina
Cinema as silence, theatre as a word in Philippe Garrelʼs films Elle a passé tant d’heures sous les sunlights... and Les baisers de secours
Kalugina Marina L.
Chekhov and His Contemporaries: Rapprochement and Repulsion
Kanarskaya Ekaterina I.
The Duplicity Conception in Works by Nikolai Kolyada (Based on the “Gogol” Plays)
Kaneva Tatyana S.
Digital Portrait of the Last Pechora Scribe
Kaplanová Veronika
Selected Psychological Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching with the Use of Modern Technologies
Kapuševska-Drakulevska Lidia
Една можна паралела: Марина Цветаева и Лилјана Дирјан
Karanfilovsky Maxim
Rina Usikova
Poetry of Blaže Koneski translated into Russian
In Memoriam of Rina Pavlovna Usikova
Karapets Valentina V.
The Ways of Translation into Russian of the Combination “semicolon et” (G. Flaubert’s Novel “Madame Bovary”)
Karapetyan Vanessa G.
Interpretation of the Mikhail Lermontov’s Poem “Demon” in the Works of Sergei Parajanov
Karavaeva Polina
Some Peculiarities of Grammar Forms in XVI Texts
Karpenko Ilia
International Conference on Russian Studies at the University of Barcelona
Karpova Yulia A.
The evolution of the system of consonants in Spanish language: way from the sizzling [š] and [ž] to the the velar [x]
Kartseva Zoya I.
Poetics of synthesis (novel-fugue of Emilia Dvoryanova)
Kataev Vladimir
Moscow University and Lermontov
Katsis Leonid F.
On O. Mandelshtam’s Polemics with Karamzin, Dostoevsky and Belinsky in his School Composion “Crime and Punishment in ‘Boris Godunov’ ”
Kaverina Valeria V.
A History of Normalizing Russian Spelling: From One Reform to Another
Kaytoh Wojciech
Notes on how Ian Chrysostom Pasek fought with Moscow
Kedrova Galina Evgenievna
MRI in linguistics and its applications: interdisciplinary approach
The Internet Olympiad on Philology for All – a New and Unique Experience of the Philological Faculty of Lomovosov Moscow State University in the School Olympiad Movement
Kenzhebaeva Saltanat
Correlation of Visual and Verbal Components in a Poem by Nikolai Morshen and Some Works by Vilen Barsky
Khalilova Ekaterina A.
Function of the Clitic se in the Spanish of the 14
century (on the material of Juan Manuel’s “Count Lucanor”)
Khalilova Hamida
Situational Modality and Lexical Means of Its Expression as a Corpus Research Object
Kharitonova Anastasia Vladimirovna
Death vs Resurrectionю The Canvas of H. Holbein in the Art World of the Novel F.M. Dostoevskyʼs ʻThe Idiotʼ and the Theme of Death in the Novel V.P. Sventsitsky ʻAntikhristʼ
Kharitonova Ksenia V.
Kharlanova Kseniia M.
The Semantics of Fictional Animal Images in the Prose of Julio Cortázar
Khaustova Varvara I.
Edgar Allan Poe’s Reception of the Ideas of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Khlebus Marina A.
A Word as a World View
Wybitni pisarze współczesnej literatury rosyjskiej Michaił Szyszkin / Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Anny Skotnickiej i Janusza Świeżego. Kraków: Wydawnictwo «scriptum», 2017. 509 s.
Awards Institute as an Integral Part of the Contemporary Literary Process
Khmialnitski Mikalai
The Ideological and Artistic Identity of Social Novels by Adam Pług
Khojaeva Muqaddas O.
Reflection of Phonetical Problems in “Charoghi hidoyat” by Alikhon Orzu
Kholikov Alexey A.
Significant absence in the D.S. Merezhkovskyʼs «Autobiographical Notes»: the experience of a real comment to the «Complete Works» (1914)
Experts in the Study of National Literatures of the USSR and Russia in the Dictionary “Russian Literary Critics of the Twentieth Century”. Vol. 1
R.G. Bikmukhametov as an Expert in the Study of National Literatures of Russia
A Valuable Contribution of N.A. Korogly to the Academic Study of National Literatures of USSR
Autobiography vs History: “Dialectics of Life” by S.M. Shakhray
“I have been unraveling the mystery of creative imagination all my life”: For the Jubilee of Larisa Stepanovna Logakhina
Khudyakova Ekaterina
The Making of Identity in Czech Public Narratives: Group Influence
Khvorostova Karina A.
The Symbolism of Water Images in Th. Hardy’s Novels
Kichigin Kirill V.
On some particularities of adjective description in Santo Tomás’s Quechua grammar
Kikilo Natalia I.
The First Serbian Studies Workshop “Dominants of Serbian Cultures”
Kimyagarova Roza S.
“Honor, Glory and Pride of Our Literature” (V.G. Belinsky). “Petukh i Zhemchuzhnoe Zerno” Fable of Ivan Krylov
Artistic Features of Krylovʼs Fable “Titmouse”
Ivan Krylov’s Fable “Pig”
Kirichenko Tatyana A.
The System of Complex Abbreviated Onyms Paradigmatic Units
Kirienkov Igor D.
V. Nabokov and M. Zoshchenko: Stylistic Masks and Autobiographical Strategies
Kirillova Svetlana E.
The Principles of Creating a Regional Katoikonymic Dictionary: An Alphabetical Part
Kiryakova Anna A.
Myth is Abstraction or Reality? Portrait of the Phenomenon “myth” in the Minds of Native Speakers of the Russian Language
Klimenko Irina V.
Jack London’s Neo-romantic Techniques
Klimkov Ivan
Media Technologies and Boundaries of Their Expression: The Interpretation of the Dialogue between Julio Cortazar and Michelangelo Antonioni
Klimova Ksenia
What does ΔΡIΜΙΕΣ stand for?
Klyueva Irina V.
Leo Tolstoy in Stepan Erzia’s Creative Consciousness
Klyuyeva Tatyana V.
On Stylistic Functions of Language Borrowings in German Fiction
The Luxemburgish Culinary Terms: Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects
Russian Translation Specification of Luxemburgish-marked Lexemes
Ways to Translate Russian Culinary Vocabulary in Marcus Wolfʼs Book “Geheimnisse der russischen Küche”
Kobilov Ahmadjon A.
Peculiarities of Suffixes Deriving Original Adjectives in “Tarjumai ‘Tafsir Tabari’” (“Translation of Tabari᾿s Commentary”)
Kochergan Alexandra M.
The Linguistic Analysis of Pragmatic Strategies of Advertising Discourse (Advertisements in English and American Magazines)
Kochergina Irina V.
A Letter from Boris Zaitsev to Yuly Aykhenvald
Publications by Yu.I. Aikhenvald in the Newspaper “Rul” about the Literature of the Metropolis
Kodirova Firuza R.
Bakron’s Linguistic View on “Jahon-Name”
Selected Bibliography of the Works of N.I. Ghiyasov
Kogan Petr L.
Features of Subjunctive Mood Forms Usage in Old Spanish Based on the Collection of Parables “Kalila and Dimna”
Koleva Krasimira
New uses of reflexive verbs in modern Bulgarian literary language – Trend or Non-Standard
Koltsova Natalia
Theatricality and Language of Culture under Totalitarism (in Interpreting the Filmmakers of the 1980s.)
Remembering Albert Avramenko
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Comprehensive Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Text”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “The History of Russian Literature of the late 19
– early 20
Konecny Jakub
Some problems of prosody of the Czech language in comparison to Russian
Konishcheva Anastasia I.
The Concept CHALLENGE: From
Kormilov Sergey I.
Sinology with the Administrative Resource (From the Theoristʼs Point of View)
Dolgova S.R., Mikhaylova N.I. “The Lands of Moscow, the Native Lands...” A.S. Pushkin and Moscow. Moscow. Veche Publ., 2013. 320 p., ill.
Korneev Aleksey V.
The Destiny of A.S. Pushkin’s Son-in-law – Mikhail L. Dubelt
The Destiny of A.S. Pushkin’s Son-in-law – Mikhail L. Dubelt (Сontinuation)
The Fate of Dubelt Family – Daughter, Son-in-law and Grandson of Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin’s Daughter and Son-in-law: Life after Separatioin
Disciple of Nikolai Ivanovich Liban
Mystery of the Portrait of a Caucasian Officer
Fate Did not Bring Us Together, or The Great Mystifier
A.S. Pushkin’s Nephew Is the Prototype of the Dostoevsky’s “Positively Sweetheart Person”
Korobikhina Elizaveta D.
Relations Writers in Expat Environment: Joseph Brodsky and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Koroleva Alla L.
The Specifics of Otherworldly Space Depiction in Breton Lays
Korosteleva Anna A.
The Norm of the Individual in Opposition to the Norm of Society: the Strategy of Communicative Behavior (images of magicians in children's movies)
The Theme of Truth and Lie in the “Ballad of a Soldier” (the Material for a Cinema-Lesson)
The Semantics of a “hand stroke” Gesture in Russian Language
Problem of Displaying of the Speech Characteristics of an Historic Personality in Cinema (L. Lemke in “Vrag naroda – Bukharin” [“Enemy of the People Bukharin”], 1991)
Russian Kineme ‘offering a hand’ and its Role in the Constraction of a Handshake in Russian Language
From Earth to Outer Worlds (In Memory of Maria Bezyaeva)
The Idea of “Adequacy – Inadequacy” as a Basis of a Movie’s Communicative Composition
Replication of a Communicative Behavior Model as Means of the Character’s Creation (Lev Lemke in “The City of Craftsmen”, 1965)
On the Functioning of Russian Communicative Level’s Means in Physician’s Speech (in the aspect of Russian as Foreign Language teaching)
Communicative Stereotype of Robot in Children’s Movies
The Doppelgänger Phenomenon in the Cinema: The Characters’ Communicative Strategies
Changing the Norm of Socium – the Basis of the Communicative Composition of the Film (based on the movie “Nightingale the Robber”)
The Aesthetic Function of Russian Communicative Means in Conditions of Reduced Variability (based on the material of the musical “Dance of the Vampires”)
The Semantics of ‘Nod’ in Russian
Semantics of “Shaking One’s Head” Gesture as a Unit of Russian Communicative System
Korovin Vladimir L.
Jubilee Conference of Derzhavin (Philological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Korzhova Inessa
Sentimental Grotesque in the Poetry of B. Okudzhava: on the 100
Anniversary of the Writer
Kosanovich Bogdan
Subject of imposture at A.S. Pushkin and P.P. Negosh
Kosareva Anastasia N.
Linguocultural Peculiarities of the Street Names in the Modern Regions of Moscow and London
Linguocultural Aspect of Phraseological Units’ Translation from English into Russian and French in the TV Series “Downton Abbey”
Koshelev Vyacheslav A.
Koshelev Vyacheslav A.
“Potemkin’s Festivity” and the Daring of Derzhavin
Kossarik Marina A.
At the Rise of Discourse Problem and Functional Grammar Studies: (Anchieta 1595, Figueira 1621, Estêvão 1640, Pereira 1672)
Analysis of Lexicological Problems in Early Portuguese Grammars, Treatises and Dialogues on Language
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Introduction to Romance Philology”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Romance Linguistics: The History of Linguistic Ideas”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Portuguese (main foreign) Language”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Linguistic and Regional Studies - History, Geography, Culture of Portugal”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “History of the Portuguese Language” (for bachelor’s degree)”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Comparative Grammar of Romance Languages”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Theoretical Course of the Portuguese Language (Phonetics)”
Kotova Marina Yu.
Slavonic-Germanic Comparative Studies in Germany: Thematic Bibliography of Dissertations and Other Types of Fundamental Research in Germany on Slavonic-Germanic Comparative Studies (1998–2017)
Kotova Natalia K.
The Introduction to the Gospels written by Theophylact of Bulgaria in Peresopnitskoye Evangeliye
Kotovskaya Darya O.
Role and Meaning of the Image-symbol of Fire in Leonid Andreyev’s Creative Works
Koviloski Slavcho
L.N. Tolstoyʼs Works in the Macedonian Critical Essays of the 19
Kovpik Vasiliy A.
Scientific Readings in Memory of Professor N. Kravtsov (to the 110th anniversary of his birth)
Kovrigina Elena A.
The History of an Illness: Hiccups and Hiccups People (based on the dialects Arkhangelsk region)
Kovtun Elena
Inter-faculty course «Cross-cultural codes fiction»
Fiction in University Courses: Concept, Theory, Canon The program of the discipline Theory and history of fiction (Russian, Slavic, Anglo-American Tradition)
A quarter-century of work of the Council on Philology of the Association for Classical University Education
The experience of reading the inter-faculty course on the history, culture and literature of the Slavs in the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Vladimir Pavlovich Gudkov and UMO
Sociology of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Monitoring within Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies Classes at Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Sociology of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Monitoring within Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies Classes at Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Sociology of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Monitoring Within Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies Classes at Lomonosov Moscow State University
Years of Pupillage at Raisa R. Kuznetsova
“Сanon” and Intertext of “Post-Mortem Being” in Science Fiction and Fantasy of the 20
centuries: Problematic and Functional Aspects
The Sociology of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Monitoring Within Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies Classes at Lomonosov Moscow State University
Kovyazina Anastasia N
The Role of Antique Allusions in O. Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
Kozhina Svetlana A.
The Controversy with the Canon of Socialist Realism in the Early Prose by B. Hrabal and J. Škvorecký
Kozhukhovskaia Iuliia V.
