Krasovec D. Name that has no name between 1470-1500; or how linguistic comes to the rescue of the history of art [Nommer ce qui n'a pas de nom entre 1470-1500; ou comment la linguistique se porte au secours de l'histoire de l'art]
We highlight the close relationship between the languages and art, in the
1470-1500 period. But to create new tools in the history of art one schould know the
language theories of the dates. It is especially important to use only the vocabulary
that existed when a work of art is produced. In our approach we focus on hybrid
creatures, beings composed of various elements, which allow us to make the connection
with the linguistic when the words are composed of different lexemes and paradigms.
Key words
language of arts, art and linguistics, hybridization, fifteenth century
Smirnov A. «Union of Love and Friendship» in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin lyceum period
The subject of this work is the theme of friendship in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin in its evolution. This is primarily an analysis of the literary tradition in the understanding of the topic itself and the representation of its higher forms that existed around Pushkin and with him associated. Subordinated to the task of analysis is to find out what literary, social and ethical traditions contributed to the formation of this theme in the Pushkin’ poetry.
Key words
Pushkin's poetry, poems of the Lyceum period, the theme of love and friendship
Kapuševska-Drakulevska L. Една можна паралела: Марина Цветаева и Лилјана Дирјан
Marina Tsvetaeva (1892–1941) and Liljana Dirjan (1953), the former the
Russian and the latter the Macedonian authoress, missed each other in time and space,
but they both live in the timeless and spaceless world of Poetry. Hence the attempt to
make an analogy between them as a dialogue of the old with the new, or the latter with
the former, and ultimately of the present (contemporary) with tradition. Since that is
the only way of establishing continuity in literature. It is highly thankless and
pretentious to make an analogy between two such original poetic figures as Tsvetaeva
and Dirjan. Nevertheless, the explicit creative dialogue that the Macedonian authoress
has established with her favourite poetess justifies the above relation. As an
illustration, the paper is to focus on Liljana Dirjan’s latest, and first prose work – Sneg
za dvajca (2011) / Snow for Two – and particularly on the text entitled ‘Mastilnicata na
Marina’ / ‘Marina’s Inkwell,’ which, for the most part, is an explicit quotation of a
letter that Tsvetaeva wrote to the poet, prose writer and essayist Yevgeny Lozman in
December of 1920. The choice of Tsvetaeva itself speaks volumes of Liljana Dirjan
literary affinities. In Sneg za dvajca, in addition to Tsvetaeva, is mtntioned a myriad of
masters of the written word. Still the pedestal in this literary Pantheon has been
reserved for Tsvetaeva, ‘the queen of my heart,’ as Dirjan once stated in an interview.
Key words
Marina Tsvetaeva, Liljana Dirjan, literary affinities, intertextuality,
Kaytoh W. Notes on how Ian Chrysostom Pasek fought with Moscow
The theme of the article is an excerpt of «Notes» Ian Chrysostom Apiary (1636–1701), where he reminisces his adventures in 1660–1662. Pasek fought with the Russian army in 1660 in the division Czarnecki. He participated in the battles against the regiment under Hetman Ivan Khovanskii Polonka (28/06/1660) and detachments of Yuri Dolgoruky River Bass (10.08.1660) and in smaller battles. Yang Chrysostom was able to learn more about Moscow – the people and the state – when in 1662 served as a diplomat, commanding an armed escort that accompanied the royal ambassadors from Viaz'ma to Warsaw. Speaking of battles, Pasek likes to brag personal courage and prey. According to the author, the story conveys Apiary specifics of the war, in which opponents are not felt for each other too much hatred – the narrator of «Notes» fighting under the law of war, but the Russian army – the nobility, rich, brave – he likes. Pasek was not looking for any particular ideological, religious or messianic justification of the Polish-Russian war. Orthodox and not too inclined to reflect Catholic nowhere shows intolerance towards Orthodoxy, he is not aware of significant differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism (but notes the fundamental differences between Catholicism and Protestantism). Personal acquaintance with Russian Apiary gave him the opportunity to become acquainted with them, choose to focus on some interesting observations and even caused him to experience the feeling of a certain community with Muscovites due to the fact that they are also Christians and belong to nobility. And if Apiary – correctly so – considered to be the most usual example, the average age of the Polish gentry, the Apiary memoirs suggest that in Poland the second half of XVII century there still any particular hostility to Russian Orthodoxy, Russian power.
Key words
Ian Chrysostom Pasek, Polish nobility, the Russian nobility, Christians, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Moscow, Polish-Russian battles 1660–1662
Fundamental Research
Savelyev V. «The Tale of Bygone Years». Sources and correlated texts (Paper 1)
The article compares the fragments of the «Tale of Bygone Years» and a number of ancient texts, valued as sources of chronicles or texts, correlated with it (texts of Scripture, liturgical books, the Holy Fathers, translated chronicles). Defined types of relationships that exist between them, – borrowing («foreign word» in their text) vs similarity («common word» in their text) – and set these kinds of relationships. As a «hearsay» stand citations, transformed citations (investigated different cases transformation quotes when you include them in the text), as well as fragments containing information from written sources, including potential. Determining the species «common words», the author establishes the following typology of relations linking the text fragments: story similarities (the unit of description – plot motif), the ideological similarity (the unit of description – topos), phraseological similarity (the unit of description – a cliché). While comparing the fragments of texts there reveal cases there when the data type of the relationship form various combinations (relationship plot-idiomatic similarities ideological and idiomatic similarities plot-ideological and idiomatic similarity).