Representation of Ship of State Metaphor in Modern Greek Poetry of the 20
and 21
Krasilnikova Lidia V.
The Interrelation of the Derivation with Other Levels of the Language System in the Lingua-methodical Aspect
Department of Russian Language for Foreign Students at the beginning of the 21st century (Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Nailia Baldé, Jayanti Dutta, Ana Carina Prokopyshyn. Dialog – Manual de Russo como Língua Estrangeira para Falantes de Português, nível A1, 2ª ed., Coimbra: Grácio Editor, 2017.
Teaching Russian Language for Foreign Philology Students: Program, Textbooks, Tutorials
Cognitive-Communicative Approach to the Word-Formation Nests and Subnests
A Round Table “Specialty ‘Russian as a Foreign Language’ at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University”
Krasnykh Victoria Vladimirovna
Discourse experimental researches: nformation characterictics and psycholinguistic mapping. Part 1
Discourse experimental researches: nformation characterictics and psycholinguistic mapping. Part 2
The program of an academic discipline «Actual problems of studying Russian as a foreign language»
Krasovec David
Scientific Poetry in European Journals Modernity (1900–1940) / Ed. under the direction of T. Collani et N. Cuny. Paris, 2013. 461 p. (Classiques Garnier, Love collection n° 54).
Name that has no name between 1470-1500; or how linguistic comes to the rescue of the history of art [Nommer ce qui n'a pas de nom entre 1470-1500; ou comment la linguistique se porte au secours de l'histoire de l'art]
The 56th Biennale of Venice, when the Angelus Novus is Deprived of its Wings…
La basilique San Pietro di Castello, antichambre de la Biennale de Venise
Perspectives Opened by “Controversial Pictures, Dissenting Pictures. Art and Reform in Strasbourg (1520 – circa 1550)” by Frank Muller (2017)
Krasovets Alexandra
Impressions of a Translator. Goran Vojnovichʼs novel «Chefury out!» or Slovenian variations on the theme of «coming in large numbers»
Slovenian literature of the XXth century / Ans. Ed. N.N. Starikova. Moscow: Indrik, 2014. 325 p.
Nichevoki – the Cynics оf Russian Avant-guarde
Activity of Biocosmic Poets (1920–1923) and in Context of Russian Avant-Garde and Philosophy of Cosmism
From Language to Language: Anthology of Contemporary Literature of National Minorities and Immigrants in Slovenia / Iz jezika v jezik: antologija sodobne manjšinske in priseljenske književnosti v Sloveniji. Ljubljana, 2014. 816 p.
Samira Kentrić’s Graphic Novel “Balkanalia: Growing up in the Age of Transition” and His Hybrid Poetics
Literary Multilingualism in the Slovenian and Austrian Context / Eds.: Alenka Koron and Andrey Leben. Ljubljana. ZRC Publishing House. 2020. 324 p.
Kravchenko Tatiana
Subjective Notes Editor. Features of the «male» and «female» modern prose, released by the publishing house «Eksmo» in 2012–2013
Kravchenko Tatyana
Kravchenko Evgenia Vladimirovna
Atlantika: Notes on Historical Poetics. Issue XII / Ans. Ed. N.A. Ganina, N.Yu. Gvozdetskaya, T.A. Mikhailova (ans. ed), O.A. Smirnitskaya, F.B. Uspensky, E.M. Chekalina. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013. 256 p.
Kravchenko Tatyana
Raisa Romanovna Kuznetsova
Kravtsov A. N.
Retentive Memory of the Witness: Mikhail Solovyov. When the Gods are Silent. Little War (Notes of the Soviet War Correspondent). Moscow. AIRO-XX. 2017
Krotova Elena B.
Using of Idioms in the Context of the Suspended Assertion
Krotova Darya V.
The Program of the Academic Discipline «Introduction to Russian literature Study (Part II)»
The Program of the Academic Discipline «Modern Russian Literature: The Main Trends and Patterns of Development»
Krugova Marina S.
Codification of Changes to Gender Specific Nouns Referring to Humans in Modern Spanish
Krupchanov Andrey L.
The Reverberation of the Civilizational and Cultural Opposition and the Problem of Humanism in the Novels “ Stone Dreams” by A. Aylisli, “The Epoch of Stillborn” by G. Bobrov and “Hanuman’s Travel at Lolland” by A. Ivanov
Vladimir Makanin
Krylova Maria N.
Fear of Describing the Future in Modern Fiction
“People Want Poetry”: The Linguistic Personality of a Modern Poetry Admirer
Humorous Materials on the Russian Language Distributed among Users of Social Networks and Mobile Messengers: Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis
Speech Strategies and Speech Tactics of the Webinar Genre (on the example of the analysis of one webinar)
“These Language Games of Intellectuals…” (On the Language of Social Networks)
Comparison as a Cure for “Linguistic Potholes”
Krysteva Gergina
Personal and Anthological, or Some Observations on Authorʼs Lyric Anthologies in Contemporary Bulgarian Poetry in the Period 2010–2017
Kšicová Danuše
From the history of Ukrainian culture. Art – Theatre – Music. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 281 p., ill.
Kubišová Hedviga
Correspondence Ľudovít Štúr with Russian Slavicists
Kudlay Oksana S.
Lyudmila Lutsevich Autobiographic Confessions in Literature (Pretexts. Texsts. Contexts) / A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2020. 502 p.
Kukushkina Olʼga Vladimirovna
Ideas AA Polikarpov on system devices of vocabulary of language and person and researching the results of testing of vocabulary
Kulagina Pavlina
Natalija Ganina. “Brides of Christ”: Legends and Treatises from the Strasbourg Convent of St. Magdalena. Edition and Study. Berlin / Boston: De Guyter, 2016. 432 p.
Kuleshova Maria L.
The Adjectives of the General Positive Evaluation in the Modern Slovenian Language: Semantics and Compatibility
Loan Words in the Kostel Dialect of Slovenian Language and the South Chakavian Dialect of Croatian Language
Kulikova Daria L.
Genre of a «Letter of an Editor» in the Context of Sergey Minaev’s Creative Work
Kulpina Valentina
Polish Phraseology in the Dictionaries: Dominant Features of Macro and Micro Structures
Kurbanskaya Liliya A.
The Combination of the Incompatible in Bardic Poetry (Through Aleksandr Shcherbina’s Work)
Kurbonova Sarvinoz
Morphological Peculiarities and the Level of the Preposition “bo = with” Usage in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 18th Century (on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi)
Kurennaya Natalia M.
The Great War in Slavic Literatures
International Round Table “Language of Emotions in Literature and Art of Slavic Peoples”
Literary Parallels: Anton Chekhov and Mór Jókai
Soviet People Literary Preferences of the 1930s (According to the pages of the magazine “Knizhnye Novosti”)
Kurilov Valentin V.
Literary Terminology Studies
Kurtov Vladimir V.
Brunetto Latini’s ʽLi livres dou tresorʼ and Aristotle’s ʽNicomachean Ethics
Kusa Mariya
Slovak Translations of Russian Literature in Recent Years
Kutʼkova Anastasia Vladimirovna
The twenty-third DRAE Edition as the Result of a 300-year Work of the Spanish Royal Academy
Parlache Jargon as an Integral Part of Colombian Modern Spanish
Kuzieva Nodira Murodovn
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities and Level of Usage of Coordinative Compound Adverbs in the Tajik Literary Language Appertaining to 18
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities of Demonstrative Pronouns in Tajik-Arabic Languages
Kuzminova Elena A.
Fyodor Buslaev and A History of Slavic-Russian Grammatical Tradition
Kuznetsov Anatoly
Iordanidi S.I. Studies in Russian Нistorical Word-Formation. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. 122 p.
Kuznetsova Olga A.
Problems of Polish-Russian Literary Relations in Series “Biblioteka przekładow rosyjskich XVII–XVIII wieku z literatury staropolskiej”
Kyulavkova Katitsa
Syncretic style, literary and cultural function of A.S. Pushkin short prose
Lapudeva Tatyana A.
Metaphorical Representation of the Posthuman in Mary E. Pearson’s Novel “The Adoration of Jenna Fox”
Larkovich Dmitriy V.
I. Kant – Ch. de Villiers – Derzhavin: Reviziting the Philosophical Interests of the Russian Poet
Lashko Alina A.
System of Meanings of the Abbroconstruct Music and Adjective ‘musical’
Lavrentev Matvey A.
Dialect Stereotypes about the Idiom of the American-Mexican Borderland in the Naive Representations of Native Speakers
Lavrentyeva Anastasia S.
The Role and Functions of Derivatives from the Hagioanthroponyms in the Spanish Lingvo-culture
Lavrishchev Igor V.
A. Fet’s Poetry Discoveries in the Context of Artistic Researches of the European Impressionism
Lazareva Margarita A.
The Functions and Role of the Dialogue in Pushkin’s “The Queen of Spades”
Lebedeva Anastasiia I.
Dramatic and Epic in the Play (Eugène Scribe, Alexander Ostrovsky)
Lebedinskaya Elizaveta
The Forth Serbian Studies Workshop “Dominants of Serbian Cultures. Language, History and Culture of Kosovo and Metohija”
Ledenev Alexander V.
Remembering Albert Avramenko
Celebrating Bella Akhmadulina: 80
Leshkova Olga O.
“Polish-Russian Sketches” of Wojciech Kaytoh
Selected Bibliography of the Works of Professor N.E. Ananieva
Leskinen Maria V.
The Conference “Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Representations of Nations and States in the Slavic Cultural Discourse”
Levitina Alisa M.
The House that Böll Built: the Concept of House in Heinrich Böll’s 1950-s Novels
Levitskaya Alina Afakoyevna
Levshun Lyubov
The Emotive Component of the Genre Categories and Style in the Artistic Canon of Christian Culture (based on the works of medieval books)
Traditional Bookishness: On the Issue of the Content and Scope of the Concept
Lifanov Konstantin
E. Tibensky Slovak language in the mirror of internal and external relations (Zagreb FF press, 2012, 159 p.)
Codification of Ľudovít Štúr in the context of linguistic processes
Problem Units of the Phonological System in the Slovak Literary Language
History in the language of “Levoča Formulas of Oaths” from the 16th–19th centuries
Lipgart Andrey A.
The 14th–16th Century English Religious Prose and Its Role in the Formation Of the English National Literary Language
Concerning the Historical Context of William Shakespeare’s Life and Works. Part 1
Concerning the Historical Context of William Shakespeare’s Life and Works (Part Two). The Reign of Queen Elizabeth
On Interpreting Some Facts of William Shakespeare’s Life and Works: “The Phoenix and the Turtle” and the Purchase of Real Estate in London
Concerning the Interpretations of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
Irina Vladimirovna Giubbenet (1939–2018): Scholar, Teacher, Translator
Lochmelis Elizaveta R.
The Plot Invariant in Nikolay Karamzin’s Later Prose
Lojk Magda
Bulgakov on the Stage of Slovenian Theaters
Loreti Angelo
The Role of the Debates on the Definition of the Italian Oral Language and on the Means of Its Propagation after the Italian State Declaration
Loyevskaya Margarita
Church and Modernism
Memories as a Document of an Epoch
Kentauros, Kitovras, Polkan: Literary and Culturological Parallels
The Monastic Meal in the Solovki Monastery: from Antiquity to the Present Days
“The Light of the Frescoes of Dionisy”: the Fotos by Yuri Holdin
Russian Prisoners’ Memories of the 1920ies
The Peculiarities of Hagiographic Literature of the late 20th – early 21st centuries
Transformation of Russian Apocryphal Literature in the 19
Lukasik Vladislava Yu.
How the Swords Get Broken: Medieval Artifact in the 20th Century French Literature
Lukina Aisena V.
The Sea Toponymy in Olonkho
Lushnevskaya Ekaterina V.
Historical-contextual Method of World Literature Studies: Foundation and Development of A.A. Gugnin’s Scientific School in Polotsk
Lutar Mateja
Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language Textbook and the ‘Common European Framework of Reference for Languages’
Lysenko Olga A.
Slovenian Language in the Language Politics of the Republic of Serbia
Lysenko Elizaveta D.
A Structural Semantic Analysis of Proverbs and Sayings Representing the Concept WORK in Catalan
Lysenkova Eseniya A.
The Display of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of F.M. Dostoevsky in Soviet Newspapers
Lytkina Anna V.
Differential Expressiveness of English Dialogical Discourse: the Generational Differences
Magliy Anna D.
Non-historical novel of the XXI century
Makarova-Tomineс Irina
A Russian Accent in Slovenian: A Speech Portrait of the Russian-speaking Slovenian
Makhortova Varvara
Representation of queen Ginga in the novel J. E. Agualusa
Camões in the Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen: Poetry as “an Art of Being”
Classical Antiquity in the Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breiner Andresen
The Image of Sea-shell in the Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breiner Andresen
Makhov Dmitrij A.
Lewis’s Observer of Distorted World: An Experience of Christian Worldview
Makhova Maria V.
On the Marginal Glosses in the New Testament of the Moscow Bible of 1663 and Their Sources
Maltsev Leonid A.
American Theme in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s and Grigori Machtet’s Works
Problem-thematic “Crossroads” of the Novel “Perfume” by P. Süskind and Polish Prose of the 20
century (J. Andrzejewski, W. Gombrowicz)
Mamechkov Stepan G.
On Monosyllabic and Two-syllabic Endings of Instrumental Singular Case in Pushkin’s Prose
‘Masha shila plat’e…’ ‒ Some Facts on Lexical Indicators of the Semantics of Biological Sex in Russian
Mamilova Svetlana A.
Features of Literary Translation into Russian of the Story of Bernardo Atxaga “Memories of a Basque Cow”
Mamlina Aleksandra
Milan Cathedral Project: To the Historiography of the Question
Mankieva Eset Kh.
Specifics of L.N. Tolstoy “Gender” Philosophy (“Hadji Murad”)
Manucharʼan Ivetta
A Slavic pronoun in synchrony and diachrony
Marchenko Elizaveta G.
Spontaneous Spoken Language Imitation in the Comedies by 16-century Siena-born Authors
Markova Valentina A. A.
Teaching Russian Language for Foreign Philology Students: Program, Textbooks, Tutorials
Martyshin Dionisij, archpriest
The experience of Christian ethics and social thought in Taras Shevchenko’s legacy
Mashkova Alla
Results of Work Literary Section of the Slavic Department Philological Faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University for the period 2003–2013
Proceedings of of the Seminar-debate at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. «Taras Shevchenko and Slavic cultures. To the 200th anniversary of birth»
Panslavic idea and T. Shevchenko
First teachers Cyril and Methodius
«Testament» to Slavic World: A Ľudovít Štúr’s Treatise «Slavs and the World of Tomorrow» (the 200th anniversary of the writer)
We are Remember...
To the 100th Birthday of Raisa Romanovna Kuznetsova
Matytsina Irina V.
Some Ways of Expressing the Meaning of Swedish Verbs with Postverbs in Russian and Dutch
Mazhaev Ivan
Chekhov’s House-commode
Maznyak Maria M.
Peculiar Use of the Arabic Letters tāʾ и ẓāʾ for Conveying Sounds Denoted by the Latin Letter t in Portuguese Manuscripts in Aljamia Dated Back to the 16th century
Medvedeva-Nathoo Olga R.
Janusz Korczak: The Man and the Mission
Melnikova Еlena I.
The Concept of “Educational Electronic Dictionary of Individual-Author Neologisms of the Classics of Russian Literature of the 19th century”
Melnyk Jaroslav G.
Linguo-cultural constants in the poetic heritage of Taras Shevchenko
Mescheryakov Sergey
Dobrica Cosic. The writer, a politician, a man
Ivo Andrić: The Clarity Enigma, or a World without God”. To the 125th Anniversary of the Writer’s Birth
A Gift from Belgrade: An Anthology of Medieval Serbian Literature in Russian
Miloš Crnjanski: Unity in Diversity (On the 125th Anniversary)
Ivo Andrich: The Message to the Humankind (to the 60th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize)
The Writer and the History (On the centenary of the birth of Dobrica Ćosić)
Stanislav Krakov: Writer and Warrior
Myth and Religion in Goran Petrović’s Novel “The Siege of the Church of the Holy Savior”
Metlova Euphrosynia
The Problem of Distinction Some Meanings of the Forms of the Present Tense in the Oldest Translation of the Explanatory Gospel of Theophylact of Bulgaria (based on the Explanatory Gospel of John)
Mikalai A.
Mikhailova Maria V.
A.N. Potresov – the Critic
Nina Petrovskaya: Historia morbi
Turning the Pages of the Grasse Diary: What They Read and Discussed at the Belvedere Villa
Games of Mind, or The Absorption of Reality by Consciousness (Alexander Potemkin. Solo Mono. Puteshestvie Soznania Porazhenca [Journey of the Mind of the Defeated Man]. Moscow. PoRog Publ. 2017)
Humaneiness is the Measure of All Things
An Attendee of Great Events: Insights into the Family Archive
Retentive Memory of the Witness: Mikhail Solovyov. When the Gods are Silent. Little War (Notes of the Soviet War Correspondent). Moscow. AIRO-XX. 2017
The Multy-Voices Review on Lyubov Kopylovaʼs Novel “A Patch-Blanket” (Moscow, 2018)
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Theatrical and Dramatic Concepts and Art Practice of Silver Age”
A Child in Soul, an Executioner by Fate? (review on the premiere performance of “The Story of the Seven” based on Leonid Andreev᾿s “The Story of the Seven Who were Hanged”)
“Sin” of the Theatrical Functionary
Psychologism of E.N. Chirikov’s Novel “The Return”
Collective Review of N.A. Otsup’s Novel “Beatrice in Hell”. Beatrice Leaves Hell
A Look into the Past
Mikhailova Tatyana A.
The Gundestrup Cauldron as an Example of ʻVisual Folkloreʼ
Round Table “A Grammar of Unreal” (April 28, 2017)
The Round Table «Between the Lines... or Grammar of the Unreal-3». December 20, 2019
Milchovska Natalia V.
Review of the IV International Scientific Conference “Russian Language, Literature and Culture: Past, Present, Future” (Russian Center at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, September 27–29, 2023)
Miller Olga
Studying M. Lermontov’s Poem «Demon»: Polemic Notes
Memoirs of Contemporaries Lermontov in the Study of the Life and Work of the Poet
Minkevich Milorada A.
The Moon as the Patroness of Doubles and Magic. Miguel Ángel Asturias and His Guatemala Dream
Mirchevska-Boševa Biljana
Proceedings – Slavic gift for science («Macedonian-Russian linguistic, literary and cultural links». Skopje: Faculty of Philology «Blaze Koneski», 2014. 641 p.)
Why Macedonians Learn Russian
Towards the Jubilee of the Department of Slavic Studies at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje
To the Memory of Rina Usikova
Days of Russian Language and Culture in Skopje
A Person through the Prism of Phytonyms (on phraseological material from the Macedonian and Russian languages)
Positive Character Traits in Zoonymic Phraseology (Macedonian-Russian parallels)
The Phraseological Image of Interpersonal Relations
Mirmukhamedov Osimjon T.
The Scope of Suffixes in the Formation of Poly-Semantic Verbs in Tajik Literary Language Referring to the 11
Mironov Mikhail V.
On Peculiarities of Translating Horse Coat Names in Works of Fiction (in Russian and English)
Mironova Polina B.
The Reflexion of Polish Folk Culture in M. Konopnicka Story “W Zapusty”
Mirvoda Tatyana A.
Poetics of Horror in Internet-Folklore
Children’s Contemporary Folklore as the Object of a Psycholinguistic Experiment
Mirzoyunys Matluba
Kamol Khujandi through Russian Researchers’ and Translators’ Views
Mishina Daria I.
The Deposing of the Romantic Character̕ s Cult in A.I. Podolinsky̕ s Ballads
Mitevski Vitomir
Virago (Woman-Warrior) in Byzantine and Macedonian Epic Poetry
Mitić Anđela
An Overview of the Accent Features in the Prizren-Timokian Speech and Research on the Place of Accent in the the Village of Stajkovce Speech
Mitrovich Marich Yasmina
Grapheme and Pixel: The Culture of Reading in the Digital Age
Mochalova Victoria V.
Russian Emigré in Poland in the 1920s-1930s: Look from Outside and from Inside (Ilia Ehrenburg and Dmitry Filosofov)
Moiseeva Victoria Georgievna
Summer School for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature: comments, feedback, impressions
Benedict Erofeev about Vasily Rozanov (Erofeevʼs essay «Vasily Rozanov by eyes of the eccentric»)
Demon, brownie, writer
«Aristarch Lentulov. The flesh of things»
Here is the Giant: Poetics and Ethics of K. Vorobievʼs Prose
AZ: Museum and Human
Vyacheslav Kondratiev on War, Memory and Creativity
Scientific Conference “Foreign Russian Literature Studies: Perception and Evaluation of the Latest Period”
“Russian Language and Literature in the Slavic World: History and Modernity”.Online Conference
Military and peace weekdays of the “merry soldier” in the great Patriotic war. V.P. Astafiev
Long Way
“In Memory of Memory” by Maria Stepanova: A Romance about the Past and the Present
Elena Katishonok’s Prose
Emotional and Rational in Slavic Literature and Art: Collection of scientific papers / Eds.: N.M. Kurennaya, D.K. Polyakov Moscow. Institute of Slavic Studies RAS . 2022. 320 p.
A Man of His Time. To the 100th Anniversary of Yuri Bondarev
Mojsova-Chepishevska Vesna
On the cultural memory (through a simple and strict Macedonian song) [За културната меморија (преку простата и строга македонска песна)]
Proceedings – Slavic gift for science («Macedonian-Russian linguistic, literary and cultural links». Skopje: Faculty of Philology «Blaze Koneski», 2014. 641 p.)
Macedonian Cinderellas in the Context of World Cultural
It is the Gate and Key unto Itself
“Denicija” and Biblical “Song above All Songs”
«Macedonian Literature of the 20th century» as a Good Addition in Celebration of the Great Jubilee – Blazhe Koneski 100 years (Themes of the 20th century Macedonian Literature. Skopje: Dialog, 2021)
Koneski and World Slavic Studies
Do Stereotypes Ever Come? (through examples of the Macedonian Chlildren’s Literature)
The First History of Macedonian Literature by the Foreign Macedonist (Ala Sheshken. Macedonian Literature of the 20th – Early 21st Centuries. History essays. Moscow. Indrik Publ. 2022. 480 p.)
The Contribution of Foreign Macedonists, Slavists and Balkanists to the Studies of the Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture
Ante’s “Disobedience” a Score for Ante’s “Blue Poem”
Mokretsova Inna
‘Bardewickscher Codex’: discovery and exploration
Molnar Angelika
Turgenev and Tolstoy. Motives of Jealousy in Turgenevʼs “The Song of Triumphant Love” and Tolstoyʼs “The Kreutzer Sonata”
Monisova Irina Vladimirovna
Theatricality and Language of Culture under Totalitarism (in Interpreting the Filmmakers of the 1980s.)
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Theatrical and Dramatic Concepts and Art Practice of Silver Age”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Literature of the Peoples of Russia”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Contemporary Literature in Russian Language in a Foreign Cultural Space”
Course on Contemporary Russian Literature Abroad as a Teamwork Experience (a few words about developing a new discipline)
Mordashova Daria D.
The Process of Grammaticalization of the Verb ‘ville’ (‘to want’) in Combination with Bare Infinitive in the Danish Language of mid. 19
– mid. 20
Morozova Nina V.
To the Question of Dieremes in Phonetic Words
Morozova Tatyana N.
System of fishing and sea-hunting prohibitions and injunctions of the Pomors of the Winter Coast of the White Sea
Moskvin Georgij
«Why it is that I so persistently seek to win the love?..» Sense of the love intrigue in the story «Knyazhna Meri». Spiritual base of the plot
Mossakovskaya Varvara P.
Latvian Anthroponomy in Onomasiological Aspect: Structural and Semantic Analysis
Mostovaya Vera G.
Proper Names as a Problem of Translation (Based on the Russian Translations of the Lyrics of Catullus)
Motejunajte Ilona
Future as a plot: Tver, 10–12 April 2014
The Value System in V.P. Astafyevʼs Short Story ʽLyudochkaʼ: Narrative, Plot, Composition
Mukhina Anna A.
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya – Grunja Friedrich – Christina Orletsova: transformation of the Soviet myth in the drama and in the novel of Boris Pasternak
Mukhortov Denis S.
How to Teach Creative Writing: Schoolbook
Muranskaya Natalia
The Life and Work of Professor Andrey Červeňák
Murodzoda Nodira
Pedagogical Activity of the Famous Scholar and Orientalist Nurullokhon Ismatovich Ghiyasov
Musatova Tatyana L.
Gogol and Dante as Thinkers
Nicholas I in Rome (1845). The Artistic Aspect of the Visit in the Assessments of Nikolai Gogol
Nicholas I in Florence (1845). The Artistic Aspect of the Visit
Emperor Nicholas I, collector and philanthropist. Days 9/22 and 10/23 December 1845 in Bologna
Grand tour of Emperor Nicholas I to Naples (1845)
Nicholas I in Sicily and Venice. The Begining and End of the Italian Trip
Venice. Finality of the Journey of Emperor Nicholas I to Italy (1845)
Nagaeva Kseniya
The Concept “Republic” in French and Russian Linguoculture
Nagornykh Vera V.
Review of Inter-University Youth Research and Practice Conference “Folk and Literary Fairy-Tale: Tradition and Modernity” (in celebration of Anna A. Ivanova’s 70th birthday) held on May 13 and 14, 2024
Nartnik Vladimir
On Forming of Slovenian Interrogative Pronouns kaj and kdo
Naumkina Valeriya R.
“The Human Voice” by J. Cocteau: Realization of Liaison in Stage Speech and Opera Singing (in French)
Nazarov Ivan Aleksandrovich
The Motif of a Broken-down Mechanism in the Context of the Literary Theme of Madness
Nazarova Anastasia V.
Games of Mind, or The Absorption of Reality by Consciousness (Alexander Potemkin. Solo Mono. Puteshestvie Soznania Porazhenca [Journey of the Mind of the Defeated Man]. Moscow. PoRog Publ. 2017)
Psychologism of E.N. Chirikov’s Novel “The Return”
Nesterova Evdokia A.
Golovacheva I.V. Science Fiction and the Fantastics, Poetics and Pragmatics in the Anglo-American Fiction. St.-Petersburg. ID “Petropolis”. 2013. 412 p.
Nesterskaya Liya A.
The Academic Subject Curriculum “Lexicology in a Framework of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Nestser Natalia V.
50th Anniversary of the Polotsk State University
Chronicle of Scientific Life
The Gothic Tradition in W. Scott Works (“The Tapestried Chamber, or The Lady in the Sacque” and “My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror”)
Artistic Peculiarities of the W. Goldman’s Novel “The Princess Bride”
II International Scientific Conference “Gugnin Readings” (May 3–4, 2024)
Nevokshanova Anastasia A.