Key words
«The Tale of Bygone Years», chronicles the sources and texts, correlated with the chronicle, quote, transformed citation information from a written source, story similarities, ideological similarities, phraseological similarity, plot, motif, topos, a cliche
Communications and Materials
Smirnov A. V.V. Vinogradov and K. Vossler: Problem of the Aesthetic Function of Poetic Language
The article describes the basic scientific position regarding the poetic style, combining the two scientists during the internationally acclaimed life. Both elevate the rank of art literature and seek organic unity of the linguistic and literary poetics. «Our domestic concept poetics – emphasized acad. V.V. Vinogradov – has evolved in parallel with the concepts of Western European type schools Vossler, Spitzer, Walzel». Russian scientist were particularly attracted by the sharpness of Vossler’s setting the connection between language history and the history of literature and art. This fact so greatly impressed Vinogradov that he put Potebnya's name next to the name of Vossler. Vinogradov generally gives a positive assessment of what offers Vossler: «Well, when the literary critic and linguist help each other, deepening the understanding of a work of art – to this interaction encourages Vossler». A work of art in its aesthetic content is a free expression of the spiritual essence of a man – the creator. Fossler after Croce treats it as an aesthetic process in language which reveals spiritual activity of creator. Under the influence of the ideas of Vinogradov and Vossler researchers have a new problem to interpret the values in the literature and evaluation using stylistic methods. In modern philology linguistic poetics efforts to achieve positive integration of literary scholars and linguists act in «strong» and «weak» versions. The «strong» version is aimed at development of descriptive and interpretive theory of literature based on linguistic methods. «Weak» option directs linguistic poetics only to literary work area.
Key words
V.V. Vinogradov, K. Vossler, the problem of the aesthetic function of poetic language
Zlochevskaya A.V. On the Way from Modernism to Metaproze XX century: «Metafiktional Version» of Mystical Realism in the novels of Hermann Hesse, Vladimir Nabokov and Mikhail Bulgakov (on the material of «Der Steppenwolf », «The Gift» and «Master and Margarita»)
The article analyzes the structure of the mystico-metafictional prose of H. Hesse, V. Nabokov and M. Bulgakov, specifically the transitional phase in the movement of the 20th century literary process from mystical realism to metaprose. The «artistic two-dimensions» of mystical realism is transformed to a three-dimensional structure: the world physical – irracional-transcedental – artistic.
Key words
H. Hesse, V. Nabokov, M. Bulgakov, mistic-metafiction
Moiseeva V.G. Benedict Erofeev about Vasily Rozanov (Erofeevʼs essay «Vasily Rozanov by eyes of the eccentric»)
Yerofeyevʼs essay on Vasili Rozanov titled «Vasili Rozanov through eyes of an Eccentric» is a realization of the narrative strategy, revealed in a poem in prose «Moskva – Petushki». The author of the article focuses on the literary creating process which depicts the formation of the character and the narrator at the same time. He concentrates on the interaction of the position of the author and the protagonist. The author of the article makes an attempt to describe the nature of essay as a genre in literature, and the place it takes in the literary works of Yerofeyev.
Key words
V.Yerofeyev, V.Rozanov, the author and the protagonist, narrative structure, essay, postmodernism
Kovtun E. Fiction in University Courses: Concept, Theory, Canon The program of the discipline Theory and history of fiction (Russian, Slavic, Anglo-American Tradition)
This publication contains the program and describes the concept of the course «Theory and history of fiction (Russian, Slavic, Anglo-American tradition)», which was read for the first time in the 2012–2013 academic year at the philological faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University State for students, studying russian language and literature. Experience course readings and reviews about it students allowed to raise a number of controversial issues: the need to include the study of fiction in high school programs, the content and form of teaching theory and history of fiction of «feedback» between the teacher and students in the course readings, etc.
In an accompanying article, the text of the program «Science Fiction in university courses» is an attempt to describe the reasons for the popularity of fantastic literature in the student community, show the appropriate reader needs and expectations. Presents the results of observations of the ratio of domestic and foreign fiction texts in a circle reading of today's youth, attractiveness of different types for different categories of fiction readers, around the most interesting for the audience artworks and topics for discussion in the classroom.
Development of the concept of the course made to identify within it the proportions of theoretical fantastovedcheskogo material (basic concepts and terms , and the leading principles for analyzing fiction text overview of the most famous schools and trends in science fiction), historical data (with the release of the most important stages in the evolution of different types of fiction , the largest authors and «vertex» fiction), and finally, problem-themed «nodes», which should be the subject of discussion in seminars (through motifs and images present in the fiction of different ages and countries). Produced a list of recommended reading of literary texts and scientific sources, updated volume of the necessary background information available on the Internet.
In addition, the accompanying program article analyzes made by students during the development of the discipline homework and written responses to questions on the issue of the teacher of the course.
Key words
high school programs, university courses in fiction, theory and history of fiction
Dobrovolskaya V. On the Work of Retraining Programs «Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language»
Presented retraining program «Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language», its content, objectives and learning outcomes. It was launched in 2001 in the Department of additional education and Philology Faculty currently working.
Key words
separation of additional education, retraining programs, the theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
Events. Names. Destiny
Afinogenova O. Way of the Word. Essays on Literary and Philological Dynasty
The author of the issue -the D.E. Afinogenov’wife – Olga Afinogenov (nee Zayats), talks about some of the episodes from the life of Alexander Nikolayevich Afinogenov, Soviet playwrighter, and from his family.
Key words
A.N. Afinogenov, Nikolay Afinogenov, «Strakh», «Lozhʼ», «Mashenʼka», RAPP
Critique. Bibliography
Sheshken A. «Seminaristi-Macedonists promoters and promoters Macedonia and the Macedonian language literature and culture» (by Maxim Karanfilovski and Belagica Veljamovska) / Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Skopje, 2012
Atlantika: Notes on historical poetics. Issue XI / Ans. Ed. T.A. Mikhailova. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013. 256 p.