To the problem of «globalization of Spanish
The Concept of Standard in Respect to National Variants of the Spanish Language
Nichiporov Ilia B.
The Death of a Poet as an Object of Creative Intuition in the Works of Marina Tsvetaeva
Poetics of Physicality in “Notes of a young doctor” by Mikhail Bulgakov
Anthropology of Literature in Berdyaevʼs Articles about Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Andrey Bely
The Author’s Voice and Voices of the Time in I. Shmelev’s “The Sun of the Dead”
Religious Intuition in Igor Chinnov’s Poetry
Poetics of Gesture in I.S.Turgenev’s “Poems in Prose”
Heroes of the Modern Novel in Search of Themselves: “Bezbozhnyj Lane” by Marina Stepnova
War-sound in Children’s Voices: “Last Witnesses (Solo for Children’s Voice)” of Svetlana Alexievich
Igor Vishnevetsky’s “Leningrad” as an Experimental Long-Short Story about War
“Zinc Boys” and “Chernobyl Man” in Svetlana Alexievich᾿s Documentary-Artistic Anthropology
“Golden Valleys”: On the New Novel by Roman Senchin
Contemporary World through the Eyes of a Teenager: R. Senchin’s Story “What do you want?”
Absurdist Picture of Modernity in Dmitry Danilovʼs Plays
The “Little Man” of the End of the 20th c. in Aleksandr Grigorenkoʼs Long Story “The Blind Dudu Lost”
Political Disputes in the Structure of A. Solzhenitsyn’s novel “In the First Circle”
An Absent Live of the Hero of Anna Markina’s Contemporary Novel “The Dollhouse”
Nidorfer-Šiškovič Mojca
Slovene Studies at Foreign Universities in the Net of the Present Challenges
Nigmatov Nu᾿monjohn I.
A Rare Source Aimed at Kokand Studies
Nikiforova Alexandra A.
Characters in M. Tsvetaeva’s “The House at Old Pimen” as C.G. Jung’s Archetypes
Nikitina Inna O.
The Practice of Secondary Burials in Greece: The Evolution of Tradition
Nikolaeva Olga
Fonoteka of Arkhangelsk dialects: the restoration and decoding
Nikolenko Elena Yu.
Media-text as a Means of Teaching Russian in Listening and Speaking Skills
The Application of Web Technology in Teaching Russian to Foreign Students at Different Levels
Nikolenkova Natalia V.
Problems of Spelling Trademark’s Names in the 21th century: Linguistic Observations
The Russian Spelling Reform in the Early 20th Century and Its Influence on Publishers in Baku in 1915–1917
Rules of Hyphenation in Russian: Diachrony and Synchron
The Hyphenation of Attributive Nouns: When the Spelling Rule is Powerless
The Reflection of Latin Grammatical Structures in Old Slavonic Translation of Blaeu’s Cosmography
The Program of the Academic Discipline “The History of the Russian Scientific Text”
Cultural Connotive Vocabulary in Descriptions of Azerbaijan at the Beginnings of the 19th century
The Program of the Academic Discipline “History and Theory of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”
Marking Ends of Sentences in Middle of the 17th centuryʼs Church Slavonic Text
Phonetic Commentary on A.Kh. Vostokov’s Grammar Manuals: The Experience of Contemporary Understanding
Russian Language Diminutives in the History of the Russian Literary Language: on the History of Russian Science Language formation
On the Individual Author’s Meaning of the Lexeme “reverence” [blagogovenie] in the Russian Literary Language of the 17
century: Supplement to the Historical Dictionary
Nikulicheva Dina B.
Chekalina E.M. Semantic Aspects of Swedish Grammar: A Systemic-functional and Contrastive-typological Analysis. Moscow. МАКS Press, 2017. 196 p.
Nizomiddinova Rukhsora A.
The Tradition of Composing Prefaces to Dictionaries in Persian-Tajik Lexicography Referring to 11
The Development and Evolution of the History of Tajik Lexicography in the Middle Ages
Some Considerations Beset with Peculiarities of Tajik Lexicon in “Muqaddimat-ul-adab” by Zamakhshari
Nizomova Saidakhon I.
Nosova Elena G.
German Spiritual Verse: System of Linguistic Resources and Features of their Organization
The Genre of a «threat» in German Spoken Language
Novitskas Ljubov
III International Conference of Young Researchers «Textology and literary-historical process» (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 13–14 March 2014)
Nurullozoda Firuza P.
Grounds of the Formation of Theory and Practice of Modern Tajik Lexicography and the State of its Research
Nyagolova Natalia
XII International Symposium «Russian Studies in the Modern World»
Obmornova Victoria V.
Ludwig Tick’s Overhaul of Charles Perrot’s Fairy Tales “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Bluebeard”
Obolensky Julia L
Gypsies in Spain – linguistic and cultural expansion
Report on the VII International Scientific Conference «Ibero-Romance philology in the modern world. Scientific paradigm and challenges»
Poetics of translation by Octavio Paza
Odintsova Irina V.
The Second All-China School Olympiad on the Russian Language
Summit on the Preparation of International Highly Qualified Personnel of the Russian Language in the Framework of the Strategy of “One Belt – One Way” and the Sino-Russian International Forum of Secondary Schools Directors
Russian in the System of the Organization of Educational Process at the Joint Russian-Chinese University MSU – PPI in Shenzhen (China)
Ogneva Elena V.
Realism as the Anatomy of Character: Eça de Queirós’s “Cousin Basilio”
Onufrieva Elizaveta S.
Idiomatic Comments as Evaluative Utterances (As Shown with the Examples of the Modern Greek Language)
Opačić Marija M.
In Serbian Slavonic Studies: The Magazine «Nash Jezik» Celebrated the Anniversary of Professor Sreto Tanasić
Orel Irena
Russian Lexemes in Slovene Lexicography in the second half of the 19th century
Orlova Tatiana
Mikhail Bakunin in artistic interpretation Aldanov and R. Gul’
Principles of characters and historical situation description in the D.S. Merezhkovskyʼs novel «The 14th of December»
The Character of Nicholas I in Artistic Interpretation of D. Merezhkovsky and R. Gulʼ
Specifics of Literary Cyclization
Works and Days. In Memory of V.E. Khalizev: A Collection of Articles
Orlova Maria V.
Aspectual Properties of the French Verb Tense passé composé and the Particularities of Its Use in Narrative Text (Based on the Material of the Novel “Les Catilinaires” by A. Nothomb)
Orlova Elizaveta A.
Character in the Adapted Series “Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries”: Playing with Tradition
The Adventure of Writing, The Adventure of Reading: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Tatiana Venediktova
Theatrical Musical on Screen: The Structure and Characters of “West Side Story”
Ostroborodova Glafira
Media Technologies and Boundaries of Their Expression: The Interpretation of the Dialogue between Julio Cortazar and Michelangelo Antonioni
Otskheli Vera
Causation and Forms of Relationships of the Georgian Literature with the Literatures of the Slavic Region (on the material of the Polish-Georgian and Georgian-Bulgarian literary relations)
Ovchinnikova Alla V.
Criminal terms in the Spanish youth slang
Pakhareva Tatiana A.
The First International Scientific Conference “Analysis and Interpretation of a Literary Text: Problems, Strategies, Experiences” (Kiev, May 2016)
Pakhtusova Varvara N.
Anton Chekhov’s Genre Tradition in Yuri Nagibin’s Work
Palij Oksana
The interpretation of urban space in the Czech postmodern prose [Інтерпретація міського простору у чеській постмодерністській прозі]
Pandev Dimitar
Rina Usikova’s Contribution to the Study of Sl. and Mac. Literatures
Rina Usikova’s Attitude to the Origins of Russian Macedonian Studies
Pandeva Marija
Rina Usikova’s Contribution Regarding the Modality in the Macedonian Language
Panich Maria B.
For Whom Is It Beautiful? In Search of the Subject of Aesthetic Evaluation
Panina Jeanne
Fonoteka of Arkhangelsk dialects: the restoration and decoding
Panina Elena I.
The Importance of study the Means of Verbal Action in the Process of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Pankov Fedor
The Anniversary of Distinguished Professor Lomonosov Moscow State University Maja Vladimirovna Vsevolodova in the Philological Faculty
The program of an academic discipline «Actual problems of studying Russian as a foreign language»
First All-China Olympiad on the Russian Language in Beijing
Exhibition-Presentation of Russian Universities in Aristotle Thessaloniki University
Russian-Greek Forum on Interregional and Inter-municipal Humanitarian Cooperation in the Framework of the Russia – Greece Cross Cultural Year
The Cooperation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with Universities and Other Organizations in Greece
Information about the Scientific and Methodological Seminar “Linguodidactic Description of the Russian Language in the ‘mirror’ of Foreign Language Systems”
Anniversary Seminar “The Creative Heritage of M.V. Lomonosov in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Work Program of the Discipline (Module) “Specialty ‘Russian as a Foreign Language’ at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (linguistic aspect)”
Pankova Elizaveta M.
The Concept CROSS [KREST] in Russian Cultural Tradition
Panova Olga Yu.
Andreev’s Conference: Survey
Pantić Mihajlo
Milan Ǵurčinov, One Literary Path
Panyuta Svetlana I.
Voltaire’s Candide: A Fairy Tale?
Papchenko Maria Yu.
On the Concept of «truthfulness» in the Context of Advertising Communication (on the example of the advertisement of cars in German magazines)
The Language Situation In Andorra In The Light Of Epilinguistic Data
Parkhaeva Maria P.
Types of Metaphors in the Botanical Treatises of Theophrastus
Pasko Ellina V.
To the Question on Origin of Color Symbolism in the Novel “Petersburg” by A. Bely
Pasternak Ekaterina
Poetry of Philology. Philology of Poetry
Pasternak Elena L.
I.N. Kuznetsova (19.08.1943–09.03.2021)
Patroeva Nataliya V.
Syntactic Features of the Poetic Tanslation of “The Lay of Igor’s Warfare” by Apollon Maykov
Pautkin Alexey
Ancient Russian bookishness: historical-literary alternatives
Literary topography of Moscow enveloped in flames of The War of 1812
Russian writers in diaries of the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich
The Medieval Chronology of New Time Literature in the System of Multi level Philological Education
“Letters of a Russian Traveler” in a Circle of Literary Sources. N.M. Karamzin and Johann Wilhelm von Archenholz
Fyodor Buslaev and Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
The Art of Ekphrasis. Modern and Classical Sculpture in the Assessment of Ivan Turgenev
Word and Image. Borisoglebsk Miniatures of Radziwiłł Chronicle and Sylvester Compilation (Silvestrovsky Sbornik
Youth of Gavrila Derzhavin. A Few Comments on the Poet’s Autobiographical Notes
Expert in Ancient Russian Culture (to the 100th Birth Anniversary of Professor V.V. Kuskov)
Temporal Motives in the Composition of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk
On the Periphery of the Intermedial Space. Russian Émigré Graphic Novel
The Menacing Echo of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (B. Lavrenev’s “Wormwood-grass”)
Pavlova Anna A.
Traditions and Innovation in Russian Rap Poetry
Some Aspects of the Metarealistic Aesthetics in the Poetry of Alexei Parshchikov and Alexander Eremenko
Pelikhov Denis A.
Analysis of Poetic Texts in Teaching Polish as a Slavic Language
Pentkovskaya Tatiana V.
From Russian to Serbian, from Serbian to Russian: Two Kinds of Revision of the Church Slavonic Texts in the 17th century
‘The Word for Mercy’ by Epiphanius Slavinetsky Literary Environment: Problems and Prospects of Study
The Program of the Academic Discipline «Introduction to Slavonic Philology»
The Book of Psalms as a Research Subject with Fyodor I. Buslaev (Manuscript 308 of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Collection, from the Russian National Library)
Monastic Libraries and Ways of Spreading the Hesychast Tradition in the Middle of the 14th – 15th Centuries from Paroria to Belozerye: Current State of Study of the Problem
Russian Translation of the Quran, Printed in 1716: Problems of Studying
The Fragments of Theophylact of Bulgaria’s Commentaries as a Part of the Synoptic Nomocanon of Metropolitan Daniel
On the Liturgical Terminology of the Printed Horologion of 1616–1617
Towards the History of Borrowings in the Russian Language of the Petrine Era: the lexeme
Perkhin Vladimir V.
S.S. Prokofievʼs sixteen letters about the ballet «Zolushka» (1940–1946): To the history of the creation
Andrei Platonov spring 1935 (About Writing V.B. Shklovsky to the writer)
Sergei Prokofiev and William Primrose. The Dream of the Violist
The Thrill
About the Vasily Nesterenko Exhibition
Lyudmila I. Tolstaya about the Tolstoy Memorial Museum (Research into Archival Materials)
Iosif Stalin and the Ten-day Festival of Buryat Art in Moscow (1940) (On the Materials of M.B. Khrapchenko Diary)
“United by the Great Rus…”: From the History of the Genesis and Perception of the National Hymn (June 1943 – April 1944)
Perkovskaya Zhanna V.
The Slovenian Language in the Foreign Historical and Cultural Environment and ‘plugging into the language’ (based on the literary pieces of Miroslav Košuta and Marko Kravos and the novel by Lojze Kovačič “Childish Things”).
Pershkina Anastasia
III International Conference of Young Researchers «Textology and literary-historical process» (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 13–14 March 2014)
Peskova Anna Yuryevna
Theme of Ľudovít Štúr in Modern Slovakian Drama
Petrov Andrei A.
The “Hypochondriac” Hero in the Early Tragedies of A.P. Sumarokov
Petrov Igor F.
The Axiological Aspect of The Crisis of Post-Modern Culture
Petrovich Predrag Ž.
Two Serbian Тravelogues about Soviet Russia
Pevak Elena A.
Alexei Tolstoy and decadence
Art of Fashion vs Fashionable Art
Solntseva N. Reputation of a Doll. Moscow. Vodoley. 2017. 176 p.
History of Russian Literature (1890s – the beginning of 1920s): Textbook: In 3 parts / Eds. M.V. Mikhaylova, N.M. Solntseva. Moscow. Yurait Publ. 2017. (Part 1: Realism. 349 p.; Part 2: Symbolism. 227 p.; Part 3. Acmeism, Futurism, etc. 224 p.)
On the Multi-aspect Opposition Realism – Non-realism
Gogol in the Mirror of Russian Modernism
Archive of Felix and Irina Yusupov: Correspondence / Compiled by Natalia Ganina. Moscow. 2018. 496 p.
Scientific Conferences of the Laboratory “Russian Literature in the Modern World”
A.G. Sokolov 100th Anniversary (1921–2004)
Vl. Voropaev. Nikolai Gogol’s Confessor. – Smolensk: Historical-literary Journal “Strannik”, 2021. – 100 p.
Ethics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Russian Literature
Livre d’érudit
Vega Maria (Volyntseva [Lang] M.N.) Bronze Clock: A Novel in 2 parts / Afterword by M.V. Mikhailova and A.N. Kravtsov. Moscow. Vodolej. 2022. 608 p.
O. Mirtov’s Novel “Dead Swell” and the “Vekhi” ’s Concept of the Russian Intelligentsia
Pichugina Daria A.
Jubeleé International Scientific-Practical Conference “Pre-university Training of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation: History and Modernity”
Pilguy Alexandra Vladimirovna
Image of Nature in the Works of the Austrian Expressionist beginning of the twentieth century, Theodor Däubler
Piper Predrag
Parting with Bogdan Terzich
Ivichev Period in the Development of Slavic Linguistics in Serbia at the Second Half of the 20
th> century
Pisarek Larysa
From the history of the Polish linguistic Studies
Pisareva Viktoriia V.
Personal Reflexive Verbs in Contrast
Platonova Irina V.
Rina Rina Pavlovna Usikova as the Organizer and the First Head of the Inter-Departmental Chair of the Slavic Languages of Moscow University
Podofedenko Svetlana A.
Poetics of Dreams in F.M. Dostoyevsky’s Story “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man” and J. Cortázar’s Stories “The Night Face Up” and “Story with a Background of Water”
Polishchuk Elena V.
Department of Russian Language for Foreign Students at the beginning of the 21st century (Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Polosina Nataliia K.
Course Curriculum “History of Foreign Literature of the 19th century (part 1)”
Course Curriculum “History of Foreign Literature of the 19th century (part 2)”
Ponamareva Nadezda V.
Communicative-pragmatic Potential of the Constructions for inputting the Characterʼs Communications in German Novels XV–XVI centuries
Ponomarenko Elena N.
Half sonnets of a Half American (Septet in Golovatov G.V. Strophic Repertoire)
Popović Nikolić Danijela
From Form to Reading: the Problem of Typology of Heroes of Epic Folk Songs in Serbian Folkloristics
Popykhova Anna A.
Specifics of Emotional Components in A. Camus’ Novel “The Stranger” and in Its Russian Translations
Pospelova Rimma
Halberstadt Marienklage Ms. from the collection of the Science Library of Lomonosov Moscow State University: new aspects of research. Philological interpretation
Pospelova Ksenia
Discovering Old Frisian Letters. Compounding in Old Frisian Letters
Pospíšil Ivo
Comparative Literary Studies and Area Studies: Advantages and Obstacles
In memoriam Frantishek Kautman
Valentin Rasputin through the Eyes of the Czechs (Portrait and Around: A Few Thoughts)
Raisa Kuznetsova and the Grasp of National Literature: a View from the Opposite Side – and in a Wider Context
Russian Novel as an Unwanted Child of Russian Literature
Potemkina Ekaterina V.
‘Secret’ and ‘Mystery’ in Dostoevsky Creative Works: The Lexicographic Aspect
Homo Increpans: Abusive Vocabulary of Personages in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s and Nikolay Leskov’s Works. The First Article
Homo Increpans: Abusive Vocabulary of Personages in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s and Nikolay Leskov’s Works. The Second Article
Concepts in the Russian Song Tradition: from Romance to Rap
Dostoevsky in the Perception of a Bearer of Another Culture: Interpretative Constants. Article 1. Prolegomena
Dostoevsky in the Perception of a Bearer of Another Culture: Interpretative Constants
Article 2. Features of Perception of Fyodor M. Dostoevsky’s Works Reflected in Foreign Cinema and Theater
Potparić Danilo
‘Katarina Jovanović’ Serbian Library in Zurich
Povetkina Polina B.
The Destiny of the Chivalric Novel about Caesar Otto in Russia [Review on: Małek E. Old Russian Translation of “The Story about Caesar Ottone” and its later adaptations (study and edition). Warsaw. BEL Studio. 2021. 825 p.]
Presnova Natalia V.
The Reflection of Latin Grammatical Structures in Old Slavonic Translation of Blaeu’s Cosmography
Pronina Maria K.
On the History of Spanish Intonation Studies
Proshina Victoria E.
Ludwig Tick’s Overhaul of Charles Perrot’s Fairy Tales “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Bluebeard”
Proskurnina Maria B.
Lessons from Elena Zakharovna Tsybenko
Punda Alexandra S.
The Motives and Images of the Medieval Romance in W. Scott’s “Quentin Durward”
Puriaeva Nadezhda N.
Jubeleé International Scientific-Practical Conference “Pre-university Training of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation: History and Modernity”
Pyryatynskya Elena
Ideas AA Polikarpov on system devices of vocabulary of language and person and researching the results of testing of vocabulary
Qodirova Firuza R.
Priorities of the Tajik Edition of “Lughati Furs” by Asadi Tusi from Iranian Publications
Rabotkin Yury V.
The Adjective in Grammar and Speech
Rahmatova Shahnoza Ravshanovna
The Usage of Comparative Method under Explaining Lexical Item Form in the Dictionary Entitled as “Burhoni Qote’” by Muhammadhusayan Burhon
Borrowed Words in the Dictionary Entitled as “Burhoni Kote’” by Muhammadhusayn Burhon
Rakhmatov Bahrom
Rakhmatov Bahrom
A Knowledgeable Merchant, or Who is Hoji Siddiqkhoja Khujandi – a Book Merchant?
Kamol Khujandi’s Poetry in Persian-Latin Dictionary by Vullers
Remneva Marina
The History of the Organization of the Philological Faculty of Moscow University and the Formation of Its Structure
Variations in Usage of Tense-Forms and Duals in XVI–XVII Texts
Category of the Time as Viewed by Russian Scribes of XVI–XVII c.
Two Languages or One Language: High and Low Norm of the Church Slavonic Language
The Old Russian Tense Forms
Revyakina Alina A.
Journey through the Russian Literary Classics
Rezepova Inna
Bakhtinʼs Shelter
Riđanin Ratko I.
Miloš S. Milojević as a Historian and Liberation Propagandist
Riđanin Ratko R. Marković
Kočić and the First World War (with reference to his political work and views)
Djura Jaksic and the Uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Riftina Vlada A.
Influence of Extra-Linguistic Factors on the Medical Research Article Macrostructural Invariant (On the Material of German Medical Research Articles)
Risteski Dmitriy
Milan Ǵurčinov as a Professor, Popularizer and a Researcher of Russian Literature in Macedonia
Rodionova Alexandra A.
Review of Inter-University Youth Research and Practice Conference “Folk and Literary Fairy-Tale: Tradition and Modernity” (in celebration of Anna A. Ivanova’s 70th birthday) held on May 13 and 14, 2024
Rogovneva Yuliya V.
Elements of the Informative Register in a Reproductive Text-description
Romanova Galina S.
Italy and Provence: Cultural Connections in the Middle Ages
Romanova Galina I.
The concept of «minuvschee» in the Story I.A. Bunin «Mowers»
Romoli Francesca
Un lexicon slavo ecclesiastico-russo-italiano dei termini religiosi e filosofico-teologici. Presentazione del progetto e primi risultati, con commento degli attributi del diavolo
Studies for a Multilingual Lexicon of Religious and Philosophical-Theological Words. On the Names and Attributes of the Mother of God (III)
Rozinskaya Olga
Literary criticism in emigre Warsaw. Russian-Polish literary connections in the 1920–1930
On Zofia Nalkowskaʼs «Diaries of the War Years»
From «Sanin» to «Djavol». The Way of Artsybashevʼs Evolution
On Boris Savinkov – a Man, a Writer, a Terrorist (according to the memoirs of contemporaries)
The Polish Period of Dmitry Merezhkovsky’s Emigration
The 5
Sokolov Readings at Moscow University’s Faculty of Philology
In Memory of Tatyana Yakovlevna Orlova (1949–2018)
Centenary of Aleksander Pushkin’s Death in Poland between the Two World Wars
Rudʼakov Pavel
Literary creativity Shevchenko in Slavic reception and interpretation
Seminar-debate at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. «Taras Shevchenko and Slavic cultures. To the 200th anniversary of birth»
Rudenko Maria S.
Genre of a «Letter of an Editor» in the Context of Sergey Minaev’s Creative Work
Rumyantseva Olga S.
The Saint Mary’s Image Evolution in the Polish Literature and the Lexical Means of Its Creation
Religious Education Manual for Children “Modlę się do Ciebie”: Linguostylistic Features and the Functioning of Names of God
Ruzhitskaya Elina
The Personal Identity of Fedka-the-convict: Individual and Collective
Ruzhitskiy Igor
The Personal Identity of Fedka-the-convict: Individual and Collective
Dostoyevsky’s Language Dictionary. Idioglossary (New Capabilities Lexicography of Author)
“Possible Worlds” in Dostoevsky’s Semantic Space
“Laugh” in Dostoevsky’s Works through the Eyes of a Lexicographer
Man with a Crease in Dostoevsky and Others
Nailia Baldé, Jayanti Dutta, Ana Carina Prokopyshyn. Dialog – Manual de Russo como Língua Estrangeira para Falantes de Português, nível A1, 2ª ed., Coimbra: Grácio Editor, 2017.
Lukin V.A. 100 Tasks on Semiotics of a Text: Tutorial. Moscow. Flinta Publ. 2019. 144 p.
Homo Increpans: Abusive Vocabulary of Personages in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s and Nikolay Leskov’s Works. The First Article
Homo Increpans: Abusive Vocabulary of Personages in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s and Nikolay Leskov’s Works. The Second Article
Language and Literary Works of Fyodor M. Dostoevsky
(Open lecture delivered at the University of Lisbon October 2, 2019)
Russian Cultural Memory: Work Program of the Discipline
The Concept of “tchelovek” in Dostoevsky’s Linguistic Worldview
Dostoevsky in the Perception of a Bearer of Another Culture: Interpretative Constants. Article 1. Prolegomena
Dostoevsky in the Perception of a Bearer of Another Culture: Interpretative Constants
Article 2. Features of Perception of Fyodor M. Dostoevsky’s Works Reflected in Foreign Cinema and Theater
Rybina Polina
Materials of Inter-University conference «Theatricality in Cinema» (March 27, 2015, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Faculty, Department for Discourse and Communication Studies)
About the Conference
Theatre Rehearsal on Screen: Paradox of «the Empty Space» (L. Malleʼs Vanya on 42
Street and M. de Oliveiraʼs O meu caso)
Rybka Maria S.
On Some Certain Phonetic Features of Spanish and Russian Children’s Speech
Rzhannikova Olga
Some grammatical problems of translation from Bulgarian to Russian (On the materials of the Russian student competition in literary translation from Bulgarian to Russian.)
Sabo Bojana
А. Јеlachic (1892–1941) about Russian Literary Criticism and Social Though in the “Russian Archive” (1928–1937)
The Value of P. Smirnovsky’s Textbook “Russian Grammar. Etymology” (1920) for Russian Emigre Community in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
Safuanova Alfiya I.
Genre of Authorsʼs dramatization in Russian Fairy-tale Drama of 1920–1930
Sakalchikova Nina N.
Negation Expression Teaching in Foreign Language Audience
Salnikova Anna I.
Metaphorical Conceptualization of Time in Terry Pratchett’s Novel “Reaper Man”
Samsonova Anastasia D.
A.A. Nartov’s Translations of the Passage from the B. de Fontenelle’s Work “Dialogue in the Realm of the Dead. Artemisia and Raymond Lullius” as a Reflection of Moral Ideals of the 18th century Society
Saprykina Olga A.
The Portuguese national and cultural identity in the discursive paradigm
Allegory in Portuguese Rhetoric
The Program of the Academic Discipline “Portuguese (main foreign) Language”
Sapunova Alexandra V.
Cognitive-Communicative Approach to the Word-Formation Nests and Subnests
Savelieva Olga
On the conference «Classical Philology in the Context of World Culture»
Clara Petrovna Polonskaya and Student Scientific Society
Muses by the Mirror. The Antique Reflections in Russian Literature. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013
A Review on Contemporary Studies into Classical Philology: Problems, Topics, Relevance
Sustaining Homeric Traditions in Russia: New Translations of Homer’s Poems
The History of the Fine Arts Museum: Names, Dates, Facts
Savelyev Victor
«The Tale of Bygone Years». Sources and correlated texts (Paper 1)
«Tale of Bygone Years». Sources and correlated texts (Paper 2)
Scarpa Marco
Monastic Libraries and Ways of Spreading the Hesychast Tradition in the Middle of the 14th – 15th Centuries from Paroria to Belozerye: Current State of Study of the Problem
Selitrina Tamara L.
English Realism at the Turn of 20–21
Semenov Vadim B.
Forms and Genres of Medieval European Literature: Thesaurus Issues
Semenova Polina N.
Sarcina Episcopatus of Saint Augustine
Şengüder Zoya
Comparative Analysis of Russian and Turkish Proverbs that Involve the Concept of “Family”
Sergeev Alexander
The Genre of a Novel in the Work of H. Pontoppidan
Impressionism H. Banga
Georg Brandes about Ivan Turgenev
Georg Brandes and the Crisis of the “Modern Breakthrough” Literature
Genre of a Literary Fairy Tale in H.Ch. Andersen’s Creative Work
Evolution of the Autobiography Genre in Hans Christian Andersen Works
From the History of Scandinavian Literatures
Сreative Evolution of Johannes Jorgensen
“Caricature” in Hjalmar Bergman’s Works
J.P. Jakobsen as the First Writer of the “Modern Breakthrough”
Sergeeva Aleksandra B.
Neology and Discourse (On French Material)
The Deceptive Pliability of Modern French: Two Systems’ Competition
Word Formation during the Pandemic 2020–2021: Priorities and Features (based on the material of the French language)
Sergienko Olesya S.
Thematic Bibliography of Slavonic-Germanic Paremiological Studies (2000–2018)
Sevostyanova Irina V.
Linguistic Features of the Modern Textual Computer-Mediated Communication of Russian-Speaking Youth
Shahmaeva Ksenia A.
The Role of Graphic Selections in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Novel “The Insulted and Humiliated”
Shamarina Anastasia A.
The problem of «otherness» in the works of Octavio Paz and Antonio Machado
Shapkina Olga I.
Scientific Researches about Russian Literature and Journalism in Pre-revolutionary Epoch (chosen bibliography)
Sharapova Asya K.
Zoomorphic Vocatives in Lexicography and RNC
Shatko Evgenija V.
Classics and Contemporary: Gogol, Turgenev, Gorky
The Topos of the City in Synchronicity and Diachrony: A Literary Paradigm Central and South-Eastern Europe
Interview with Natalia Vagapova
Shchegoleva Lyudmila I.
Greek-Slavonic Psalters of the Russian State Library, fond 173/I, No 8 and 9: Manuscripts and Texts
Shcherbinina Yulia I.
Mukhortov D.S. Idioms Time! A Handbook of English Idioms. Moscow. LENAND Publ. 2018. 200 p.
Metaphorical Conceptualization of Time in Terry Pratchett’s Novel “Reaper Man”
Sheleva Elizabeth
Exile and Nostalgia in Svetlana Boym’s Essay
Academician Milan Gurchinov’s Сontribution to Research of Macedonistics and Comparative Studies
Shervashidze Vera V.
Orphic Properties of Music in Pascal Quiпnard’s Work
Sheshken Alla
«Seminaristi-Macedonists promoters and promoters Macedonia and the Macedonian language literature and culture» (by Maxim Karanfilovski and Belagica Veljamovska) / Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Skopje, 2012
The experience of reading the inter-faculty course on the history, culture and literature of the Slavs in the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Miloslav Babović: Translator of Russian Classics, Scholar, Honorary Doctor of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Life and Destiny. Memories about War
The role of folklore in Formation of literature in Macedonian language (In memoriam Nikolay Kravtsov)
Ilyina G.Ya. Bibliography of Translations of Croatian Literature into Russian. Moscow: Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016. 78 p.
Anniversary of Teaching Russian in the Republic of Macedonia
“Nadrealism” and Folklore: The Serbian Model of Surrealism
A. Petrov Literary Russia. A Look from Serbia
In Memory of Galina Ilyina (1930–2018)
Rina Pavlovna Usikova – the Founder of Macedonian Studies in Russia
A Word about Milan Ǵurčinov
Churich Boban. From the Life of Russian Belgrade. Belgrade: Philological Faculty of the Belgrade University. Belpak, 2015. 231 p.
Contribution of Alexander Flaker to the Study and Development of Russian-Croatian Scientific and Cultural Connections
Serbian Russian Boban Ćurić (12.13.1968–09.13.2019)
In Memory of Macedonian Popularizer of Russian Literature and Culture Tanja Urošević (1936–2020)
On Some Features of the Formation and Development of Literatures of the Peoples of Russia
Blaze Koneski (1921–1993) the Great Macedonian Culture Person: On the Centenary of His Birth
Hymn to Life and Light: Mosaics of Gazanfer Bayram
100th Anniversary of Elena Zakharovna Tsybenko, Founder of the School of Literary Polonistics at Moscow University (1923–2011)
Anniversary of the Founder of Russian Macedonian Studies Rina Pavlovna Usikova (1933–2018)
Sheveleva Maria N.
In Memory of Andrei Zaliznyak
On Monosyllabic and Two-syllabic Endings of Instrumental Singular Case in Pushkin’s Prose
Shevlyakova Daria A.
Depicting Italy in Singers-songwriters’ Songs
Shirokova Aleksandra A.
Borrowings from Latin in the Floronymic Systems of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian Languages
The Image of a Primula in Adam Mickiewicz’s Poem “Pierwiosnek” and Its Translations into East Slavic Languages
Shirokova Liudmila F.
The Image of Ľudovít Štúr in Fiction: Strokes to the Portrait
Shiryaeva Irina N.
The Dialogue of the Epochs
Shkolnikova Olga Olga J.
Discursive Word donc / dunque as a Functional Successor to the Latin Discourse (for example, French and Italian translations of medieval Soliloquy bl. Augustine)
A Copy of the Latin Biography of the St. Stephan of Muret hand Andre Duchesne from the Collection of the National Library of France ( Baluze 262)
Shmeleva Elena A.
Chernets L.V. On the Character’s Types in the Russian Literature of the 19th century: Monograph. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2018. 212 p.
Between Classics and Mass Literature (Mikhail Avdeev’s Novel “The Underwater Stone”)
Shmulevich Nadezhda V.
he Pre-War Screen-Versions of Dostoevsky’s Work
Shodikhojaeva Marhabo
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Peculiarities of Demonstrative Pronouns in Tajik-Arabic Languages
Shoutova Lidia I.
Biblical Topos as Markers of the Author’s Style
Shternina Ekaterina S.
Negation Expression Teaching in Foreign Language Audience
Shtonda Julia A.
Inserts of Foreign Languages in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Letters to His Friend – a Prisoner of Tegel
Shtyrova Valeria E.
Pragmatic Potential of Anthroponyms in the Titles of Modern German-language Novels
Shuang Wang
Forward and reverse subject to an agreement with ʻэто’
Shumilova Darjya A.
Affects in the City: Leonid Kvinikhidze’s Film Adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “White Nights”
Shurinova Larisa V.
About Russian Clandestine Marriage (Korneev A.V. “Happiness Will Depend on Her...” The Fate of Pushkin’s Daughter and Son-in-Law. Moscow: Veche, 2023. 320 p.)
Shustova Anna P.
Anthroponyms’ Functions in Language and Fiction Usage
Shvedova Natalia
Memoirs of a Poet, Who Studied Slovak Literature
Shvets Anna V.
Thought as an Experience in Wallace Stevens’ Poetry: Algorithm and Language Game (the Poem «The Plain Sense of Things»)
Media Technologies and Boundaries of Their Expression: The Interpretation of the Dialogue between Julio Cortazar and Michelangelo Antonioni
Sichinava Dmitry V.
Updating the Dialectal Texts Corpus within the Russian National Corpus
Sidorevich Anna E.
The Vocabulary of Commerce in the French Language of the 19th century: the Evolution of the Notion ‘Shop
Sidorova Marina Yu.
Linguistic Studies of Image Description: Parameters of Categorization and Prioritization
To Poetics of Eternal Images: P. Kogan’s “Tiger at the Zoo” and Niu Khan’s “Huanan Tiger”
Simonova Maria Vladimirovna
Octavio Paz about language and speech
Sineva Olga Vladimirovna
International Scientific Conference «Baltic Languages and Literatures in History and in Modern World»
Skvortsova Valeriia V.
Time, Sleep and Death in Pelevin’s “Sleep” and Its English Translation: Ways of Interpreting Realia, Allusions and Time Movement
Šmihula Ján
Opening address
Smilevski Goce
Essential Reflections: Alla Sheshken’s Interpretations of Blazhe Koneski’s Opus
Smirnitskaya Olga
From word to sense: Ulfilas as the translator of Gothic Holy Scriptures
Smirnov Alexander
Significance of A.V. Kolʼtsovʼs Romantic Poetry for Russian Literature
Analysis of A.S. Pushkinʼs Poems, in the Aspect of the History of the Text
«Union of Love and Friendship» in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin lyceum period
V.V. Vinogradov and K. Vossler: Problem of the Aesthetic Function of Poetic Language
Das Symbol in der Lyrik Lermontows im Verhältnis zur Symbolik Goethes
A.S. Pushkin and works of the pioneers of European comparativists at the beginning of 19th century
The problem of correlation between historical and axiological methods in the study of literature
Smirnova Anna D.
On Translation of Artificial Intelligence Terms: A Study of the Manual “Make Your Own Neural Network” by T. Rashid
Smolenenkova Valeria Vladimirovna
Inter-faculty course «Language as cultural memory: the history of linguistic signs»
Program of the Course “Philological Analytics and Speechwriting”
Program of the Course “Composition”
Snetkova Marina S.
About Some Motifs of Traditional Galician legends
The Origins and the Use of the Galician gheada
The Means of Creation of Galicia’s Image in G. Torrente Bellester’s Novel “The Saga/Fugue of J.B.”
Soini Helena
The Finnish Period in the Life and Work of the Chernavin Family
Ecological Aesthetics in the Poetry of Finland of the 20th–21st centuries
Sokolov Aleksej Georgievich
The History of the Organization of the Philological Faculty of Moscow University and the Formation of Its Structure
Solntseva Natalia
Harlequin reputation
St. Sergius of Radonezh and literature of XX century
Kunjaev S.S. Nikolai Klyuev. M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2014. 647 p.
V.A. Drozdkov. Dum Spiro Spero: About Vadim Shershenevich, and not just about him. Articles. Researches. Publication. M.: Vodoley, 2014. 800 p.
Epistemology of S. Klychkov and N. Klyuev (1920–1930-ies.)
Davydova T.T., Sushilina I.K. The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century: from Impressionism to Postmodernism. Manual. Moscow. 2016. 351 p.
Mari Folk Songs in Translation by S. Klychkov
The Desire of Poets to Blood
Chronicle of the Life and Work of S.A. Yesenin: In 5 vols. Vol. 5. Book 2 / Comp. by N.I. Shubnikova-Guseva. Moscow: A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature. RAS, 2018. 1160 p.
Harting J.E. The Ornithology of Shakespeare / Transl. by P. Tusharo. Moscow. Libra, 2019. 140 p.
“The Saga about the Great Mother” by N.A. Klyuyev: Mysticism and Reality in the History about the “Granddaughter of Avvakum”
Georgy Ivanov on the “Vial of Poison” by Konstantin Leontiev
Solomatina Maria G.
Names of the Virgin in the Arkhangelsk Dialects
Solopov Alexei
“Sciences Feed the Youth” – or “Drive the Youth”? About Cicero as Lomonosov’s Model
Solovieva Elena V.
Fact and Fiction in Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” in the Context of Literary Movements in France
Roland Barthes᾿s Scientific and Methodological Contribution to the Study of World Literature
Solovyov Andrei
Derzhavin, Heraskov, Bobrov and “the Secret Key of Russian Literature” (from the Commentary to V.V. Izmajlov’s “A Journey to Midday Russia”)
Solovyova Elena Ye.
ʻMusical Ekphrasisʼ and ʻMusical Codeʼ
Axiology and Translation: S. Marshak’s Translations of R. Burns’ Poems
The Song’s Refrain as a Structural Element (based on songs from the movie “June 31”)
Sorokina Vera Vladimirovna
Kurban Said’s novel «Ali and Nino» in the context of war prose of the first wave of Russian emigration
Prose of the XXI c.: from the experience of reading
West European Studies in Russian Literature at the Beginning of the 21th century
Modern Western European Prose in Search of a Genre
Svetlana Aleksievich’s Life-Writing Books and Its’ Western Critics
Russian-language Literaly Periodicals
History of the Western European Russian Studies at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University in 1980–2020s.
Aesthetic Experiments in Contemporary Russian Prose: “novel-fairy tale” and “poem in prose”
Sováková Jana
The Traditions of Grotesque Realism in Milan Kundera’s Novel “Immortality”
Spivak Rita S.
Philosophical Metagenre: Concept, Term, Methodology of Analysis (I.A. Bunin, “Roman Gorbuna” [“Love Story of a Hunchback”])
Srbinovska Slavica
Conflict of interpretations, or the position «between» fact and fiction
Rethinking of the Revolutionary Ideology in the Literature: a Collection of Short Stories Paskveliya Zhivko Chingo
Fiction and Fact in Slavko Janevski’s “Landfill”
Stalskaya Sophia S.
Analysis of Author’s Translation of “Camera Obscura” (V. Nabokov): Comparative Aspect
Starikova Nadezhda
Literature of Independent Slovenia: «Transitive» 1990s.
Under the Sign of the Avant-garde: Constructivist Experiments of Srecko Kosovel
Translating Anna Akhmatova into Slovenian
Galina Yakovlevna Ilyina. To the 90th Anniversary
“Nova Revija” Magazine as a Catalyst for Socio-political Changes (to the 30th anniversary of Slovenia’s declaration of independence)
Sonnet and Epic Poems as Forms of Contemporary Slovenian Poetry
Questions of Description and Interpretation of Slavic Literatures of the 20
century (some aspects of the development of a monographic series)
Starostina Elena
St. Patrick’s Day at the Faculty of Philology (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Stasenko Olga P.
A Dialogue of Creative Systems of Nikolai Gogol and Pieter Bruegel the Elder in the Context of Carnival Culture: Personality and Carnival
Stefanchikov Igor V.
Populism as a Political Strategy: A Study of “Podemos” Party Discourse
The Phases of Podemos’ Discourse. 2014–2016
The Southern Star / La Estrella del Sur (1807): British Military Presence in Montevideo and The Language of Occupation
The Language and the Ideas of the Modern Spanish Nationalism: A Study of Vox Political Party Discourse
African Languages in Uruguay: A Historical Outline
Stepanenko Elena V.
Culturological Potential of Citations from Macedonian Folklore and their Translation to RussianCulturological Potential of Citations from Macedonian Folklore and Their Translation to Russian
Linguacultural peculiarities of translation from Macedonian into Russian
Translation Aspect of Analyzing and Sayings (on Macedonian and Russian texts)
Adaptation of Borrowed Words in Modern Macedonian
Stepanova Marina N.
The Phenomenon of “Art English” and Its Being in Russian-language Texts (based on the curatorial texts of the Artkommunalka Museum)
Stergiopoulou Helen
International Research Conference “Russian Literature and Its Relationship with Other National Literature in Europe” in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Stiglbrunner Thomas
The Austrian version of the German. System of lessons for DaF (C1 / C2)
Stolbova Elizaveta A.
Tekstologichesky Vremennik. Russian Literature of the 19th century: Questions of Textual and Source Study.
Book 3: Letters and Diaries in the Russian Literary Heritage of the 19th century / Comp. by N.V. Kornienko. Moscow: IWL RAS, 2018. 800 p.
Strelnikova Ekaterina S.
The Duplicity as the Basic Poetics’ Component of Stanislaw Lems’ novel “Eden”
Strok Anastasia Ye.
Student Conference “To the 250th Anniversary of S.T. Coleridge”
Subbotina Anna N.
Poetics of Symbolic Gestures in the Novel “Idiot”
Sultanov Kazbek K.
About the «ethno-cultural turning-point» in the study of the literature of peoples of Russia
The Russian-language Literature as a Cultural Phenomenon and the Object of Study
Surovtseva Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Ideas AA Polikarpov on system devices of vocabulary of language and person and researching the results of testing of vocabulary
The Theme of the Poet and Poetry in the Novel «The Life and Death of Mikhail Lermontov's» G. Gulia
Modifications of the Epistolary Genre: on the Material of the «Letters to a Ruler»
Susoeva Irina S.
The Method of Glossing in the Conversations of Joannis Chrysostomi on the First Epistle to the Corinthians in the Structure of the Kiev Edition of 1623
Sycheva Vladislava S.
Phenomenon of the Regional Sense of humor in the Tuscan Poetry
Tahirzadeh Aishanda Mazahir gyzy
The Russian Spelling Reform in the Early 20th Century and Its Influence on Publishers in Baku in 1915–1917
Talalay Mikhail
Italian Studies and Russian Studies of Yu.A. Dobrovolskaya: Bibliographical Essay
Taleski Aleksandar
Social Deixis of Personal Pronouns in the Macedonian Language
Tanasich Sreto
Serbian Grammar Today
IN MEMORIAM: Vladimir Pavlovich Gudkov (1934–2020). The Death of One of the Leading Foreign Serbists of Our Ttime
Tanturovska Lidija
“Never Talk to Strangers” – in Macedonian
Tarabanova Darya D.
William Blake’s “The Book of Urizen” as aVision: Tradition and Innovation
Tarasova Svetlana N.
Inter-genre Intra-literary Modifications of the Contemporary Belarusian Poem
Tasevska Roza
Rina Pavlovna Usikova – a Life Dedicated to Macedonian Studies
Temirshina Olesya R.
Through the Literature: Collection of Articles on the 80th Anniversary of Leonid Genrikhovich Frizman. Kiev. Publishing House Dmitry Burago, 2015. 464 p.
Teperik Tamara F.
Poetics of Nonverbal Behavior as a Matter of Philological Research (on the material of ancient authors)
Nonverbal behavior: philological and psychological approaches
Teperik Rimma F.
Nonverbal behavior: philological and psychological approaches
Tereshchuk Andrei
The Language of Russian-Speaking Immigration in Barcelona: Morphosyntactic Level
Tereshko Ekaterina Vladimirovna
The Functions of Animals in Dutch Folk Tales
Terzich Bogdan B.
Nouns Ending on Suffix ʻ-тельʼ as Motivational Stems in Russian and Serbo-Croatian
Tikhonova Olga V.
Literary Character and Melodiousness of I. Bergman’s “Scenes from a Marriage”
Tikhonova Oksana
Peculiar Use of the Arabic Letters tāʾ и ẓāʾ for Conveying Sounds Denoted by the Latin Letter t in Portuguese Manuscripts in Aljamia Dated Back to the 16th century
Romanceisms in the structure of Muwashshah and Zajal
Timonina Elena V.
Some grammatical problems of translation from Bulgarian to Russian (On the materials of the Russian student competition in literary translation from Bulgarian to Russian.)
15 Years the Student Competition of Literary Translation from Bulgarian into Russian
Timoshenko Elizaveta K.
Fanfiction of Community of Fans of the Harry Potterʼs Saga as a Discourse
Tiumentsev Nikita M.
Phonetic Commentary on A.Kh. Vostokov’s Grammar Manuals: The Experience of Contemporary Understanding
Tokarev Alexey A.
Role of Receiving inside-out in the Artistic Space Meta-realist Poetry
Tongiani Marta
A Letter to the Editorial Board
Trajkovski Aleksandar
Russian Opera on the Macedonian Stage
Trakhtenberg Lev A.
Pautkin A.A. Horizons of a Reading: Historical-Philological Notes and Reflections. Moscow; St.-Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2017. 328 p.
Conference “On the 250th Anniversary of Ivan Krylov” at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Tratsiak Zoya I.
Specifics of World War I Depiction in Belarusian Literature
World War I in Leonid Dajneko’s ‘People and Lightning’ and ‘Remember Yourself Young’
Fictional Perception of a ‘Continuous War’ Motive in M. Loban’s Trilogy ‘The Šemiets’
Tresorukova Irina
Phraseology of Modern Greek: classification, methods of teaching of Russian-speaking students (Level B2): discussing the problem
Exhibition-Presentation of Russian Universities in Aristotle Thessaloniki University
Russian-Greek Forum on Interregional and Inter-municipal Humanitarian Cooperation in the Framework of the Russia – Greece Cross Cultural Year
The Cooperation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with Universities and Other Organizations in Greece
Structure of Prepositional Adverbial Expressions in Modern Greek Language
Tsybova Irina A.
Reflection of the Concept “lubovʼ / amour” in Language Consciousness of Russians and Frenchmen (Based on the Analysis of Words of Associative Dictionaries)
Tsygankova Alisa A.
Sergei Dovlatov in Italy: A Stylistic Analysis of the Translation of the Short Story “The Show”
Tukhto Mariya Ye.
On the Issue of the Musical Texture of Andrey Bely’s “The Northern Symphony”
Tupitsyna Ekaterina A.
Parametrization of Vebrs of Oral Speech in the Russian Language in Terms of Emotivity
Turkiewicz Halina
About Mrs. Elena with Gratitude
Tyrtova Galina
Some Aspects of Translating Chekhov’s Uncle Vanja into Croatian
Tyunyaeva Olga D.
Correlation of the Event and Experiment in Ivan Turgenev’s Small Prose: “Studio of a Type” “Knock... Knock... Knock!”
Ulanova Svetlana B.
Mukhortov D.S. Idioms Time! A Handbook of English Idioms. Moscow. LENAND Publ. 2018. 200 p.
Ulitova Anastasiya S.
Fedor Buslaev’s Views of the Word Order in the Attirbutive Phrase and Its Development in the Modern Linguistic
Umerov Shamil G.
The Power of Beauty Maria Viktorovna Mikhajlovaʼ Jubilee
Umnyagin. Vyacheslav, Priest
The theme of inter-ethnic relations in the memories of Solovetsky prisoners
The book series «Memories of Solovki Prisoners» (1923–1939). The Third Volume
The Perception of the Place Name ʻSolovkiʼ in the Context of a Hundred Years of Russian History
Skopinsky pomyannik. Memoirs of Dmitri Ivanovich Zhuravlev / Prepare text, foreword, comments of G.V. Zykova, E.N. Penskaya; National Research University (HSE). Moscow: HSE Publ., 2015. 384 p.
The Book Series «Memories of Solovki Prisoners» (1923–1939). The Fourth Volume
Voropaev V.A. No Other Door... : About Gogol and not Only. Moscow. Bely Gorod, 2019. 448 p., ill.
Solovki in the Works of Soviet and non-Soviet Writers (based on materials of the camp prose of Y.A. Bukhband and B.N. Shiryaev)
Urošević Vlada
Milan Ǵurčinov and Macedonian Modernism
Urzha Anastasia V.
Time, Sleep and Death in Pelevin’s “Sleep” and Its English Translation: Ways of Interpreting Realia, Allusions and Time Movement
The Concept of Multiplicity in F.I. Buslajev’s Grammar and in Modern Functional Language Studies
Pragmatic and Semantic Effects of Interpretative Derivation in Russian Indefinite-Personal Sentences
Ushakova Alina P.
Syntactical Idioms with a False Positive Assessment in Modern Russian
Ushakova Eliana B.
Linguoculturogical Dictionary of Precedent Names for Foreigners
Usikova Rina
The comparison of the literary South Slavic Balkan languages – Bulgarian and Macedonian
Uvarova Lyudmila Y.
Poetic formulas with a brief participle in German poetry
Ingeborg Bachmann. The Magic of a Word, Poetry and Philosophy
Užarević Josip
Bibliography of Alexander Flaker (selected)
Vaneskehyan Kima A.
Memory of the Thing and Simulative Temporality in Evgeniy Chizhov Novel “The Paradise Gatherer”
Varbot Janna
Experience the historical and etymological study of lexical and semantic fields at the seminar on Russian etymologies
Varlamov Alexander A.
Ideas AA Polikarpov on system devices of vocabulary of language and person and researching the results of testing of vocabulary
Vasilyeva Valeria
On the problem of conversion and grammatical polyfunctionality linguistic units
Vasina Daria M.
The Early Poetry of Nikos Engonopoulos: Aspects of the Embodiment of Imagery
Vavulina Anastasia V.
The Application of Web Technology in Teaching Russian to Foreign Students at Different Levels
Vedeneev Dmitry V.
Taras Shevchenko as a symbol of the soviet patriotism during the Great Patriotic War
Veljanovska Katerina
A Person through the Prism of Phytonyms (on phraseological material from the Macedonian and Russian languages)
Positive Character Traits in Zoonymic Phraseology (Macedonian-Russian parallels)
The Phraseological Image of Interpersonal Relations
Vendina Tatiana I.
Nikita Tolstoy and New Trends in Cultural and Linguistic Dialectology (on the centenary of Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy)
Venediktova Ekaterina V.
Interview with Maria Burganova
Verizhnikova Elena V.
Russians in the Work of Blaže Konesky
Resultative Future Tenses in Macedonian
Vinogradov Igor A.
“Superfluous Men” of Russian Literature: New in the School Topic
Nikolai Gogolʼs “Pre-notification for Those Who Would Like to Play ‘The Government Inspector’ Properly”: New Dating
“The Tale of My Authorship” by Gogol as a Controversy (continuation of “Selected Places from Correspondence with Friends”)
“Romantic” Poprishchin: History of the Concept of N.V. Gogol Story “Diary of a Madman”. Part 1
“Romantic” Poprishchin: History of the Concept of N.V. Gogol the Story “Diary of a Madman”. Part 2
Vinogradova Ekaterina N.
The Academic Subject Curriculum “Lexicology in a Framework of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Vinokurova Lubov A.
Czech Scientific Magazine “Novaja Rusistika” (“Nová rusistika”) about Russian Literature
Hypostases of the Lyrical Subject of the Poetic Cycles of J.H. Krchovský of the 1990s in the Context of the Epoch
Violette Camille
Hunting (hunting) museums: museography in European hunting museums (an anthropologic approach)
Vladimirova Nataliya
“The Memory of a Term” and Its Variability in the English Philological Novel A.S. Bayetteʼs “To Possess”
Vlašić-Anić Anica
An Exhibition of Varazdin Glagolitic Parchments and “Glagolitic Books – Capuchin, Karlobag» (City Varaždin Museum, Herzer’s Palace, January 24 – March 11, 2018)
Actualisation of the Aleksandria with Kafka’s Strategy of Paradox “Absences”
Alexavangardrida Flakerijada with an Kugla-eye of Harmsica in jeans
Volkov Alexander A.
In Memory of Vera Kochergina (1924–2018)
Volodina Natali Vladimirovna
“Teleology” as a Philosophical and Aesthetic, Historical and Literary Category
Volodina Anastasia V.
George Tucker and William Clark Falkner: Extinction of ʻsouthernessʼ
Volodina Maya N.
To the Question of the Role of Nation in the Forming of the Language: the History of the Formation of the German Term «Fernsehen»
Information Capacity of the Term and the Context (based on the analysis of a communicative activity of the German term “Fernsehen”)
Spontaneous and Systemic Character of the Terminological Nomination
Term as a Linguistic Manifestation of Special Concept
Voloshina Oksana A/
The program of an academic discipline «The history of the comparative-historical Indo-European linguistics»
The Program is an Academic Discipline “History of Linguistic Studies”
“History of Linguistic Studies”. Auxiliary Materials for the Course
“Japhetic Experiences” of Nikolay Marr
The Programme of the Course “Interdisciplinary Trends in Contemporary Linguistics”
The Course Programme “The Language Doctrine in Ancient India”
The Program of the Academic Discipline “The Language Picture of the World in Lexics and Grammar
Materials on the Course “Basics of Linguistics”
Materials for Self-Training of Foreign Students in the Course “Fundamentals of Linguistics”
On the Specifics of the Ancient Indian Lexicographic Tradition (on the Glossary Nighantu and Dictionary Amarakosha)
Voloshina Alla V.
About Xenia on the Material of the Poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey”
Vorontsova Galina N.
Perkhin V.V. A.N. Tolstoy and Power. St.-Petersburg. Aleteya Publ. 2017. 240 p.
Voropaev Vladimir A.
The works of Nikolai Gogol and literature about him in Russian: Bibliographic Index
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 2012–2013
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 1990–1997
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 1998–2001
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (2005–2006)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (2007–2008)
Ilyushina L.A., Kimyagarova R.S., Bash L.M. The Dictionary Language of Gogol’s Comedy “The Government Inspector” / Ed. T.L. Berkovich. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2016. 808 p.
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about him in Russian (2014)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (2015)
A List of Published Dissertation Summaries on Nikolay Gogol (2014–2016)
A List of Published Dissertation Summaries on Nikolay Gogol (2014–2016)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (1986–1989)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (1981–1985)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 1966–2008
Orthodox Gogol in Serbia
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 1955–1965
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 1940–1954
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 1929–1939
Nikolai Gogol’s Spiritual Father. Part I. Ioann Kronstadtsky Rzhevskogo Uezda. Archpriest Matthew Konstantinovsky
Part Two. Nikolai Gogol’s Spiritual Father. «You Know my Soul More than I Know Myself» Nikolai Gogol and Archpriest Matthew Rzhevsky
Where and When Gogol was Born: Returning to the Question
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (2017)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (1917–1928)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 2018
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 2019
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (2015–2019): Supplement
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. Additions (1924–2020)
Bibliography of N.V. Gogol and Literature about Him in Russian. 2021
Russian Emigre on N.V. Gogol: Bibliography of Works and Literature in Russian (1918–2021)
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian (1836–2022): Supplements
Bibliography of Works by N.V. Gogol and Literature about Him in Russian. 2023
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 2023
The Bibliography of N.V. Gogolʼs Works and Literature about Him in Russian. 2024
Vozniak Svyatomira
Nodes of antinomies in the structure of Shevchenkoʼs poetic texts
Vranesh Alexandra
Library and bibliography of Peter Negosh
The Collected Works of Desanka Maksimovich. Books. 1–10. Belgrade: The Fund «Desanka Maksimovich»
Award MAPRYAL – 2014 Vukosava Japa Ivetich
Photius’ Myriobiblon: The Roots of Bibliography
Vsevolodova Maya Vladimirovna
The Specificity of Quantitative Category in Slavic Languages: Numerals, Quantitatives, Countable and Paradigmatic Changes in the Russian numerals (functional-communicative grammar)
Vysochanskaya Anastasia
Parable as a Source of Theatricality of a Film (on the example of M. Zakharov and G. Gorinʼs films)
On the Problem of Film Adaptation of a Literary Text: L. Andreev’s novel “Judas Iscariot” and M. Katz’s film “TheDesert”
Vyvolokina Daria D.
Myth Transformation in Salvador Espriu’s “Phaedra”, “Antigone” and “The Story of Esther”
Walter Zoya V.
Principles of the Translation of “The Tale of the Merchant”
Lexico-semantic Field “power” in Church Slavonic Translations from Polish 16
cs. To the Problem of Adaptive Translation
Sources of the Chapter “O liczbie a wywodzie Sybil” of M. Bielski’s Chronicle “Kronika to jest historia świata”
Wang Yin
Turning the Pages of the Grasse Diary: What They Read and Discussed at the Belvedere Villa
Wang Yuehan
Helping Chinese Students to Master Russian Phonetics and Lexicology
Wu Baoyan
Wu Siqi
Deviations in the Pronunciation of Sonorous Consonants in the Russian Speech of the Chinese
Yablokov Evgeny A.
Mikhail Bulgakov in the Slavic World
Puppet Characters in the Works of Mikhail Bulgakov
Yakovlevich Radunovich Anna
Bibliography prof. Dr. Miodrag Sibinović
Yakushkina Ekaterina
The contribution of V.P. Gudkov in Serbocroatistics and Slavistics
Ethical Content of Serbian Social Names
Linguistics Works of the Department of Serbian Language (Philological Faculty of the Belgrade University)
A Born Teacher
Dialect Materials from Western Bosnia
Dialect Materials from Slavonia
The Semantics of Gift in the Serbian Language and Serbian Folk Culture
Yalamas Dimitris A.
The Greek Poet K. Varnalis and His Relationship with the USSR: Corresponding with the Translator Tatiana Kokurina
Yampolskaya Anna V.
Translating Subtitles for Theatre
The Poetry of Umberto Saba Interpretated by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Yandieva Mariam D.
The book series «Memories of Solovki Prisoners» (1923–1939). The Third Volume
The Book Series «Memories of Solovki Prisoners» (1923–1939). Vol. 5
Yarovoi Alexandr
Contemporary Ukrainian and Belarusian Literature: Problems and Perspectives
Yarovoy Sergey A.
N.V. Gogol’s Taras Bulba: Movie-Interpretations
Yegorov Anatoly M
Special Course Program «Internet Technologies for the Humanities (from html to mysql)»
Yegorova Irina D.
Linguostylistic Characteristics of Fedor Glinka’s Poem “The Book of Job. Free Paraphrase of the Book of Job”
Stylistic Idiosyncrasies of Denis Davydov’s Lyric Poetry
Yin Xu
Linguodidactic Potential of Diachronic Data in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in Chinese Universities
Yue Zhang
About clothes and jewelry in Russian and Chinese
Yuxi Mu
“There is no Face in the Mask”: The Riddle in the Lecture of Russian for Foreigners
Zabrovskiy Andrew P.
Jubeleé International Scientific-Practical Conference “Pre-university Training of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation: History and Modernity”
Zabudskaya Yana L.
Axiological Functions of the Dramatic Genre (Aristophanes, Aristotle, Plutarch)
Zagorskaya Tatyana F.
Letters from Lancre
Zagryazkina Tatiana Yu.
The Phenomenon of French Teachers’ Discourse within the Context of Identity Problems
Francophonie: Is It about the Language, the Culture or the Politics?
Zaitseva Kseniya M.
On the Question of the Socio-psychological Dependency of Female Poetry Art in the 19
century Russia
Zajceva Irina V.
Review of Inter-University Youth Research and Practice Conference “Folk and Literary Fairy-Tale: Tradition and Modernity” (in celebration of Anna A. Ivanova’s 70th birthday) held on May 13 and 14, 2024
Zakharov Kirill M.
Tо the Poetics of Russian Realistic Comedy
Zakharova Alina P.
Reception of Jack London’s Image in the Russian Literary Criticism (1900–1916)
Zaytsev Dmitry V.
Tekstologichesky Vremennik. Russian Literature of the 19th century: Questions of Textual and Source Study.
Book 3: Letters and Diaries in the Russian Literary Heritage of the 19th century / Comp. by N.V. Kornienko. Moscow: IWL RAS, 2018. 800 p.
Sail in the Poetic Imagination of Ivan Bunin: The Dynamics of the Image
Zdravka-Djeparoska Sonya
The Work of Russian Choreographers in Macedonia. Preserving the Ballet Legacy
Žele Andreja
Slovene Prepositions between Lexemes and Sentences
Zenova Elizaveta M.
Literary Critic as a Publicist: Ideological Complexes of G.V. Adamovich’s “Commentaries”
Zhigulin Makar
The Song’s Refrain as a Structural Element (based on songs from the movie “June 31”)
Zhigulin Makar
Zholudeva Lyubov
Tuscan Dialect Features in 16-century Italian Comedies
The History of the Italian Language: the Outlook from the 16
The Course Programme “History of the Italian Language”
Zhuchkova Anna Vladimirovna
VAK-analysis as a Method of Psychophysiological Study of a Poetic Speech Component
Zhuk Svetlana A.
Tatiana Popova (20.01.1924–12.03.2018)
A Born Teacher
Zhukova Aleksandra A.
Concepts in the Russian Song Tradition: from Romance to Rap
Zhuraleva Anna
Some of My Past and Thoughts: About Russian Literature of the XIX century. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013
Zhuykova Elena V.
Does literature need a citizenship?
Raised up of the néante: The anthology of the DP and the second wave emigré writers / Author-composer: V.V. Agenosov. Moscow; Sankt-Petersburg: Aletheia, 2014. 734 p.; ill.
High science with anxious soul: Conference in Belgrade «The First World War in the culture and bibliography»
Zlochevskaya Alla Vladimirovna
And again about the mystery of the Сhernyshevsky’s image in Nabokov’s «The Gift»
On the Way from Modernism to Metaproze XX century: «Metafiktional Version» of Mystical Realism in the novels of Hermann Hesse, Vladimir Nabokov and Mikhail Bulgakov (on the material of «Der Steppenwolf », «The Gift» and «Master and Margarita»)
The study of Russian literature in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (1990–2005): Annotated Bibliography
Eliash M. and call. Russian literature XVIII–XXI centuries / Ans. ed. M. Kontrishova. Bratislava: Veda, 2013. 240 p.
Culture of Ukraine in the Focus of Interests of the Czech Slavist
The works of Professor I. Pocpishil about Russian literature: Annotated Bibliography. 1990–2015
Two Ways of Depicting “the Theme of Chess” of V. Nabokovʼs “Defence” and S. Zveigʼs “The Royal Game”
Russian Literature in the Context of “Area Studies”
V. Nabokov Novel «Invitation to a Beheading»: Spiritual Individuality in the Focus of Metaphysical and Meta-Literary Problems
Eliáš M. a kol. Podoby ruského umenia 19 – a 20. storošia. Kľúšové etahy vývoja ruského umenia 19 – a 20. storočia a ich rezonancia v európskom kultúrnom priestore
Study of Russian Literature in Czech Republic and Slovakia: Annotated Bibliography
A New Unique Edition on M.A. Bulgakov
From Decadence to Theurgy
The Newest Researches of Czech Slavists in Russian-Polish Literary Connections
The Evolution of Vladimir Nabokov’s Mystical Metaprose (Russian-Language Period)
Pushkin in Perception of Contemporary Slovak Researchers of Russian Literature: Summarizing
Czech and Slovak literary Russian studies in the late 20th – early 21st century
V. Nabokovʼs King, Queen, Knave: Love Story from the Life of Mannequins or a Novel about the Mysteries of Writing?
Zlydneva Nataliya V.
The Bridge that Divides: Antinomy of “translation” in the Balkan Model of the World
Zlydneva Natalia V.
Flaker and the ‘Glossary’ of Russian Avant-Garde
In Anticipation of Disaster: The Beginnings of Croatian Modernism and the End of the Empire
Zotov Nikolai V
The Thematic and Genre Particularities of V.G. Korolenko’s Essay “Grigory Borisovich Iollos”
Zubareva Elena Yu.
Carl Theodor Körner (23.09.1791 – 26.08.1813) – a Poet and a Hero of the War for the Liberation of Germany
The Textbooks used in the Teaching of German History Students studying German
“Frenzied Troops” (“Das wütende Heer”) or “The Wild Hunt” (“Die wilde Jagd”) in the Structure of Traditional Mythological Ideas of German People
Zubareva Elena
“Talent cannot be common...”: In Memory of Daniil Granin
Zubova Olga V.
Anniversary Seminar “The Creative Heritage of M.V. Lomonosov in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
Zueva Polina D.
From Pine to Pineapple: Nature in the Shakespeare Criticism of S. Johnson and S.T. Coleridge
Zykova Galina Vladimirovna
The second Nekrasovʼs Readings: 80th Anniversary Vs.N. Nekrasov 1–2 March 2014, Literary Museum (Museum of A.N. Tolstoy) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Private Collections)
The sources of Ye.L. Kropyvnytskyʼs texts in the collections of Vs.N. Nekrasov and V.T. Stigneev: Prigovʼs typescript collections of verses of 1970s in the collections of Vs.N. Nekrasov: versions that do not coincide with the versions of Viennaʼs edition in 4 volumes
Vsevolod Nekrasov about Kozma Prutkov and Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy
Ђапа-Иветић Вукосава
Russian Philology at the faculty of philology of University of Belgrade
III International Student Festival «Друзья, прекрасен наш союз!» (Belgrade, 15–20 September 2014)
Biography of Bogdan Terzich
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